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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. Uh yeah...scoring 8 goals in 5 games was "unlucky"...Sometimes things sound right in your head but it's always best to take off your fanboy glasses before you throw out statements and proclaim them as facts.

    We atleast took the kings to 5 games

    What other team did better in the west??

    Would it made you feel better if we lost to the king in 5 games in the conference finals?

    But you had a good day tho...

    NEXT please

  2. Who's enjoyed our last 2 playoff showings? 3 if you include the 2011 Final.

    So if by some miracle we squeeze into the playoffs next month and then what happens? This team isn't as good as last year, it's noticeably worse than the year before that, it's not the team that played in the Final, and there would be no home ice advantage this year. What are we all expecting from this group? You cant really expect more than what we've gotten in the last 3 series' we've played.

    There is no way this team wins more than 1 playoff round, and that would have to be a monumental upset considering any team we faced first would be a juggernaut. We are not a contender so what's the point? This season is blown, they ought to be trying for the higher pick now and with any luck the necessary changes will be made for next season. Maybe then we could take a run at it.

    I’ll put it a way you can relate to, Which goalie played the majority of the games in those last 3 series? He’s no longer on this team or a cancer in the dressing room. ha

    Second, the early exit against the kings had nothing to do with a poor showing, We were just the unlucky team to face the kings in the first round. It didn’t matter if we faced them in the conference final, we still weren’t beating them. But I guess if that did happen we would stop hearing all the talk about an early exit that year.

  3. What is happening to the Canucks now is what happened to the Leafs a number of times in the 9 year playoff absence. Team would be out of it but put on a valiant run with a young goaltender and lots of AHL players only to miss out on the last weekend of the season. Team drafts 11-14 and doesn't get the impact player that is needed.

    The other factor is that they really aren't on much of a roll yet. Just playing a more entertaining brand of hockey. It's good to see young players perform well and I think players naturally relax when the pressure is off. I think there has been a general sense that this team won't make the playoffs so now they are just playing again. It's pretty common. Once they stop gripping the sticks everything gets easier.

    First of all, So your saying players picked 8-10 are going to be that much more of an impact compared to the players picked 11-14. Difference between the players picked at 8-10 to 11-14 is a lot smaller than you think. A good WJ touney or a bad playoff game.

    Second of all your theory about TO is completely false, TO's last 9 (actually only 7 + one lock out year) years of playoffless drafting they pick "once" in that 11-14th range. In 2006 when they picked jiri Tlusty which was not bad considering Sheppard, Frolik, and Brassard were picked in the 8-10.

    2006 13th overall

    2007 traded away

    2008 5th overall

    2009 7th overall

    2010 traded away

    2011 traded away

    2012 5th overall

    Sometimes things sound right in your head but it's always best to go back and do your reseach before you throw out statements and proclaim them as facts.

  4. Wow, so you'd rather get swept than pick in the top 10?

    Maybe this is why this franchise has such little success. Canucks fans are okay with mediocrity apparently.

    Just so you know, drafting in the top 10 in a shallow draft like this one can make a huge difference.

    I've had to suffer through this season just like everyone else. I at least want a top prospect to help this teams future. That is alot less likely outside the top 10 in this years draft.

    First of all I believe that if the canucks do make the playoffs, they have a good chance of making a deep run, We’ve had the blue number all year and Ana is hitting a bit of a road block right now and don’t have the depth to compete with a healthy canucks team. Only reason I pointed of the four games is that is the bare minimum this team would play and exactly what most believe will happen.

    Second of all you didn’t answer my question, is Jared McCann at 8th going to be that much better to bring this franchise over the top than Nick Ritchie at 15th. Try to understand this, top 10 or not, we are not talking about missing an opportunity to draft a Crosby, Tavares or Stamkos. The difference between 7-10-15 is one or two good/bad games by kids who are 18 and under. Look how much players move in scouting charts due to the world junior tournament. We’re projecting one kid to be better than another 5 years later off as little as 8 games? It’s exactly why the order players are drafted doesn’t remain the same where they’d be ranked overall when they all hit their peak.

    You keep saying short term grief for long term success and acting like it’s life or death for this franchise on the mere obsession that top 10 pick will turn into a superstar franchise player and the 15th overall pick will be no more than a bust. When in reality chances our they will likely peak at close to the same level later in their careers. And honestly if that if worth enough for people to be cheering for this team to lose then go cheer for the oilers they’ve had 7 years of high draft picks and losing. There short term grief has done nothing but cost the fans 7 years of anything exciting to cheer. It’s what hockey is all about, it’s playing in the post season 4 games or 28, it’s still exciting and it’s what we wait for every season.

  5. Exactly.

    It's about short term pain for long term gain.

    Thinking that this team doesn't need a major boost to it's roster is ignoring the last 3 years.

    A couple shootout victories isn't going to erase how poor this team has been in my mind. Major changes still need to be made.

