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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. I could see that happening.

    Vancouver Subbans

    What would it take to get montreal to think about moving PK?

    Tanev (young D with potential), Edler (top for 4), 1st, Booth (cap movement, but they need size)


    PK, Bourque (cap movement, but we need goals), 2nd

    Probably an overpayment on our part but PK is a game changer, they don't get that type of player in return with Tanev, Edler. They do get a 1st round pick which has potential to become a impact player but still low value right now.

    I think if canucks were serious about him, why not wait to the end of the season on draft day to make a big move like this, if PK doesn't seem likely to re-sign his value could be a lowered as well as canuck would know exactly the full value of there 1st round pick

  2. You must really hate Bure then.

    He’s the thing, if PED’s were acceptable will players take advantage of them?

    If running a goalie was acceptable would all teams do it?

    If slashing a players hands when he’s about to shoot was acceptable would all Defencemen do this?

    Players play within the rules, it’s up to the league to determine what is right and what is wrong. If the league was handing out far more severe suspension for hit to the head players may not be taking advantage of it. If Keith knows that he might miss 20 games for a high hit, he likely instills that his arms are always low. Matt Cooke is a good example of a player changing the way he approaches the game simply because the league punishing him. It’s not up to the players, as long as they are allowed to play a certain way they will do whatever it takes to win.

    Why would Brown change the way he sticks his knee out when he hits if that league is telling him it is acceptable?

    PS its funny you feel this way as your sig clearly shows Archibald hitting a player in a vulnerable position and has a greater risk of causing injury. Or perhaps you just hate hits like that on your own team.

  3. You dont have to even play sports to know what forceful contact directly to the head generally results in.Keith intended to headshot daniel, to hurt him. Otherwise he woukd have played the puck. Did he intend to cause brain injury? Maybe not, but hes experienced and smart enough to be aware of the potential for injury with a hit like that.To separate intent from result is naive.

    Coming from the guy who obviously hasn't played. You don't think about things, thinking is hockey in bad, it's slows you down, you have to rely on instincts. Answer this, was bert trying to wreck the career of steve moore? Was he trying to break his neck? What were his intentions? If he was indeed trying to severly injure him way not just swing his stick at his head? Why not just Hanson (slap shot) him in front of the net?

    Does every hit to the head cause a concussion? Actually when compared to the amount of times it happen, the result in a concussion is really low. Daniel just did the same to him a few shifts early. As soon as the puck was passed to Daniel, Keith already made up his mind that he was going to step up and hit Daniel. Seriously unless you played the game or understand that it is a reactionary sport where things happen within fractions of seconds your opinion is irrelevant. Until then enjoy watching plays over in slow motion, over analyzing the thought process of a player, in an in game situation, Then hold grudges on that player for the rest of his career, even when he's representing his country. Keith got 5 games, could he have gotten more? sure say he got 10 games. would that make you feel better. The amount of hate towards him you, would assumed he Bertuzzi'd him and Daniel never played another game. Get over it. Kassian took out Gagner and Bolland you'd think he'd be on the NHL's most wanted list but yet if he represented team Canada, Leaf and Oliers fans would be cheering him on, unlike some of the high school, drama chasing, girls on CDC

    • Upvote 2
  4. I dont think anyone in the NHL would go out and intentionally concuss anyone like a hired hitman.... However, it's hard to argue that Keith is a bit irresponsible in the "dirty" play department. I agree that sports are instinctive when it comes to some hits tho..

    I think a lot of the canucks fan are still bitter with that hit because they compare to what happened to Rome and his hit in the cup final... :/ one hit resulting in some meaningless games before the playoff, and another hit, which is far less serious than Keith's, result in the longest suspension in the cup final history..

    Agreed, i'm not trying to argue that it was a clean hit, just pointing out that players do make dumb mistakes and it wasn't his intenstion of what the end resulted in, so for people to still hold grudges, like not cheer for him in the olympics, or wish career ending injury, it is a bit childish

  5. I have played the sport before. Yes, I was taught to play with my instincts, but that never results in my elbowing someone in the head. Are you suggesting that Keith is instinctively a dirty player?

    Why didn't he go after him with a cross check? Because he thought he could get away with the elbow, that's why.

