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Everything posted by coryberg

  1. -Those 3 names are irrelevant,they were brought in as rentals and we either didn't have the cap room to re-sign them or didn't want to. -Sulzer and connauton wouldn't make this teams top 8. stop crying. -the chances of 4th round picks making it are somewhere around 12% -the second might end up stinging a bit but MG had to improve the team and that was a good gamble compared to what jagr,Igninla,Boumeester got. C0ho played 12 playoff games 8 months before the trade... he was useless (1 assist in 12 games). At least Kassian could bang and crash. Well if you went by Penners 2.5 seasons as a king compared to Kassians 2.5 seasons its pretty close... Penner had 117 games 11 goals 37 points 63 PIM Kass had 116 games 18 goals 30 points 149 PIM Truth of the matter is Penner isn't a good comparison, he is slower and doesn't hit or fight very much at all. he uses his big immovable body and linemates a lot like a poor mans Joe Thornton. Put him on the 3rd or 4th line and he puts up worse numbers than kass.
  2. Broken what? The 30 point barrier? People really have to stop putting Hodgson on a high horse. The guy was and still would be a 3rd line center on this team and a soft one at that. I'd much rather have a big fast tough 2way winger than a small slow weak one way center on our 3rd line.
  3. Don't remember saying anything about this specific goal. Truth of the matter is 90% of kassians goals are rebounds and shots down low but he hammers them in and can put the puck where he wants.... That's his bread and butter and he will get better at it too. As laughs pointed out, its not brett hulls shot, maybe bullet was too strong of a word but its definitely an above NHL average shot and sure isnt "No shot" as as gross described it.
  4. I think the glasses comment was eluding to actually watching Kassian play rather than reading a stat sheet. Kassian is actually very fast for his size, he has a bullet for a shot, I only wish he would use it more. As far as creativity he is showing it now that he is getting playing time with other skilled players. Pretty hard to be creative when you are playing with Sestito and Welsh, wonder how creative CoHo would be with those 2 on his wings and playing 7 mins a night.
  5. This season... CoHo and Kass are even in games played @ 33 CoHo has 8 goals and 11 assists playing on the top line with Vanek/Moulson Kass has 7 goals and 2 assists playing mostly 4th line with Sestito/Weise/Booth Time on ice Coho is averaging 18:28, Kass is averaging 11:40 Power play minutes Coho is averaging 3 minutes, Kass is averaging 25 seconds If you truly wanted to judge these players equally the first thing you would do is remove the powerplay time from the equation. Now we have CoHo at 15:28 ice time and Kass at 11:15 So without their powerplay points... CoHo has 4 goals and 7 assists (playing on the top line with Vanek/Moulson) Kass has 7 goals and 2 assists (playing mostly 4th line with Sestito/Weise/Booth) Now to even out the ice times i'll divide CoHo's ES TOI by kass' ES TOI (15.5/11.25=1.38) So Kassians projected increase in production would be... (7g X 1.38 and 2a X 1.38) Kass 10 goals, 3 assists for 13 points vs. Coho 4 goals, 7 assists for 11 points This is still without factoring in the Vanek/Moulson vs Sestito/Weise/Booth linemate factor.
  6. Zack vs Hodgson Objective Measures? lets just dissect that and measure these objects Height 6'3 > 6'0 Weight 214 > 185 Age 22yo >23yo Salary 875k>4250K How about intangables? Skating? Kassian Hitting? Kassian Backchecking? Kassian Intimidation? Kassian Fighting? Kasian Team player? Kassian Im not saying that Kassian is better in every way than CoHo, That would be stupid to even suggest. Each has their strengths and one has huge weaknesses.
  7. Great game by Kassian tonight. Robbed of a highlight goal be Stuart. Set up bieksa who just missed the net with a glorious opportunity earlier in the game and great vision finding tanev, put it right on his stick. He was out there to bat the puck out over the blueline with a minute to go and even when he made a turnover earlier in the game he hustled back to break up the rush. If kass could put up this effort every night even the biggest haters and CoHo fans would have to be dead silent. That's a big if though and I'm not holding my breath for it to happen this season. I am however pleased with his gradual improvement and am very optimistic that within 3 years he will be a 40-50pt physical force who plays good 2 way hockey.
  8. in all fairness richardson was 4th line, booth was injured or benched and kassian was 4th line for half the year. Saad and Shaw are having great years, can't believe they gave bickell 4mil for 4 years though
  9. Came across of a much younger burke handing out a suspension to tie domi for suckering Ulf Samuelson. If Domi got 8 games in the old wild west style NHL Thornton should get 16. Im sure its mostly based on my hate for the bruins but i actually think he should get bertiuzzi's suspension, the rest of the season.
  10. Another wrinkle in the Vanek deal: if the 1st round pick NYI sent Buff ends up top 10 in June, Isles have option to defer the pick to 2015. So it's Isles' option to either have Buffalo pick this year or next if it's top 10. A little insurance for Isles” – Pierre LeBrun So if the pick is 1-10 the isles have the option of taking it back. but they don"t have to, interesting option seeing as the 2015 is deeper and has Mcdavid, nobody wants to lose their ticket to that lottery
  11. Or like the time we traded coach randy carlyle to the ducks for a 2nd round pick? Pretty sure that was removed from the CBA. No compensation for staff.
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