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So, I've mentioned this before in this thread but didn't really get a response....

Anybody have any clue where the UFC Training Center is located in Las Vegas??? Apparently it's kept secret, and I've google searched EVERYTHING!! At times during the Ultimate Fighter, you'll see a guy get eliminated and as he's walking to the car to leave, you can see the Rio and the Palms hotels almost right next door to them. I've always wondered exactly where it is. I've tried Google Earth too, but can't really make out the parking lot in that area.

Anyone? :lol: I'd love to go visit when I head back there next month.

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So, I've mentioned this before in this thread but didn't really get a response....

Anybody have any clue where the UFC Training Center is located in Las Vegas??? Apparently it's kept secret, and I've google searched EVERYTHING!! At times during the Ultimate Fighter, you'll see a guy get eliminated and as he's walking to the car to leave, you can see the Rio and the Palms hotels almost right next door to them. I've always wondered exactly where it is. I've tried Google Earth too, but can't really make out the parking lot in that area.

Anyone? :lol: I'd love to go visit when I head back there next month.


Someone seems to have made a pretty good guess on the location


it has the same cul de sac and the 2 hotels right across.

But from what another person said, you wont be allowed in or the UFC hedquarters either. So i guess if you want to drive by or something.

I visited the Zuffa headquarters building in Las Vegas and they told me that the ufc training center on The Ultimate Fighter was a "working set" and not open to the public at all. They also wouldn't let me tour the headquarters, which kinda sucked.
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Any predictions on the fighters for the finale? I reckon if Amir can manage to take CB this week he'll take the title :P

Personally I think he should get a contract just for his self-depreciating interviews :P

Amir's the most entertaining fighter on TUF since Chris Leben, except for good reasons. Love his style too. But against CB, it's gonna be tough. If he can somehow get through him, I think he can beat anyone. But Jesse is pretty damn tough too, despite being an absolute moron.

As for the finale, they couldn't get a matchup for the main event?? Tanner/Grove??? Meh. Could be okay I guess. I just remember last year's finale being soooo good (Huerta/Guida).

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Amir's the most entertaining fighter on TUF since Chris Leben, except for good reasons. Love his style too. But against CB, it's gonna be tough. If he can somehow get through him, I think he can beat anyone. But Jesse is pretty damn tough too, despite being an absolute moron.

As for the finale, they couldn't get a matchup for the main event?? Tanner/Grove??? Meh. Could be okay I guess. I just remember last year's finale being soooo good (Huerta/Guida).

Yeah I know what you mean about the finale this year, I'm a fan of Tanner but his time even as a "gate keeper" is starting to fade. As for Grove, he's never really risen to the occasion in my opinion. I can't see this as being a really exciting fight, but one can never really tell with MMA :)

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How huge was that??? Anyone still watching TUF 7??? Crazy finish to the season. Jesse Taylor rightfully gets the boot for being a mongloid!!! And Amir BEATS C.B.!!!! Frickin awesome!!

Was beyond awesome, I actually jumped out of my chair and yelled when I saw the tap! :) I don't know if that makes me a crazy sport fan, or just a nut for getting that excited about a "reality" show :P

I think Amir went from the underdog to the favorite. Watching CB get rocked on more than one occasion by both Amir and Tim sorta strips away some of his shine :P I can't see CB being able to consistently dominate Amir on the ground or getting him into a submission, so shy of a knockout I would definitely put my money on Amir.

Just imagine what Amir will be like when he is a full-time fighter training with the best. Scary :blink:

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Was beyond awesome, I actually jumped out of my chair and yelled when I saw the tap! :) I don't know if that makes me a crazy sport fan, or just a nut for getting that excited about a "reality" show :P

I think Amir went from the underdog to the favorite. Watching CB get rocked on more than one occasion by both Amir and Tim sorta strips away some of his shine :P I can't see CB being able to consistently dominate Amir on the ground or getting him into a submission, so shy of a knockout I would definitely put my money on Amir.

Just imagine what Amir will be like when he is a full-time fighter training with the best. Scary :blink:

Especially since he's had a few extra months of training now. But then again, so has CB. I really wish Tim beat CB, so they coulda had two really cool guys in the final. I'm gonna be really pissed if CB somehow tries another boring donkey fight and gets a decision somehow on Saturday.

But yah, my buddy and I were just as excited!! Did you hear Forrest hollering as if someone got murdered?? :lol: Funny stuff!! He was more excited than Amir!!

Also, UFC 88 has now been named "Breakthrough" apparently. I'm anxious to see if Chuck can be the first to knock out Rashad.

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Also, UFC 88 has now been named "Breakthrough" apparently. I'm anxious to see if Chuck can be the first to knock out Rashad.

Yeah, I don't give Rashad much chance of beating Chuck. I don't think he's dynamic enough of a striker and Chuck has some pretty slick take down defense. To be honest, Rashad bores the hell out of me.

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