    Sometimes anger does take over your emotions, a player just hit him and caused him pain, he wanted to return the favour. Was it his intensions of concussing Daniel? No. If you’ve played the game you should understand this. Think about when you were battling in front of the net with a D. They cross check and stick you to get you out of position. Sometimes you get a little bit frustrated and give the player a hard love tap back to “return the favour”. What happens if you hit his ankle in the right spot and break it. Was that your intentions? Are you instinctively a dirty player?

    As I’ve said, it was not his intentions of concussing Daniel, he wanted to get back at him and it resulted in Daniel being hurt. It wasn’t a thought out process where he his plans going into that shift with a sole target of removing Daniel from playing the remainder of the season. I guarantee if Keith had the opportunity to hit Daniel with a clean hit in open ice where he doesn’t get concussed, he’d take that over than what happened.

    Your first paragraph is ridiculous.

    Yep, Your completely right Duncan Keith went out on that shift with intention of knocking Daniel out for the remained of the season with a concision, just like Bertuzzi went out on the shift with intentions of breaking Steve Moores neck effectively altering his life. Heck why did Bert even come out the apology, that was his plan from the get go, obviously.

  6. So you agree that it was intentional, and that it was dirty. Given that, it's hard to argue that he wasn't intending to injure him. Players know that dirty hits to the head result in concussions. Maybe a bonehead like John Scott is too stupid to realize, but Keith is a smart man and a smart player and he knew exactly what he was doing.

    You've obviously never played the sport before, He has less than a fraction of a second to make a decision, he didn’t take the time to say “hmm this is the perfect opportunity to hit Sedin up high and (hopefully) concuss him, with the potential of him never coming back as the same player” The puck was there, Daniel decided not to play the puck, by that time the pass was made to Daniel, Keith already made the decision that he was going to hit move up and hit Daniel. He got his arms up high to get a piece of him as Keith was going to be caught out of position if he missed him.

    Seriously people, you can’t over analyse every play on the ice. Players are taught not to think when they are on the ice, you let your instincts make your decisions. If it was truly his intension to hurt him then why didn’t he go into Daniel with a cross check in the face.

  7. Yzerman has a damn good goalie for the future

    Not at all one good game does not equal to a person being a star. Realistically the majority of goalies all have the same skill set it's the ones that can mentally prepare thenmselves consistantly game after game that makes a goalie truly great. Remember that Belarus goalie who played lights out to upset sweden? Exactly

  8. It hit his blocker, he reacted late and got lucky.

    it hit his blocker because we was in position. Everyone can easily see that was a great save. If that goes in on Luongo everyone on here would say he didn't have a chance to stop it. Get real, it was a good save, if you don't want to give credit when credits due than stop cheering for team Canada. Thats what the Olympics is all about putting away your bias and cheering for your country I hate Toews and Doughty but when their wearing that canadian jersey I will cheer for them all tourney long.

  9. Yea def. I am just happy lui played one game and that game he was perfect, its their mistake, he should have started today, if he didnt play solid and we didnt win, or we won and he didnt look solid then sure roll with price just like lui took the job from brodeur, thats how it should be..

    It was def decided before hand I agree

    Price was the right choice today. They already know what they got with Luo, Price is the question mark. If Luongo goes in today and has a shaky game, now you have to go back to Price who as I already mentioned is a question mark. Now we at least got see that Price isn't going to choke under pressure. He even came up with a big save on Salo in OT.

  10. I should leave it to you to pick your spots nicely when presenting an argument.

    So you only name Flames prospects outside of the NHL but when you talk about the Canucks, you also conveniently include our roster players? That doesn't seem fair does it? LOL...way to pick and choose...

    Yes Canucks do have the edge in numbers I admit, but we are really not much better. In fact its actually quite close. Time for you to take off your homer glasses...

    You start off your post with this, then you do the exact same thing picking and choosing who you think is valuable or not.

    I've posted this before but i'll do it again.

    It really bothers me with people compare the Canucks current state to what the flames were 2 -4 years ago. Calgarys situation started years in the past with pour trading, retaining/ getting returns for assets and most importantly having an absolute terrible drafting record. Calgary has had a total of 14 first round pick between 1998 and 2012 (15 year span). As Burke has clearly stated this year when he fired Feaster, you HAVE to get the first round picks right. Lets take a look at the flames past first round choices.

