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Anyone here know of Lee Murray? I didnt't before today. Had a MMA record of 8-2--1 and made his UFC debut against Jorge Rivera. Beat Rivera with a triangle choke. He went the distance with Anderson Silva. He beat up Tito Ortiz in an alley. Oh and hes suspected of being the mastermind behind the biggest robbery in the history of Britain.

Found this E:60 piece about him on ESPN. Definitely worth checking out. Only 15 minutes.


In the grand tradition of the great British thugs -- media-proclaimed "hard men" like Lenny McLean, Charlie Bronson and Mark Brandon Read -- Lee Murray is moving through the ranks like Parliament was waiting at the end. I have never heard of a man so driven to occupy a jail cell or a morgue with such urgency. (The closest American equivalent: probably Steve-O.)

If you've only come into mixed martial arts via the hyper and Xyience-plastered "Ultimate Fighter" era, you've likely never seen Murray fight. He had long, corded muscles, a severe expression and a militant attitude. He hit very, very hard and he shocked the hell out of virtually everyone when he went and submitted Jorge Rivera with a triangle choke in his first and only UFC appearance. All said, he fought about 10 times and won most of them. In what would become his career finale, he was smacked around by Anderson Silva. He took Silva the distance, though, and that didn't happen again in 13 fights.

Fighting was Murray's day job: He moonlighted as a hoodlum. (Or perhaps it was the other way around.) He was a doorman -- almost all of the UK toughs start as doormen -- and racked himself up some good pub stories that almost always ended with Lee running from police while a nifty antagonist was brushing dirt off his disembodied teeth. In 2005, he squeezed another good tale out of a bar brawl, but this one cost him a few pints of blood: Stab wounds punctured his lung and clipped his artery. (This is the part in which you hear that Murray shouldn't have lived.)

It's a testament to Murray's ways that a story ending in near-death isn't even the most interesting of his life. That's probably a tie between an alleged 2002 street fight with Tito Ortiz -- one which Murray supposedly got the better of the then-UFC champion -- and a 2006 England bank robbery that netted one of the largest cash hauls in criminal history. Murray fled to Morocco, claimed citizenship (his father is Moroccan), inhabited a palatial estate that featured a giant mural of him fighting Rivera, horded cocaine and was eventually arrested until the mess could be sorted. He was later caught with a laptop and other luxuries in his cell. Because he is Lee Murray, he tried to escape.

On Tuesday, he simply walked out after being declared a Moroccan citizen, but was promptly recaptured. I believe I have just provided a second act synopsis of the inevitable movie.

All of this melodrama has been a boon to news outlets, all of which consider the presence of a charismatic con bucking the system to be all-purpose fodder. Tabloids? Great. Newsmagazines? Even better -- roll that fight footage. And Murray was built for the movies. Time Life Inc., which has a deal in place to weave features out of Sports Illustrated articles, started working on a film last year. (It's destined to be outdated, since it seems impossible Murray won't think of another way to antagonize his jailers in the interim.)

Why the infatuation? Why are forums filled with people performing the cyberspace equivalent of a jailhouse vigil? Murray allegedly orchestrated a major heist involving automatic weapons and took a sizable sum he had no legal claim to. From all appearances, he's a surly and violent man with no regard for the law and a seeming apathy toward human life. (You don't brandish guns unless you intend to use them for their intended purpose: killing.) He did not give the money to charity. He bought a tacky mansion and decorated it with an eyesore portrait of himself. This is not someone you would consider to be a valuable example of humanity.

There must be something amusing and energizing about observing a display of such hubris in our regulated, starched-collar society. Murray is some kind of human ID, behaving with an utter disregard for consequences. He is Phineas Gage, the man who had an iron bar driven into his head and was forever more a profane, heartless man. We all want to tell people off. We all want to walk away from a knife fight. We all want $92 million. Murray did something about it.

"Public Enemies" is a film opening shortly. It's the story of John Dillinger, with Johnny Depp starring as the charismatic bank thief too charming to be thought of as amoral. I get the sense that Americans mired in the great Depression read about Dillinger's exploits -- which included the murder of police -- with a guilty and quiet reverence. Now here we are in an economic tar pit of new design, and here comes Lee Murray, who was pretty damn close to enjoying the good life after an audacious heist. This isn't hero worship. This is wish fulfillment.

Edited by theboss-
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Anyone here know of Lee Murray? I didnt't before today. Had a MMA record of 8-2--1 and made his UFC debut against Jorge Rivera. Beat Rivera with a triangle choke. He went the distance with Anderson Silva. He beat up Tito Ortiz in an alley. Oh and hes suspected of being the mastermind behind the biggest robbery in the history of Britain.

Found this E:60 piece about him on ESPN. Definitely worth checking out. Only 15 minutes.


Yeah good old lee Murray. Part of the largest bank heist in history. LOL He was a good fighter. Too bad he's so stupid. Lee Murray once beat up Tito Ortiz in a street fight once If I remember the story correctly.

edit: Funny I didn't read through your post completely and owned myself. I'm an idiot. But he was an entertaining fighter back in the day. The story of Tito and him fighting is really good because there were a lot of other guys there that saw it happen. Lots of UFC fighters. Tim Silvia and Matt Hughes and a bunch of others.

