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Yeah there are knowledgeable fans but on the whole they dont know that much just like Canucks talk. Theres like a few thousand teenie boppers on there and a small amount of people that actually know whats good for the canucks.

Yeah i saw the video, i dont know.. I cant say im impressed to be honest. He moves fast but once an opponent tries to fatigue him it will go out the window.

jeet kun do, i know bruce lee created it, but i dont think its ever been refined. Its just basically another way of saying MMA. I think that guy would get dropped honestly in the UFC. Looks pretty neat but is it really practical? Seems a bit too hollywood for me.

edit: whats your take on it?

Don't let the movies fool you.

JKD is one of the most efficient, practical and just plain fuqing "cheap" styles out there IMO, the only "weakness" is the lack of emphasis on groundfighting but you've have to be very good to get to that point against a good JKD man, and some clubs are incorporating BJJ and other ground fighting styles into their training to cover that base as well. Those JKD punches have to be felt to be believed, they're not only fast and nontelegraphic but they hurt above any other punch. The kicking is probably the best in martial arts. Bruce Lee knew his stuff, and don't see how anyone in MMA in his weight class could deal with him regardless of his lack of groundfighting skills.

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I need to log on more often, this topic has picked up some :)

I was reading back over the last few pages and a fellow mentioned GSP fightin Karo in the context that karo wasn't a good fighter (obviously not remembering his status back when they fought) and was curious as to what people think of his future.

I know a lot of folks aren't a big fan of Karo, but after the crazy year and a bit he's had, anyone but me think he can find his old form and at least make a run at being top 5 again for WW in the UFC?

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Don't let the movies fool you.

JKD is one of the most efficient, practical and just plain fuqing "cheap" styles out there IMO, the only "weakness" is the lack of emphasis on groundfighting but you've have to be very good to get to that point against a good JKD man, and some clubs are incorporating BJJ and other ground fighting styles into their training to cover that base as well. Those JKD punches have to be felt to be believed, they're not only fast and nontelegraphic but they hurt above any other punch. The kicking is probably the best in martial arts. Bruce Lee knew his stuff, and don't see how anyone in MMA in his weight class could deal with him regardless of his lack of groundfighting skills.

Bruce Lee was one of the first to make the point that if a grappler got a hold of him he'd be done for. I'd suggest checking on you-tube for some of the unedited bits meant for "Game of Death", particularly the four, long edited sequences against Kareem. During the original scene he not only utilizes Judo type throws and joint locks, he speaks of breaking down his opponent's will and energy in between varied striking styles.

If nothing else, watch the beginning of "Enter the Dragon" again...Bruce Lee was all about trying to become the complete fighter before his passing. It's a shame that we never got to see what he truly could have become.

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I need to log on more often, this topic has picked up some :)

I was reading back over the last few pages and a fellow mentioned GSP fightin Karo in the context that karo wasn't a good fighter (obviously not remembering his status back when they fought) and was curious as to what people think of his future.

I know a lot of folks aren't a big fan of Karo, but after the crazy year and a bit he's had, anyone but me think he can find his old form and at least make a run at being top 5 again for WW in the UFC?

Karo is a good fighter. He's just full of himself. He's mostly a gatekeeper for up and comers. He used to be alright. But back then the pool was pretty weak. He's no better and no worse than he has ever been. He is not able to beat top notch fighters.


Edited by Harbinger
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Karo is a good fighter. He's just full of himself. He's mostly a gatekeeper for up and comers. He used to be alright. But back then the pool was pretty weak. He's no better and no worse than he has ever been. He is not able to beat top notch fighters.


Not sure how you can say he's no worse. The man went through a couple major injuries and diagnosed panic attacks. When Greg Jackson is telling you that you've won your first victory by getting in to the ring and surviving the first round, it's a sure sign you are not the fighter you once were.

I'm a reluctant fan of his, but I have to say I don't think you could even consider him a "gatekeeper" anymore. I just have this weird feeling that if he keeps on track, he could make some noise there.