    98 Fata (6th overall)

    99 Saprykin (11th overall)

    00 Brent Krahn (9th overall) He played a total of 1 NHL game

    01 Kobasew (14th overall)

    02 Nystrom (10th overall) Played 3 season with the flames then left as a free agent

    03 Phaneuf (9th overall)

    04 Chucko (24th overall) They had the 19th overall and decided to trade back to 24th -canucks drafted Schneider at 26th

    05 Pelech (26th overall) He played a total of 7 NHL games

    06 Irving (26th overall) He played a total of 13 NHL games

    07 Backlund (26th overall) They had the 19th overall and decided to trade back to 26th

    08 Nemisz (25th overall) They had the 17th (Jake Gardiner) overall and decided to trade back to 25th

    09 Erixon (24th overall) They had the 20th overall and decided to trade back to 24th

    10 Traded the 13th overall to PHX for Jokinen

    11 Bartschi (13th overall)

    12 Jankowski (21st overall) They had the 14th overall and decided to trade back to 21st

    As an example lets break down the Jankowski pick let’s look who Calgary missed on -

    14th-Zemgus Girgensons

    15th-Cody Ceci

    16th-Tom Wilson

    17th-Tomas Hertl

    18th-Teuvo Teravainen

    19th-Anderi Vasileveski

    20th-Scott Laughton

    Other notables picked after 21st; Olli Maata (22nd), Malcon Subban (24th) Brendan Gaunce (26th)

    People love to look at a year in Canucks history where we may have missed out on star players when we picked a bust right before. Well that’s what the flames did consistently year over year. Then the picks that they did get somewhat of a decent player (Nystrom/Kobasew) the either let go for nothing (free agency) or traded for a weak return. They really only got 1 pick right in that 15 year span and that was Phaneuf but again the return they got for him was extremely weak as only 1 player in that trade remains with the team today.

    Flames were completely forced into a rebuid, they were not getting UFA's and they had zero young assets. It’s easy to point out the Iginla deal and compare that aging core to the Sedins but in reality that franchise was destined to fail. You can’t go over a 15 year span having only got 1 of your first round picks right, especially when you’re not a go to destination for UFA’s. You need that talent coming into the system from somewhere and when you’ve lost out on trades and draft picks for that length of time, all your valuable assets will dry up and you are left with where the flames are today a complete rebuild with a shallow prospect pool.

    Canucks are far from that forced rebuild that the flames were in. We still have a top team in the league. It may not look like it considering our last 20 games but when heathly this team has shown they are a top team. We also do have the prospect pool whether you want to dismiss them as quality or not. Our teams draft history in all rounds has been substantailly better than the flames, we've also had far more success picking up undrafted talent, So for "Oldnews" to mention those players that you dismissed so fast, he has good reasoning for adding them our prospect pool list, we've have a better success record.

    • Upvote 3
  11. Kind of expecting some decisions based on three years now of not really being able to score. 3 years of needing a 30 goal winger for the top lines (make that 3 now that daniel and bur have dropped off the face of the earth)

    3 years of no decisions addressing this teams actual problems.. .just more D and more 3rd line centers.. and shockingly more of the same "success"

    3 years ago (2011) canucks were first in the league for goals per game

    2 years ago (2012) canucks were fifth in the league for goals per game

    Last year slowed down to 20th in a shortened season (easily could have been written off as an off year due to players not going overseas to keep in game shape)

    This year yeah, we are hurting simply becuase are top players haven't been playing like top players, be it injuries, age, over worked, or whatever, they are not getting it done like they have in the past.

    3 years hmm I think you mean the last year and a half.

    Side note, Sometimes goal scoring troubles aren't cause by lack of a pure sniper.

    • Upvote 2
  12. i was thinking that today. they pass and pass and pass and it just looks ugly.. and they cant score, the swedes cant finnish...

    In all fairness only reason Henrik is on the ice is to get in game shape for the olympics. He shouldn't have been on the ice and definatly not played over 21 minutes. He's still hurt everyone could see that. Booth/Burr were talking the draws on that line, he was easily knocked off puck and timid to go into the battles. A 50% healthy Henrik hurts this team way more than helping it, mix that in with the fact that he played over a third of the game and on all our offensive chances (PP) when were counted on scoring a goal. We were playing shorthanded ever time he was on the ice. It's no wonder that they got shut out last night.

