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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. ^ It takes more than drafting and a coaching change to get to the level of success the Blackhawks have had recently. A lot of teams pick good picks and have good coaching. They have benefitted from quite a lot of other things going their way. Their player development is unbelievably good, for starters. It's one thing to merely pick Saad and Shaw, but it's a bit more to see them mature almost instantaneously into full-flight NHLers. imho if Bill was still in charge and not Rocky, this miraculous player development, the cup wins, the signings... all of it... Would not happen. That was the point when their entire regime started improving exponentially.

    Good for the league though. Before that Chicago was a waste of a big market franchise. They needed that arena filled again.

    Your right he must have been on PED beucase he has such a great rookie year. But wait he must still be using them since he's having a better year this year. BUT he was also hoping and had a chance at making the US olympic roster and they test for PED's at the Olympics. Why would he continue to use it knowing he couldn't play in sochi?

  2. Agreed, but having Rocky there as opposed to Bill helped. Bill was simply not going to spend any money.

    Bettman has been pushing hockey in the US since he took the job. In that light, he's succeeded. Having Canada being able to subsidize his journeys down there is an added bonus.

    Agreed that both teams have gotten preferential treatment via reffing non-calls, but imho their insane energy levels at times screamed PED abuse. In either case, it is definitely a blessing to be a player on either one of those teams as of late. Those guys are spoiled.

    And yes, a Bruin Kassian would be slapped on the wrist and held up to be a symbol of what hockey is supposed to be.

    What a joke of Canucks Homerism at its finest. No matter how you look at it Kassian deserved his suspension for what he did to Gagner. Marchard the rat low hits salo and gets 2 games. Hammer and Ballard have done the same thing in the past and have only got "clipping" calls for. Every team including LA and TOR believes the league is out to get them and misses "calls, suspensions" not just the teams that don't win

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  3. It wasn't that long, and it actually says a bit, but I guess nothing you'd acknowledge.

    I believe you can figure out the teams on your own.

    You cannot dimiss the owership change being a factor in Chicago's case. Even Chicago fans will admit that it was a huge factor. It is pretty common knowledge, actually. And you cannot discard the fact that Chicago's player development in this new elite regime, esp. in recent seasons, has been outstanding. This is fact. What isn't quite known is how their miraculous player development is acheived. That's where the PED talk, and the 'selected' franchise talk etc. comes into play. Chicago is a benefactor franchise now. The benefactor franchise.

    The only benefactor CHI receives is by having drafted great franchise players after being terrible for so long, Just as PITs has benefited from Sidney. From personally knowing Keith hawks are just a hard working team, with a good mixture of skill, youth, and leadership , you can't honestly compare Vancouver roster and CHI and no think that they are the better team

  4. ^ It takes more than drafting and a coaching change to get to the level of success the Blackhawks have had recently. A lot of teams pick good picks and have good coaching. They have benefitted from quite a lot of other things going their way. Their player development is unbelievably good, for starters. It's one thing to merely pick Saad and Shaw, but it's a bit more to see them mature almost instantaneously into full-flight NHLers. imho if Bill was still in charge and not Rocky, this miraculous player development, the cup wins, the signings... all of it... Would not happen. That was the point when their entire regime started improving exponentially.

    Good for the league though. Before that Chicago was a waste of a big market franchise. They needed that arena filled again.

    I can’t believe this thread is still going. What a waste of everyone’s time. Good coaching allows players to develop at a quicker pace. Bad coaching like AV is benching the player after they make a single mistake. Then there is terrible coaching. Aka Oilers who let their young players down whatever they want. You continue to pick and choose the facts. Why doesn’t every player CHI draft “mature almost instantaneously into full-flight NHLers”. Go back and look at all their misses. Mikhail Yakubov 10th overall, Cam Barker 3rd overall, Jack Skille 7th overall are just a few. What happened to them? Team pick players knowing how close and ready they are to enter the NHL. Calgary pick Jankowski knowing he was 4-5 years away, Burke stated he wanted Reilly knowing that he’d soon have an impact in the NHL.

    Did you not watch the playoffs last year? Game 7 the refs nearly cost the Hawk by a completely ridiculous blown whistle after the Hawk score the go ahead goal with less than a minute. Doesn’t seem like something you’d do if you’re doing everything possible to make that team win. Like most conspiracy theories, people pick and choose the facts that only benefit there statement but yet blatantly ignore all the other obvious facts.

  5. To everyone that is writing of this team in the middle of January with a record of 23-13-9. You are the definition of a primadonna fan. Plan the parade when they win, write them off when they lose. Do you expect them to win every game? Go a full season of 82-0-0. Some loses hurt more than other and we’ve had two painful loses in a row. But if you truly think about it. PIT and ANA are what everyone believes are true cup contenders and we’ve had both of them down by a goal with less than 2 minutes left in play. I’ll take that as we can compete and have what it takes to beat the best teams in the league. Besides It’s best we get over this last minute break down garbage in regular season than compared to doing it in playoffs. On top of that, I truly believe having a player like Burrows on the ice with less than a minute left up by a goal greatly increase our chances of pulling out the victory. Everyone needs to step back take a breath and try not to overreact about a 1 goal loss where we were the better team.

  6. Every core player with the exception of Hamhuis was a pre Gillis acquisition.







    These are the engines of the Team the rest are supporting cast.

    This is the dumbest logic, What’s Gillis supposed to do get rid of them because he didn’t draft them. Does the next Pits Gm get rid of Crosby and Malkin because he didn’t draft them, there for not the team he built. Come on now. All the players you’ve mentioned have been resigned by Gillis, meaning he’s had the option to move on from them if he wanted to. But instead he’s provided better opportunity for those players to achieve their potential. Don’t believe look at the break out year for each of the players you’ve mentioned all (except Luongo) in the Gillis era. For all we know Burke or Nonis would have giving up on the twins, Kesler, Burrows, and traded them off prior to them all hitting their top potential for a lower return. Look at Kardi, Burke leaves after calling him fat and lazy and he finally gets a chance and has a really good first year in the NHL. If Burke was still GM he’d be still in the AHL considered a bust. I guess with your thinking every time a new GM is hired there should be a mass roster movement.

    I"m not Gillis homer but this Gm has provided Vancouver with the most successful and consistently competitive team we have ever seen in this franchise, and this fan base still finds a way to complain. We haven't missed the post season in what 5 years and we still hear the whining, I think people are forgetting what it feels like to have a team that's not competitive, a team that doesn't make the playoffs, and a team that gives little to cheer for, it wasn't that long ago.

  7. Nash is the only pick I don't like. He's never gotten it done with the game on the line.

    MSL should have been there; but why bring a fast skater to a large ice surface and a skill game, who has chemistry with Stamkos? Yeah, no need for that.

    Everybody else probably has a decent case to be made for being there. I used to really like Rick Nash, but he is a lazy player.

    Nash is there because every time he puts on a Canadian jersey he is always one of the best players on the team

  8. We win games against bad teams and even then we scrape by. When we play actual good teams we get shown for what we really are.

    You mean lose by one goal and less then 2 minutes away from winning.

  9. We can't score if we don't put the puck on the net. So frustrating a 2-1 and we don't even get a shot off. What happen when Daniel put the puck on net last game. Hit a few lucky bounces and went in. Doesn't happen if the puck doesn't get shot on net

  10. Again, Torts is mismanaging his defensemen. Corrado with 3:39 TOI through two periods. I like Torts, but that is some nonsense.

    He had two terrible shifts where he looked completely lost out there. Garrison had to yell at him to tell him where to go.

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