Edited by Harbinger
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Anyone here know of Lee Murray? I didnt't before today. Had a MMA record of 8-2--1 and made his UFC debut against Jorge Rivera. Beat Rivera with a triangle choke. He went the distance with Anderson Silva. He beat up Tito Ortiz in an alley. Oh and hes suspected of being the mastermind behind the biggest robbery in the history of Britain.

Found this E:60 piece about him on ESPN. Definitely worth checking out. Only 15 minutes.


I actually read an article about this guy in Maxim, i think it was. It ended with him winding up in jail after fleeing the country with the heist money

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Yeah good old lee Murray. Part of the largest bank heist in history. LOL He was a good fighter. Too bad he's so stupid. Lee Murray once beat up Tito Ortiz in a street fight once If I remember the story correctly.

edit: Funny I didn't read through your post completely and owned myself. I'm an idiot. But he was an entertaining fighter back in the day. The story of Tito and him fighting is really good because there were a lot of other guys there that saw it happen. Lots of UFC fighters. Tim Silvia and Matt Hughes and a bunch of others.

According to Pat Milletich (spelling?) he could have been world champion. And Pat witnessed the donkey kicking Lee gave Tito.

I actually read an article about this guy in Maxim, i think it was. It ended with him winding up in jail after fleeing the country with the heist money

He ended up in Monaco. He was jailed in Monaco for resisting arrest or something like that. The Brits want Monaco to extradite him but 1) they don't have a treaty with Monaco and 2) Lee's father was born in Monaco. So his lawyer is saying that the Monaco govt won't extradite one of their own. But the Brits have some terrorist in there custody who was behind some bombings in Monaco and there thinking of doing a switch.

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This weekend is going to be a lot of fun. Looking forward to the fights. I'll be down in Seattle with some buddies to catch the Mariners' game on Friday and hit up a bar for the fights on Saturday. What a great card. I hope it's as exciting as it looks to be. No decisions! Go GSP!

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GSP just said on OTR that he gains 20 pounds over the 1 night between the weigh-in and the fight.

That's the reason weight classes don't actually mean anything in the UFC or boxing for that matter. I have said this many times he goes up two weight classes over night.

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According to Pat Milletich (spelling?) he could have been world champion. And Pat witnessed the donkey kicking Lee gave Tito.

Chuck Liddell was also there and knocked out 3 guys one after another while backing up against a wall. According to Matt Hughes and Pat.

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GSP just said on OTR that he gains 20 pounds over the 1 night between the weigh-in and the fight.

So much for those that say that Alves will have a size advantage over GSP, can't wait to see him dominate this weekend

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Where is the realism? TUF? 30 behingd closed door unsactioned fights. That reeks of both realism and Honesty. Come on guys you're not serious. The Fertita family is best known for it's crime syndicate. This isn't idle talk. That is well documented.

Here is a pretty good series on the Fertitas family and their endeavors including Some links to some other articles.


If you think they are somehow on the up and up. Just give it a read. It's a good family history lesson.

Where is the realism? UFC was nicknamed a bloodsport after UFC 1, where Gerrard Gordeau pretty much knocked the teeth out of Tuli's face with one kick.

I don't know too much about the unsanctioned fights, but if there was any tampering with fights, people would definitely know.

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So Johnny leaves this ugly weather here in Vancouver tomorrow for sunny (40+) Las Vegas and UFC 100 Saturday!!! I have been waiting for this for so friggin long!! Gonna take a tonne of pics at the fan Expo so I'll be posting a few when I get back!

Also, Rampage getting his "hump" on in an interview!


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So Johnny leaves this ugly weather here in Vancouver tomorrow for sunny (40+) Las Vegas and UFC 100 Saturday!!! I have been waiting for this for so friggin long!! Gonna take a tonne of pics at the fan Expo so I'll be posting a few when I get back!

Also, Rampage getting his "hump" on in an interview!


Dude, is Vegas your second home? Lol. Have a great time ;) . I saw that video earlier today. Rampage is the man!

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Mir's idea of testing Lesnar's cardio is a bad approach. If Mir dicks around with Lesnar, Im calling KO for Mir in the 2nd round with Lesnar being relentless on going after him.

It's possible Mir would get Lesnar tired , but I don't see Lesnar completely falling for that, and plus for this plan to fail all it needs one little mistake in which Lesnar will probably attack right away then, Mir shouldn't try it.

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Mir's idea of testing Lesnar's cardio is a bad approach. If Mir dicks around with Lesnar, Im calling KO for Mir in the 2nd round with Lesnar being relentless on going after him.

Testing his cardio?

Have you seen the guys workouts? He does caveman training...the same type as Sean Sherk...except with more intensity.

His training is specifically designed to prepare him to go all 5 rounds.

His cardio is not an issue.

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