    If Torts wants to win, you play your plays that are working hard and earned it,

    Weise scores a goal, plays 3 more shifts with the canucks

    Sestito scores a goal plays 4 minutes the next game

    Dalpe gets a goal and an assits, becomes a healthy scratch the next game.

    Kassian has 6 points in last 12 games plays 11 minutes last night

    These players are not the long term answer but when they are putting in 100 times more effort than the top line players you play them. Maybe Torts is scared to do the same thing he did in NYR and bench his star. If were in the game to win, you play the players who are giving the effort no matter what the name on the back of their jersey says.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Henrik sedin doesn't take a single faceoff, can barely hold his stick in his hand, him and his brother are giving zero effort on the ice losing every battle and yet they still get over 21 minutes of ice time

    Every time they were on the ice it was a complete waste of a shift. But yet he kept playing them hoping the next shift would turn out differently. Kassian may have made a few mistakes but at least he was putting in effort.

    • Upvote 2
  14. How bout with all the reg re tool talk

    Edler Booth and Something small if needed (max schroeder MAX)


    O'Reilly and PA Parenteau




    Tatar, Mantha, Quincey and their 2014 1st

    Then in the offseason:

    Try and acquire a PMD

    Assign Shinkaruk Mantha Fox Gaunce and Jensen all to Utica

    Would be a huge boost for their fans and the team, also for their development spend the whole year there

    I think Fox-Gaunce-Jensen would be a good line

    And Shinkaruk and Mantha would be an offensively deadly dynamic offensive winger duo in the AHL, they would tear the league up while working on their defensive and board game.

    Horvat will make the club next season, feel it in my plums, another year of OHL would be a waste. Higgins and Burr would be great first line mates for him.

    next season forward line ups:

    Sedin Sedin PA Parenteau

    Tatar O'Reilly Kassian

    Higgins Horvat Burrows

    Weise/Sestitio Richardson Hansen

    Wingers are interchangeble.

    Next Season is the fun part:





    Should be fine under the salary cap especially with it rising.

    Lui still in net.

    3 scoring lines, and a checking line, I think we could roll all 4 lines

    Higgins and burrows would be able to mentor Gaunce just like they did horvat, Oreilly and Hank could mentor both as well.

    That would be a successful re tool in my opinion

    Giving up two olympians in their prime under fair contracts would have to yield a large return

    I liked the idea of that first deal but think it would need to be altered

    Burrows, Edler, Hansen

    ROR, Parenteau

    In order to acquire ROR you will have to overpay as other teams will likely be offering up a lot to get him.

    Burr waves his NTC to play for Roy, Edler waves NTC to get out of canucks spot light, Hansen is added value

    Going into playoffs.

    Sedin Sedin Kesler

    Higgins ROR Parenteau

    Kassian Schroeder Booth

    Weise Richardson Sestito

    Hammer Bieska

    Garrison Tanev

    Diaz Stanton


    Depending on how that 3 line plays together in I would possibly like to see Booth and Schroeder moved and work in a way to bring in Ott and Bourque.

    Bourque and Booth could use a change of scenery. MTL needs more drive to the net. Canucks need get a guy who’s had success scoring. Both players are reclamation projects.

    We’d be stacked with center depth Sedin, Kesler, ROR, Santo, and Horvat and Gaunce in the system, sadly Schroeder becomes the odd man out. Ott would provide more team grit and size with Booth leaving.

    Our line up becomes

    Sedin Sedin Kesler

    Higgins ROR Parenteau

    Kassian Ott Bourque

    Dalpe Richardson Sestito

    That would definitely give this team a new look. Size and scoring on each line throughout your top 9

  15. WHAT A $*$*#*$$ JOKE.



    he tried to kick out my favourite but the owner didn't let him. Now he pulls this bs? What a joke.

    He traded a full on heart and soul guy. What a joke.

    Wow first he trades your favourite goalie Schneider now weise too

    I'm pretty sure eveyone knows your top five favourite canucks are:

    1. Luongo

    2. Luongo

    3. Luongo

    4. Luongo

    5. Luongo

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