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The biggest disappointments have been all the Pride "stars" that were really hyped up. Cro-Cop, Shogun, Minotauro, Henderson & Wanderlei haven't been very impressive in the UFC.

It started long before any of these guys were in the UFC. They picked these guys up on the wrong sides of their careers. And it looks as if by the time Dana gets Fedor he may be on the wrong side of his career aswell. Pride was so much better a product for fans. But it suffered the same problem unless they were doing Bushidos. No legit Ranking system. Too many fighters put in for viewership instead of Fighting ability. Putting Tuffers in because they are were on TV is the most useless thing I have ever seen. One guy wins a contract. But they all get contracts. That's anticlimactic isn't it?

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I doubt Silva would take a LHW fight that wasn't a title shot.

I dont think Anderson deserves a LHW shot as the LHW division is far superior to middleweight. Anderson hasnt proved he is good enough to face top 10 LHW's.

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I dont think Anderson deserves a LHW shot as the LHW division is far superior to middleweight. Anderson hasnt proved he is good enough to face top 10 LHW's.

Maybe he hasn't, but I doubt a title-holder goes up a weight class and is content to fight anyone but the champion. Consider that Penn is coming up to fight GSP, and that St Pierre if victorious will move up to fight Spider. As the consensus pound for pound best in UFC, and undefeated in UFC competition, (plus with a self-imposed ticking clock until retirement) I really don't see Silva in anything but the top marquee matchup against whoever has the LHW belt. IMO that division is the most interesting in UFC right now, but I think if Silva gets into it, it'll be for a title shot.

However, I'd like to see Rampage get a shot at getting that belt back too. Rashad vs Rampage would be very interesting.

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Maybe he hasn't, but I doubt a title-holder goes up a weight class and is content to fight anyone but the champion. Consider that Penn is coming up to fight GSP, and that St Pierre if victorious will move up to fight Spider. As the consensus pound for pound best in UFC, and undefeated in UFC competition, (plus with a self-imposed ticking clock until retirement) I really don't see Silva in anything but the top marquee matchup against whoever has the LHW belt. IMO that division is the most interesting in UFC right now, but I think if Silva gets into it, it'll be for a title shot.

However, I'd like to see Rampage get a shot at getting that belt back too. Rashad vs Rampage would be very interesting.

The BJ Penn/ GSP fight is a scam for GSP. BJ has done nothing at WW to prove he is a contender.

This whole thing is created because Dana White forced BJ Penn to move to LHW after the loss so he can build a lightheavyweight division and feature him on TUF to get viewers. The division was dissolved a few years before and lacked talent. Now it has some talent but not enough to challenge BJ other than florian.

The reality is that Anderson Silva has run out of opponents in the middleweight division basically after Dan Henderson and so he can either move up to LHW to face some guys his own size or move down to fight GSP. He should realistically fight in LHW as the guys are his size and he wont have a reach advantage anymore. He chooses to fight guys with a smaller reach.

So basically BJ penn has no one to fight.

Anderson Silva has no one to fight + his ppv buys do horrible because no one wants to see take on cans for the most part. He is fighting another can in April in montreal.

GSP is offered the fight and he will take it because he gets PPV revenue and it will make him rich.

As for Anderson though he needs to fight at LHW now because the middleweight division is weak. I doubt he could beat chuck liddell, shogun, rampage, arona etc. He has to stop fighting cans.

Edited by Pfizer
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The BJ Penn/ GSP fight is a scam for GSP. BJ has done nothing at WW to prove he is a contender.

This whole thing is created because Dana White forced BJ Penn to move to LHW after the loss so he can build a lightheavyweight division and feature him on TUF to get viewers. The division was dissolved a few years before and lacked talent. Now it has some talent but not enough to challenge BJ other than florian.

The reality is that Anderson Silva has run out of opponents in the middleweight division basically after Dan Henderson and so he can either move up to LHW to face some guys his own size or move down to fight GSP. He should realistically fight.

So basically BJ penn has no one to fight.

Anderson Silva has no one to fight + his ppv buys do horrible because no one wants to see him fight because he fights cans for the most part. He is fighting another can in April in montreal.

GSP is offered the fight and he will take it because he gets PPV revenue and it will make him rich.

As for Anderson though he needs to fight at LHW now because the middleweight division is weak. I doubt he could beat chuck liddell, shogun, rampage, arona etc.

That may all be true, though realistically, aside from the two heaviest divisions, there really isn't much competition as the three light divisions are all clearly dominated by the current champions. Hence having them fight each other.

However, Dana undoubtedly knows how well a card with Silva vs Evans would sell as a PPV. Silva may not deserve it, and he may lose, but it'd be a good draw. Lesnar didn't really earn his title shot either but UFC is in the business of making money, and they know that people want to see big names in big fights.

And I don't think it'd be a matter of Silva moving down to fight St Pierre, I think St Pierre would move up to challenge Silva for the middleweight belt. Though if he beats Penn I think he then has to fight Alves, no?

Anyways, in the LHW div, I'd love to see Silva in the mix, and would hope to see him fight the winner of a Rampage-Rashad fight. Though that division is just so strong, I'm curious to see how far Shogun can go too, maybe a rematch against Rampage. I think Chuck is pretty much finished though, same with Wanderlei.

Compared to that division, the others are kind of boring. Save I guess the HW division, would really like to see Mir vs Lesnar 2. There's no one in LW who can take down Penn, and Penn's the only one who has a realistic chance against GSP at welter, though Alves is an intriguing opponent.