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Not sure how you can say he's no worse. The man went through a couple major injuries and diagnosed panic attacks. When Greg Jackson is telling you that you've won your first victory by getting in to the ring and surviving the first round, it's a sure sign you are not the fighter you once were.

I'm a reluctant fan of his, but I have to say I don't think you could even consider him a "gatekeeper" anymore. I just have this weird feeling that if he keeps on track, he could make some noise there.

Editted for not funny

Edited by Harbinger
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Bruce Lee was one of the first to make the point that if a grappler got a hold of him he'd be done for. I'd suggest checking on you-tube for some of the unedited bits meant for "Game of Death", particularly the four, long edited sequences against Kareem. During the original scene he not only utilizes Judo type throws and joint locks, he speaks of breaking down his opponent's will and energy in between varied striking styles.

If nothing else, watch the beginning of "Enter the Dragon" again...Bruce Lee was all about trying to become the complete fighter before his passing. It's a shame that we never got to see what he truly could have become.

It would be extremely hard to get a hold of him though, especially if your standup game is clubfighter grade like most MMA fighters. Those clips were entertaining but choreographed scenes tell us little about how the man would actually handle business. I know from sparring JKD guys and watching them spar others that its all about efficiency and not letting the other guy get into the fight. I agree that Bruce was a work in progress though, we never saw close to best of him and his passing left JKD in limbo.

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Don't let the movies fool you.

JKD is one of the most efficient, practical and just plain fuqing "cheap" styles out there IMO, the only "weakness" is the lack of emphasis on groundfighting but you've have to be very good to get to that point against a good JKD man, and some clubs are incorporating BJJ and other ground fighting styles into their training to cover that base as well. Those JKD punches have to be felt to be believed, they're not only fast and nontelegraphic but they hurt above any other punch. The kicking is probably the best in martial arts. Bruce Lee knew his stuff, and don't see how anyone in MMA in his weight class could deal with him regardless of his lack of groundfighting skills.

If UFC were to allow finger pokes to the throat, and punches to the crotch then JKD might be super effective but at the moment I dont see it being effective.

Theres been a couple guys in the UFC that represented Jeet Kune Do and they didnt really amount to much. Maybe in the future if someone can utilize it perfectly for MMA.

Once you catch a JKD in a clinch I dont think its that effective. You have to have to ground game to it. I remember once of bruces techniques was to hit fast and hard and then move and not get hit like Lyoto Machida is doing now. Hopefully one of his followers can make it popular in the UFC.

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If UFC were to allow finger pokes to the throat, and punches to the crotch then JKD might be super effective but at the moment I dont see it being effective.

Theres been a couple guys in the UFC that represented Jeet Kune Do and they didnt really amount to much. Maybe in the future if someone can utilize it perfectly for MMA.

Once you catch a JKD in a clinch I dont think its that effective. You have to have to ground game to it. I remember once of bruces techniques was to hit fast and hard and then move and not get hit like Lyoto Machida is doing now. Hopefully one of his followers can make it popular in the UFC.

There's a LOT more to it than just eye gouges and that sort of stuff, you got a standup arsenal that's basically derived from boxing, Muay Thai, Savate, The Filipino arts and Wing Chun, even limited to octagon legal techniques its going to be crazy. I think the thing with the UFC is that there is only a handful of good strikers in it anyway, let alone anyone bring an advanced standup game like JKD.

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Some of the comments that have been posted in this thread by the casual fans are pretty funny. I bet some of these guys walk around with Affliction and Tapout shirts acting like they know MMA. These d-bags always crack me up when I see them.

:lol: I know little about MMA and have recently started watching UFC. I really only make a point to watch a few guys in particular...mainly GSP and Lesnar for entertainment purposes. I am not gonna post on here acting like I know a whole lot about the sport.

And for the record, I am not one of those guys and I never will be!! They are d-bags.

