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Bissurnette last won the day on August 9 2014

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  1. I don't even... But I do somewhat agree with this.
  2. Your question does not flow in this argument. Free speech =/= anarchy. And no I don't support anarchy. Lmao this isn't hate speech. And that's exactly what Rowan is talking about in the video. Anyone can take any statement as a form of hate speech, and if it's perceived as hate speech then the government has to censor it by your argument right? Should we have Benn and Seguin arrested for their comment about the twins?
  3. Beg pardon...? Do you think Rowan Atkinson supports anarchy? Or has anything he said in the video indicate to you that he supports anarchy?
  4. It aligns with common sense and logic.
  5. Would be all for it in a limited 4th line role. League min or up to 1 mil on a 1 year contract is very reasonable. Lol at people bringing up the past from 10+ years ago as to why we shouldn't bring him in. Y'all must be the life of the party.
  6. I found it pretty funny. For those of us who don't take ourselves that seriously, I think it was evident it was kinda tongue in cheek.
  7. Curious to hear people's thoughts on the captaincy. I'm especially curious as to why JT seemingly isn't in the conversation as much as Pettersson or Hughes. What are your thoughts? Disclaimer: Mods, please lock and delete if this is redundant.
  8. It's quite irksome Mr. Vedder... I hope there's more moves before this deadline that can somewhat make up for this one. But to think we could've had Chychrun, which is exactly what we need in a dman, and for not much more than what we gave up in this trade leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
  9. There's a lot of future predictions in this comment, and I'm not going to go down the path of hypotheticals and what if this happens instead of that. As for Chychrun, neither of us can speak with conviction about what's gone down behind closed doors, but by all accounts Chychrun was and is a Tocchet type of player. And comparing trade packages between Hronek and Chychrun, I know who I'd rather have. Hronek is a canuck now so I'll cheer for him and hope he does well. But at this time, I don't like this trade.
  10. I was replying to the poster who said I never watched him play. Feel free to offer your synopsis if you think I'm wrong about his play style and skillset.
  11. Yeah that doesn't tell me you watched him play, that just tells me you looked up his stats. I never said he sucks, he's just not the right type of dman we need. It's like with the Oilers going after Karlsson... Seider has been getting the matchup assignments for 2 years now. Hronek plays behind him. He plays pp, and he skates decently well, but gets lost in 5on5 coverage. Has a good first pass and can skate the puck but he's not the shutdown dman we need to complement our existing top 4 dmen in OEL and Hughes. At least not for the foreseeable future. He's never been great at defence but he's having an up year statistically. But offence isn't the question mark with him, or with this team for that matter. The only hope is that he gels well in Tocchets system where his defense isn't an issue. Not what we needed, especially for a 1st rounder that could turn out to be a top 5 pick next year. And if we're going to trade this pick, we should have gone after chychrun who's younger, played the right side under Tocchet and is much more of a fit for what we need in our top 4 the way it's currently constructed.
  12. Lmao "I don't think you've ever watched him play" then proceeds to regurgitate an advanced stat report. I've seen Detroit play 6 times this year. How about you?
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