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Everything posted by SamJamIam

  1. How about we wait until we actually get him under some coaching staff that specialize in development? Someone like Travis Green.
  2. This thread needs a reality check. During the Ice series Jake was a point per game player. He had a bad first two games, where he accumulated a -4 and was held off the scoresheet. From then on he had 7 assists in 5 games, never being held off the scoresheet again, and recovered to an even +/-. All while accumulating 14 PIMs. For comparison, Reinhart got 9 points with top line minutes and a buttload of PP time. Folks here need to check their expectations. It's like CDC took on the Flames fanbase's serious case of Baertschi-itis and rag on a kid for not being the next Gretzky because he was a high pick.
  3. Guy's name was Pimp C. The point remains.
  4. Definitely not. He's not that good, just the best the Fronts had to work with which meant loads of minutes.
  5. CDC just gets excited about their shiny new toys. Haha
  6. Great stick, great passing and his skating is brilliant. He's got an incredibly advanced sense of when to pinch, when to roam and when to hold the line.
  7. Remind me what your username is again?
  8. My name is a parody. I'm not actually samjam99. Try again.
  9. Awful. 0/10 counter-rebuttal Unlike Huttie, who's not awful, he's awesome!
  10. Sounds like you're now agreeing with those of us who feel Jake is seriously misused by Calgary coaching staff. It's not hard to see why a dynamic forward would be bored and frustrated with being told to sit high on most plays.
  11. Uhhh...if you had been watching the Hitmen during the regular season, you would know that he's being told to hang back and use his speed to break up odd man rushes going the other way. This is not new and it's quite clearly not Jake's choice. Calgary's systems are a mess and the coaching staff is using Jake to plug a hole. God forbid they actually teach sound hockey and a sensible defensive system instead. It's why people have said Calgary's coaching is to blame for Jake not looking great for months now. Even coming back from surgery he looked better before these systems changes.
  12. Green, JB and TL have all been in contact with Jake multiple times over this season. So your "he's too busy" claim doesn't really hold up based on past behaviour. He's a #6 pick. It's common sense they're going to work with him as much as possible.
  13. Yeah but he's apparently very hard to understand.
  14. No you! But seriously, Jake gets benched for scoring goals all the time. Watch a few Hitmen games and you will see him magically not get a single shift for long stretches for no good reason, often when he's making the most impact. It is a truly bizarre thing to watch. And if I'm that confused watching this happen, I can't imagine what it's like to play through that.
  15. The Hitmen's coaching has been headscratching for years. I would bet Jake is going a bit mad on that team. His positioning is wildly different than last year when he scored more goals. It seems as though he's being actively discouraged from driving the play and is left to cover defensively for Fazleev and co as they bumble into the zone. Definitely appears to be a "the tallest nail gets hammered down" sort of situation for Jake and I imagine he's just killing time until the end of the season. It's to the point where I'm surprised the Hitmen don't trade him. They could pick up some good futures and a player that fills the role Jake's been shoehorned into.
  16. Whhhoooooooooooooosh! I agree with theminister, Jake needs another year in junior. Despite his scoring ability, he's being used in an odd sort of shutdown role where he's getting fewer minutes than guys like Tambellini and Rankin (previously Brassart and Chase). Hopefully with more minutes and responsibility he can really show what he's got. As it is, it's frustrating to see him put in his current role, even if the Hitmen are winning.
  17. I suggest eating less fibre and spicy foods if that's the case
  18. Nearly broke Reilly's ankles. Faked going along the boards, then between Reilly's feet and took off. That was a beautiful thing.
  19. It's like the anti-Kesler trade. It wasn't so much that Calgary had given up on Sven, it's that he somehow ended up in Hartley's doghouse. Then, despite bizarre treatment and random call ups, he put it together for some serious AHL numbers. Then he showed up for camp, and got cut before Gaudreau and Monahan, who are both just bad defensively. Hartley was the reason again. So yeah, Sven wanted out by that point. It really says it all that he just pulled over and smiled when he got the trade call. He's been through hell. The carrot of becoming an NHL player is nice, but every player has that to motivate them. The real winners have experienced what it's like to be wasting away on a crap team. Those players make the most of their chances
  20. Then he would have been traded for more than a 2nd. I feel like desiboy is one "running with scissors" incident away from no longer being with us.
  21. Not by Calgary or they would have asked for more than a 2nd. But Sven wanted out. Is he more promising than Vey, who a 2nd was a fair price for? Hell yes. Much more.
  22. I've always said last draft would have some stars, there just wasn't going to be the #1 overall shoe-in like in some years.
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