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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. Are the players on it then as well? Maybe that’ll explain Luongo performance in the Boston series.

    No offense but none of these claims have any evidence to be back up by. We had more PP opportunities than Boston did in the series final.

    Boston went 5/22 and Vancouver went 2/36. So if the players weren’t in on it how did the league help out the bruins?

    LA wasn’t just a week 8th placed seed, they were a team coming into the playoffs on a huge hot streak and canucks were missing their top goal scorer.

    The SJ series in 2011, SJ didn’t lay down, Eager played dumb and the Canucks capitalized. Guess who wasn’t on the SJ roster the next year.

    First if you’re going to say players would be in on in then think again. Why would someone like Luongo be on in? If he plays well wins that series his name is forever etched as an alltime great. He doesn’t go through any goalie controversy and locks himself as a future HHOF. No amount of money would get him to play different.

    I can tell you through friends of my own playing in the NHL, even on Vancouver in 2011, that it was completely devastating to loose in 2011. The type of devastation you get when you want and tried so hard to achieve something so bad and failed to achieve.

    So that rules out players being involved in it.

    So your whole theory is completely falsified

    Another bigfoot it real conspiracy, all talk through word of mouth with zero to very little evidence to prove anything.

  2. Were we screwed in 2011? Yes. But did we also benefit? Also yes.

    The playoffs have been rigged for quite some time. The league says so itself: 'History will be made.' And in recent years we've seen far to many epic collapses after being up 3-0 in a series, or even in a game 7 for it to be normal.

    Meanwhile, American O4 teams view themselves as the league's true deserving power. If you are to face them and you're not an American O4 team yourself, odds are you'll have no chance in the finals.

    As for the way we were bounced out by American O4 teams, the way Boston and Chicago trounced this team is indicative of PED abuse. If you look at how they played the other series against other teams, they weren't nearly as pumped up.

    Canada has been subsidizing league growth down south for decades, yet we see no cups. Instead we see SoCal teams getting preferential treatment while they try to grow the game in Cali. (Let there be no mistake, once they start losing again, their alluvasudden fans and twitter account will vanish.)

    Back to 2011. Look at all the 'heroics' Boston performed over and over again. Too many series went to game 7. That's controlled. Too many times were they just made to look like heroes, when in fact they're just a goon squad.

    That being said, yes, we also beneffited in 2011. The SJ series was a joke. They laid down. And the Chicago series was artificially made more exciting through game-to-game management of penalties, but in the end they also laid down. And Nashville? Please.

    In the end Boston's true colors popped up, the goon squad popped enough PED's to rage all over our squad and 'hockey' became a bloody gong show. We laid down while another American O4 team prospered.

    Bettman's NHL is as fake as NBA basketball, and that's the way he wants it. Increase the level of parity in the league and you can control the outcomes of games, series and potentially even seasons of teams that are deemed blessed to make it all the way.

    Examples of rigging:

    - LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

    - Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're also 'destiny' teams.

    - The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

    - Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

    - Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

    - Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

    All of these things happened for a reason. The NHL wants to boost game popularity down south. And to that end, it's kinda worked.

    So get used to Canadian teams being screwed for another decade or two, while poor markets down there get a foothold and/or American O4 'league control' teams get their fill. And then keep in mind both TO and Mtl want their cups too. The Canucks may be waiting awhile folks.

    The only laying down in that series was Luongo on his belly when Toews tied it up.

    But then he got up and robbed Sharp in OT and we won

  3. I'm convinced. I will be watching for Zack Kassian's impressive 4th line skills tonight.

    Kassian goal

    Since you want to compare them so bad please find me a Bertuzzi highlight real when he was 23 or younger.

    I can find you one, he was on the bloopers going head first into the boards on rockem sockem 7

    And I have nothing against bert was an awesome player back in his day

  4. To everyone who acts like Kassian is completely useless and a waste of a roster spot. Perhaps everyone is just upset that he’s not hitting “your” expectation that “you’ve” put on him. From what I’ve watched this season he doesn’t look a bit out of place giving the role that’s he’s been put into. Has he made mistakes? Sure he has tell me a player that hasn’t. So to prove this I wanted to compare hits stats to other 4th line players around the league. I didn’t add hits into this as it is completely inaccurate as I’ve shown and mentioned in previous posts. Looking at other teams 4th lines around the league, how does he look out of place? He doesn’t, giving what role he’s been put into this is exactly where we should see him. After every game someone will post his game stats as a way to show how bad he is, but really what are you expecting with him on the 4th line (a goal every game?). Get real with your own expectations on him and maybe you’ll see him as a player with a high potential.


