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Everything posted by coryberg

  1. Yep I'm thinking vegas takes the max on dmen (13 of them) then peddles half for waiver exempt prospects and picks. #4 dmen are going to be worth their weight in gold after half the league loses them.
  2. No way baer gets exposed. The way it sits right now granlund is up for grabs but I'd bet money on sbisa being picked.
  3. Yeah it wasn't going to happen. The guy is an American and played his entire career in the state of New York. Pretty sure he didn't want to up and leave his time zone let alone counrty. Loui was a good consolation prize. Yes 6 mil is a bit steep but if you compare it to vrbata's 5 mil it's definitely worth the upgrade. Had he been under contract and we traded for him we would have given up a lot. All we lost was a bit of cap space We have a lot more coming and let's be honest, we aren't going to be reeling in a big name ufa otherwise.
  4. Okposo with eichel Lucic with mcdavid Eriksson with Sutter and tough match ups..hmmmm
  5. The top UFA forwards from this year at the midway point... Lucic 26 points (playing with mcjesus) Okposo 25 points (playing with eichel) Backes 19 points Nielsen 19 points Ericsson 18 points Brouwer 17 points Ladd 12 points All with new teams and all not doing as well as they would like. Put loui on mcdavid or eichels wing and he would be the top producing UFA. There is no such thing as a bargain when it comes to top rated UFA's.
  6. Could have used this picture to save your thousand words.
  7. Think about poor Toronto. They handed away Laine, Dubious, Puljujarvi, OJ and Tkachuk!!!
  8. This while playing on a team without marner/tkachuk/Dvorak (whom most attributed his great stats to last season).
  9. Russia has a pretty deep team. I think the fact he is playing in the Q hurt him more than anything. Other players at home get the nod simply from exposure and proximity. Chances are if he was playing in Russia he would have made the team.
  10. He was rated as the best dman in the draft by almost every draft ranking. Have you seen the value of a top pairing dman in the NHL?
  11. Our only 2 prospects in the tourney are jasek and juolevi
  12. Admit I was wrong? Wrong about what? Everything I've said is plain as day. I was the one who was trying to educate you on the rules that you clearly think you are smarter than. You went on to repeat the same rules that I told you back to me. Who is trolling who? http://www.tsn.ca/concerns-about-nhl-expansion-draft-emerge-1.609388 Is the chance of maybe keeping rodin (while still losing another player) worth losing our first rounder for? Your tinfoil conspiracy theories are a bit much for me. Pretty sure I've said everything that needs to be said. Btw you might want to troll Ray Shero next, he called you crazy. *Sorry to anyone else reading this for hijacking rodins thread with this machination debunking.*
  13. You said it yourself, you are giving las vegas the chance to negotiate early and sign after picking a different player. Signing your player ahead of time forces their hand. Pick one and one only. I'd rather lock him down and have them pick him instead of losing granlund and maybe Rodin too. This isn't complicated at all, your backdoor handshake circumvention theories are clouding your thought process.
  14. Wait.... weren't you the one in favor of leaving a player unprotected and signing him later? You aren't helping your case here.
  15. Could tell Rodin we will give him 2 mil per year on a 2 year deal... then vegas calls and offers 3 for 3. You think he will say "nah... sorry I don't want more money, thanks though". Even if he was that dumb his agent would lose it, not to mention if the nhlpa caught wind.
  16. Vegas has a window before the draft where they can negotiate with any unprotected ufa or rfa players. If they come to an agreement that becomes their selection from that team. The NHL isn't as stupid as you think.
  17. Not to mention size, speed and 2 way play.
  18. Baer has had 12 points in his last 12 games. Mighty hopeful!
  19. But how could that be? Last year 90% of cdc cried bloody murder when Benning traded shinkaruk and his elite talent away.
  20. He's good but I liked him much better with matchbox 20
  21. As it sits right now he has cooled off from his hot start (as has markstrom). His stat line doesn't scream big money. 36 years old 2 wins 7 losses 2.92 GAA .899sv% I'm hoping he heats up again and picks those numbers up for trade value sake. I would consider bringing him back for 1 more year at 3 mil to backup Marky though.
  22. No he is in his 2nd pro season and that makes him exempt.... the 40 games mark for players doesn't make them exempt. It's just a rule that every team must have at least one player that meets that to be exposed. If a player has 3 years of pro hockey they will be exposed no matter how many games they have played.
  23. 4 points in 6 games. That's a 55 point season over 82. Better than his 3 seasons before last and only 8 points shy of last season. The goals will come.
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