    Your right picking Jared McCann at 8th overall over picking Nick Ritchie at 15th overall will be detrimental to this franchises future.

    I'm sick of this tank for a higher pick talk, You act like we'll end up picking some plug. At this point were talking about a 4-7 pick difference. Its not like were talking about a drop from a top 2 pick to 30th overall. Or A franchise star to a player that will never crack an NHL line up. No matter where we finish, in the playoffs or not, were still in a great position to draft a good player. I'll take my four playoff games.

  6. Dallas vs Winnipeg tmrw at 5 pm

    Dallas then plays the pens after that

    In general we lose tmrw im on the draft pick bandwagon..

    If everything goes are way in the next week, by wednesday canucks could be back on a playoff spot. Dallas would have games in hand but we'd still be sitting in a better spot.

    Go Jets go.

  7. To anyone that wants to lose

    What makes the playoffs so exciting?

    The fact that anyone can win.

    What’s the most exciting time in hockey?

    Game 7 overtime, playoff hockey would be boring if 1 team would run away with the cup every year. You need those close do or die games, where a lucky bounce, blocked shot, second effort, gets a team a win. If you are ok with missing out on that might I suggest a different sport.

    The odds of us picking top 5 are as low as us making playoffs. So please tell me, has the 16th overall picked player in the draft ever turned out to be better than the 6th overall picked. How often has the 7th overall picked player become the 7th best player to come out of the draft year?

    The kids are 18 years of age and all playing in different leagues, with different levels of competition and at different level of physical development. To pick the exact order what each kid is going to achieve and amount to in 4-10 years it’s not going to happen. Especially within the range of 5-20 of the world’s top 800 kids. Picking 7th does not guarantee this team more success than picking 17th . Our scouting might have a player rated 7th overall and he might fall to 17th or get picked earlier. Benn and Bergeron being both picked in the 2nd round is an example of how accurate drafting is.

    And if that’s the case, I’ll take cheering a team on, even if it is just for four games, over mailing it in at the end of the season and missing playoffs.

    • Upvote 1
  8. so your ok with a 15th overall pick then rather then like a 7th or 8th pick? Please don't tell me you think they have a chance a Stanley cup, Kesler and Daniel Sedin is gone for the year. I actually rather see them go like this, then to see them get sweeped. It's so much more painful and we are stuck with a mid teens pick.

    You know what, it doesn’t matter what place you finish in playoffs or even what the odds are against us winning, the excitement leading up to and playing the playoff games it what hockey is all about.

    I would take the excitement of the canucks tying the flames in game 7 with 5 seconds left and losing over missing and getting a high draft pick any day.

  9. It starts with refs making weak calls thinking it's ok since canucks are up. Little do they know that refs also need to call a 60 minute game.

    No way Jensen's second penalty and Bieska's penalty is called if the game was close in the third, but because canucks are up 3-1 they give the other team a chance to get back in it.

    What did Torts say to the team in the third. "Don't worry guys we got this in the bag, you might as well check out and start thinking about the next game."

    • Upvote 1
  10. Is there a mercy rule? I hate you Gillis....in came in here and ruined my team.

    Please fans at the Saturday game, boo Gillis out of the arena and bring the fire Gillis signs.

    If the only only thing we get out of not making the playoffs is getting Gillis fired then it will be worth it. It will be good for the future of this team.

    Gillis didn't make the team give up. It's up to the players to show some effort

    • Upvote 1
  11. We have such a lazy team. All sestito had to do was stop and grab the puck instead he wanted to do the long circle. That goal doesn't go in if he stops.

    It's Tort's job to motivate this team. Since Jan he hasn't done crap all. The only one out there working is Kesler. why again is Hank our captain? He's not someone willing to lay it all on the line to win. Soft is exactly what he is.

  12. It doesn't matter if Kesler or Edler don't want off this team it's we need to move some of our better assets to get some youth injected into the lineup. If some players haven't asked for a trade already then they should be. We are on pace right now to have our first losing season since 1998-1999. Back then Mark Messier was our captain, Garth Snow was our goalie, we traded Pavel Bure and Mike Keenan was our coach. Not the best of times and that's exactly where this team is heading.

    And would we not get more value on draft day? Most teams this year are sitting at the cap ceiling, meaning in order to bring in a Kesler or Edler $5 million contract an equivalent contract will have to be sent back our way.

    The teams interested in Kesler were cup contending teams. Right? Thus along with a cap dump they are not going to trade back any of the impact players for Kesler in order to not create holes elsewhere on their team, so the only return we could get for Kes right now is picks and prospects, Picks which we don’t know where each team will finish this year likely in the 20-30 range.

    It only makes sense that if we truly are looking to move Kesler that we wait until then. Cap is going up, teams have more space to bring him in. More teams will be in on the bid, and we will start to see where this team will be at looking forward. The asset return at a draft can change the outlook of a franchise, Trade deadline when teams are making impulse decisions. Not so much

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