    Bollig 3g 4a (+2) 9:59min, 43shots

    Smith 4g 6a (+2) 11:50min, 34shots

    Kruger 4g 9a (+3) 13:41min, 32shots


    Paille 3g 2a (+1) 10:26min, 20shots

    Campbell 2g 4a (0) 11:31min, 21shots

    Caron 1g 0a (-4) 11:48min, 17shots


    McCarthy 0g 0a (-4) 11:38min, 25shots

    Sheppard 1g 4a (-1) 10:41min, 35shots

    Desjardin 1g 5a (0) 11:50min, 39shots


    McLeod 2g 4a (+6) 9:05min, 21shots

    Cliché 0g 4a (+2) 8:59min, 18shots

    Bordeleau 3g 1a (+4) 6:03min, 7 shots (great S%)


    Kassian 5g 1a (-4) 11:17min, 25shots

    Sestito 2g 0a (-7) 5:33min, 10shots

    Dalpe&Welsh 1g 1a (-2) 6:11min, 20shots (that’s combines stats)

    Just because he hasn’t lived up to “you’re” 20 goal 1st line expectation doesn’t mean he hasn’t been effective out there. It’s even been noticed that the games he plays more are the games he stands out more (gee figure that). People need to relax let him work on his game and play. When he starts getting more ice time and giving the opportunity, watch him hit those expectations.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Exactly.

    The Kassian puck bunnies can't point to any significant stat to say this guy is a good player. He has the fourth worst iFenwick and iCorsi rating on the team for forwards, third worst iFenwick and iCorsi per 60.

    For a big guy who finished checks, he has only managed 32 hits to date.

    He isn't doing anything that any other plug couldn't do.

    Those are the existing FACTS ladies. But I guess when you can't present facts to back up your hyperbole, it's best to make up and fantasize about what could be, right?

    This hit stat is extremely inaccurate

    In the last ten minutes of the second i was keeping track of the hitting going on. Kassians shift around the 7 min in the 2nd he first hit landeskog on the boards then finished his check behind the net on Guenin. The his last shift in the second he at 1:04 he finished his check on Stastny. Yet still is only accredited with ONE hit in that game. It's been the same thing the last few games.

    Don't believe me go back and rewatch the shifts I have pointed out. If those hits aren't credited as a hit, than I don't know what you'd need to do to get credited.

    Just goes to show you, that you can trust every stat you see.

  6. The guy who does the stats on hitting is slacking big time. In the last ten minutes of the second i was keeping track of the hitting going on. Kassians shift around the 7 min in the 2nd he first hit landeskog on the boards then finished his check behind the net on Guenin. The his last shift in the second he at 1:04 he finished his check on Stastny. Yet still is only accredited with ONE hit so far in this game. It's been the same thing the last few games.

    Just goes to show you, that you can trust every stat you see.

  7. Lombardi also made a deal for Richards earlier that season which didn't really improve the team as much as he wanted. With a goalie like Quick and their other personnel they should have been much better than a fringe playoff team.

    Carter was a catalyst in their changeover, no doubt, but that could have blown up with Carter and Richards reverting to their party-type ways - especially in LA. It was only because they did get it together after acquiring Carter that they made the playoffs in the first place.

    But good to hear about a deal two years ago. I remember one Gillis made when he picked up Ehrhoff - seems we got to game 7 of the SCF in part based off that trade.

    I agree with what your saying but I would just thought I would point out that sutter was the main catalyst in their changeover. After Sutter got hired the Kings went 25-13-11 in 49 games

    • Upvote 1
  8. On 1040 DT said the forward lines are

    Danny Hank Kess

    Higgy Santo Hansen

    Booth Richy Dale

    Sestito Dalpe Kassian

    3-0 the good guys


    I don't expect that to last all game.

    Booth and santo have had great chemistry why break that up, Put Kassian on the first line already putting him on the 4th line with limited min is doing more damage to his confidence than helping it. What the worst that will come of it, him not scoring, oh well neither was Burrows

    Danny Hank Kassian

    Higgy Kess Hansen

    Booth Santo Weise

    Sestito Richy Dalpe

  9. I've posted this in another thread but then I've seen this thread existed so here it is again.

    People bashing kassian are expecting way to much out of him. He has an ELC and is being used as a 4th line player. What are you expecting out of him? To show up and score every night. He's being used improperly, you have no idea what its like sitting on the bench and then giving 2 shifts a period and expected to create something. Yes he was traded for Hodgson so everyone expects him to be being used as him. His not being used that way. All this kassian is invisible out there talk is ridiculous, of course you don't notice him out there he's only playing 10 min a game.

    If Torts was looking more from him he'd be playing top 6 minutes with PP chances and with line mates that can actually do something with the puck other than dump it in when they hit center ice. This is the role Torts wants him in and what he thinks is beneficial for him. Personally I'd think if he's not in the top 9 playing over 15 min a game he'd be better off in the AHL playing in key situations learning leadership but hey i'm also not the coach making the decisions.