Edited by Gretzky's Mullet
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That may all be true, though realistically, aside from the two heaviest divisions, there really isn't much competition as the three light divisions are all clearly dominated by the current champions. Hence having them fight each other.

However, Dana undoubtedly knows how well a card with Silva vs Evans would sell as a PPV. Silva may not deserve it, and he may lose, but it'd be a good draw. Lesnar didn't really earn his title shot either but UFC is in the business of making money, and they know that people want to see big names in big fights.

And I don't think it'd be a matter of Silva moving down to fight St Pierre, I think St Pierre would move up to challenge Silva for the middleweight belt. Though if he beats Penn I think he then has to fight Alves, no?

Anyways, in the LHW div, I'd love to see Silva in the mix, and would hope to see him fight the winner of a Rampage-Rashad fight. Though that division is just so strong, I'm curious to see how far Shogun can go too, maybe a rematch against Rampage. I think Chuck is pretty much finished though, same with Wanderlei.

Compared to that division, the others are kind of boring. Save I guess the HW division, would really like to see Mir vs Lesnar 2. There's no one in LW who can take down Penn, and Penn's the only one who has a realistic chance against GSP at welter, though Alves is an intriguing opponent.

Dana has actually screwed up the WW and LW division by giving BJ a title shot. It is actually bad for business in the long run. If BJ wins then instead of there being a title fight every 4 months like it is at the moment there will be a title shot only once a year basically. BJ will have to fight at LW then wait 4-6 months and fight at WW. All the while LW, and WW contenders will wait way too long.

If GSP beats Anderson this will screw up WW and MW.

Its too much to risk for just 1 good fight. Brock Lesnar is the exception because he gets super huge ratings from a group that they cant get on their own. the WWE fanbase. Thats why Brock is paid more than pretty much everyone in the UFC. Him as a rookie is getting paid like $250 000 plus ppv revenue while other guys who get their first HW fight earn like $7000. Plus with Brock winning it doesnt screw up another division in the process.

The reasonable thing to do is for BJ to move to WW and fight. GSP to move to middleweight and Anderson to move to LHW. You can make more exciting fights since the current competition has been exhausted.

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The reasonable thing to do is for BJ to move to WW and fight. GSP to move to middleweight and Anderson to move to LHW. You can make more exciting fights since the current competition has been exhausted.

That is true, but the issue is still that they would hold the belts from the division below, and none would give up that belt without a fight. If BJ beats GSP, then GSP could just move up and try to contend for the MW belt, though I imagine he'd want another shot at Penn at some point. Then they would have to hope that GSP could beat Silva so that Silva could be left to fight only in LHW. It doesn't solve the problem that Penn would still be holding belts for two divisions though, particularly as without GSP in WW, there would be few who could challenge Penn in either weight class. I don't think KenFlo is in his league really.

Edited by Gretzky's Mullet
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Mirko Cro Cop vs hong man choi. Oh the japanese and their freak show fights. Here is MMA sensation Mirko Cro Cop who was dominant in Pride FC against 7'2" 330 pound Hong man choi, who is a K-1 fighter.


HAHA! That guy was an oaf! And the way he went out in the end was weak! Kick to leg, yah I'm done.

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That is true, but the issue is still that they would hold the belts from the division below, and none would give up that belt without a fight. If BJ beats GSP, then GSP could just move up and try to contend for the MW belt, though I imagine he'd want another shot at Penn at some point. Then they would have to hope that GSP could beat Silva so that Silva could be left to fight only in LHW. It doesn't solve the problem that Penn would still be holding belts for two divisions though, particularly as without GSP in WW, there would be few who could challenge Penn in either weight class. I don't think KenFlo is in his league really.

It causes a huge problem though. If BJ beats GSP, the logical thing would be for BJ to fight Anderson. If you cant beat a LW there is no reason for you to fight for the MW belt.

If BJ got all 3 belts :lol: the divisons would go out of whack. If Silva loses to GSP then Silva should not move to LHW because he couldnt get it done at MW.

I think thats the problem with this whole planning. Loser champions won't move up. They will want to stay there to get their belt back. For BJ this match means nothing hes the only one that wins in this situation. IF he loses. oh well hes a lw. If he wins he does want he wants.

In my opinion i think its more exciting to see a champion move up to another division than to see losers like Rich Franklin. Its nice but not that exciting.

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In my opinion i think its more exciting to see a champion move up to another division than to see losers like Rich Franklin. Its nice but not that exciting.

Agreed, except there's no way they can take away a belt without a fight. That would suck anyways. I guess you could have the two top contenders fight it out, but there's not really anyone that deserving in lightweight right now, and besides, Dana isn't going to punish his top guys for taking on the challenge of moving up a class, and I don't blame him.

They might be able to get it to work if anyone holding a lower weight-class belt agreed to give it up to move up, in exchange for getting a guarantee of a title shot within a fixed amount of time.

And I agree that this whole thing only really benefits BJ Penn. Really for UFC the whole business is kind of a lose-lose, because either you have guys with multiple belts screwing up the divisions, or you force guys to stay in divisions they dominate and don't have truly competitive title bouts.

One solution is to force guys to defend every belt they may have on the same schedule as if they had only one. More fights per year, sure. Less time to prepare, of course, however, that's what comes with being a champion across weight classes. It would also mean people would get to potentially see BJ or GSP or Silva more often should they win at multiple classes. Frankly though, I think GSP will beat BJ, and I think Silva would beat GSP (good fight though), and I think Evans would beat Silva.

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