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  1. Exasperated from all the Jake Virtanen arguing around here. He's an incredibly disappointing prospect not playing nearly as good as what we drafted him to be, with potential to turn it around and still be an NHL player that can contribute on the third line. If he turns out to be anything more, that'd be great. Now if we could all just accept that, that would be great. 

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    2. saucypass


      @TimberWolf Not really sure as I don't really keep up with them that much anymore, but it seems like it so far!

    3. saucypass


      @Warhippy But yeah man, flabbergasted, great word hahaha. Kind of glad we have Dahlen and Goldobin now, kind of really makes me care less and less about Virtanen now to be honest. Means that we have more prospects who has the potential to carry us to the promise land someday.

    4. Xbox


      If he only becomes a third line winger that's still fine in my books. He has the potential to be the foundation of that line for many years to come just like Hansen was. Everyone hear hopes he finds his game sooner than later.

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