    Over the last two prior season (excluding last shortened season) Playoff bound teams have averaged around 240 goals

    Line 1 - (72-80 goals)

    Line 2 - (50-58 goals)

    Line 3 - (40-45 goals)

    Line 4 - (20-25 goals)

    Defence -(32-40 goals)

    Fourth line players are expected to score around 8 goals a season, well Kassian has 5 already.

    Yes we want him to grow into a better player to become a top 6 player, well if your going to get mad at someone get mad at the coach who's using him in the 4th line role.

    And to the responses saying that you got to earn your ice time, come on really... has Burrows earned playing first line this year has hansen/higgins earned 2nd line. Sometimes players have to be giving a chance (not just 1 or 2 shifts) and seen what they can do with it. Kind of like Booth has been giving the last 3 games. You take Daniel and put him on the wing to Richardson and Sestito playing only 10 min a game and guess what you wouldn't get much of a different response out of his play than your seeing from Kassian.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 5. band wagoner

    someone who only likes a certain thing because its "popular"

    Sheila is a band wagoner only likes the dodgers when they're winning and hates them when they are losing

    I think there are many different terms you can be defined as a bandwagoner/ fair weather fan. People tend to over use the term (as well as troll) any time someone disagrees with their own beliefs. However I do feel that the term bandwagoner does serve purpose to people that don’t stick in cheering for their team even when the team is in the rut. We lose a game and everyone gives up hope on this team saying they are done, not making playoffs, Then we win and they cheer on how great the team is and are going to win the cup. It get ridiculous getting how many praise/ hate threads there will be after a loss/win.

    I honestly think someone needs to make a thread for this situation. Can someone please make this thread for me, I don’t have time to update this all the time or I would, maybe jazz it up add an image or two.

    Official 2013/14 Bandwagon

    Many of this team’s fans are pretty much like a revolving door, We lose a few games and people make countless threads of how this team sucks and is going nowhere for the next 10 years. We win a few games and the same people are making threads on how are the greatest canucks team in existence. So how ever feel now is your chance to make that claim in front of all CDC. If you think the canucks are done this year and will not make playoffs, state you user name and give a small explanation why you are giving up hope on the team this year (it’ll reduce the amount of trolls). It will show that you are officially off this teams bandwagon this year. If you think this team will make playoffs and have any sort of a playoff run again state you user name and give a small explanation. You can even state changes/trades that you think could help this team out to go further. You will not be labelled a bandwagoner unless you make the claim.

    There is just one small hitch, something to be wary of is, Users ON the bandwagon can bail at any time, just remember once you claim you are off the bandwagon you are officially off, there is no ladder to climb back on to the wagon, You will be considered a cast away, if you are caught making thread praising the team’s success or cheering on the team in playoffs (GDT or PGT) you will be called out and will feel terrible shame, it will haunt generations of your offspring. You will not get to celebrate and share the joy with all the other users on the band wagon if the canucks make a deep playoff run. So think long and hard before you make a claim of saying canucks are not going to the post season in the spring of 2014.

    Users on the bandwagon Users off the bandwagon





  11. After one period I would have to say

    A few defensive lapse with D pinching at the wrong times

    I thought kassian has been playing good out there, the whole 4th line had pressure when they were on the ice (expect the one shift kassian's stick broke) Bad bounce and non call that lead to the goal.

    Booth has looked good out their as well he's crashing and banging, had a few good opportunities out they. I have a feeling he might pot a couple tonight.

    Sedins need to drive the puck to the middle more, they are getting pushed to the boards to easy and their never going to score playing perimeter hockey.

    Other than that I hope someone lays out Brown and we take it to them in the second

  12. I was talking to a couple buddies from Winnipeg who are huge jets fans about this and they haven’t even heard about that rumour, so if WPG hasn’t heard anything about this you know it’s not true. They feel IF they were shopping him it would start at a proven 2C and a good prospect or top 15 draft pick. They even said it wouldn’t make sense for the other team as the asking price would be so high. Canucks obviously don’t have the assets jets would be looking for, as mentioned they don’t have any need on D

    Basically it would be Kelser they would be asking for and I don’t this team is better with Kane on the team and Kesler not.

    Possibly they think about.

    Burrows, Jensen/Gaunce, 1st ??

    Other options

    Stastny + pick

    Henrique + Prospect + pick


    Johannson + Pick

  13. Gotta go with the game winning goal scorer of 2010. Sid it is.

    I think if your going to base it off the 2010 games you still got to hand it to Toews who was voted best forward of the tournament. He was easily team Canada's MVP, Lead the team in points and lead the tourney in +/- with a +9. Then if you want compare what he's accomplished since the last Olympics.Toews has lead his team to 2 Stanley cups and picked up a Conn Smythe in the process.

    Either way you really can't go wrong. I think for marketing reason's Sid will get the "C" but I think Toews is the most deserving.

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