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There's a LOT more to it than just eye gouges and that sort of stuff, you got a standup arsenal that's basically derived from boxing, Muay Thai, Savate, The Filipino arts and Wing Chun, even limited to octagon legal techniques its going to be crazy. I think the thing with the UFC is that there is only a handful of good strikers in it anyway, let alone anyone bring an advanced standup game like JKD.

until someone can prove it actually works in real combat its just hearsay like many other martial arts people say is the greatest. It has to be actually tested. Youtube videos of "jeet kune do" guys shadow fighting doesn't cut it.

If someone steps up to the plate and utilizes it effectively in MMA (M-1,UFC, Afflicition, Strikeforce) then it will get notice. As for now it just looks pretty.

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until someone can prove it actually works in real combat its just hearsay like many other martial arts people say is the greatest. It has to be actually tested. Youtube videos of "jeet kune do" guys shadow fighting doesn't cut it.

If someone steps up to the plate and utilizes it effectively in MMA (M-1,UFC, Afflicition, Strikeforce) then it will get notice. As for now it just looks pretty.

MMA is sportfighting, while I agee that an art that does well there gains credibility, it's a long way from real combat.

Edited by Cuete
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Here's a thought, i'm not sure if its been discussed and i'm not going to read 94 pages....

Should MMA be a sport in the near future at the Olympics?

There are enough countries that have top competitors.

There was talk of Canada wanting GSP to compete in Wrestling... that's what made me think why not MMA.

Edited by HolyRollerNovocaine
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Here's a thought, i'm not sure if its been discussed and i'm not going to read 94 pages....

Should MMA be a sport in the near future at the Olympics?

There are enough countries that have top competitors.

There was talk of Canada wanting GSP to compete in Wrestling... that's what made me think why not MMA.

No thanks. The rules in UFC are too watered down as it is. No need to water it down more for the Olympics. Plus the injuries most guys would get after two rounds would likely make most of them drop out during a tournament.

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MMA is sportfighting, while I agee that an art that does well there gains credibility, it's a long way from real combat.

Its the only real world scenario where you can prove your worth.

In real combat the first guy to kick the other guy in the balls basically wins. Once they've been hit you can bite them too.

In a real fight there are many cheap things you can do.

Or they could just be real men and fight at what ever weight they're at.

I don't think you understand how big a difference size and power makes at the lower weight classes.

The difference in height and weight at lw,ww,mw and lhw is huge compared to HW. Thats why HW allows for a larger 60 pound difference.

In other weight classes there are 15 pound increments. LHW 20 pound increment. In HW there is a 60 pound difference allowed because at that size height and weight at not much of a factor anymore as long as you are not super short.

Its the same as MW Ninja Rua fighting HW Sergei Kharitonov. They were "real men" fighting at their natural weights and Ninja got absolutely demolished. The power difference between mw and hw are huge.

The difference between a 185 pounder vs a 220 pounder is much different than a 240 pounds vs 280 pounder. There comes a point in heavyweight where all the added weight is actually holding you back then helping you. Other than Brock Lesnar. but i mean how many dudes are that built and fast at the height/weight in MMA at the moment.

edit: 2 boys one is 120 pounds the other is 160. The difference here is huge in terms of power compared to someone 240 and 280. At 240 they have the same Knockout Power. The 280 is much slower. Its actually better for the 240 er. The 120 pound kid would get killed by the 160'r given the skill is the same.

Edited by Pfizer
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Its the only real world scenario where you can prove your worth.

In real combat the first guy to kick the other guy in the balls basically wins. Once they've been hit you can bite them too.

In a real fight there are many cheap things you can do.

I don't think you understand how big a difference size and power makes at the lower weight classes.

The difference in height and weight at lw,ww,mw and lhw is huge compared to HW. Thats why HW allows for a larger 60 pound difference.

In other weight classes there are 15 pound increments. LHW 20 pound increment. In HW there is a 60 pound difference allowed because at that size height and weight at not much of a factor anymore as long as you are not super short.

Its the same as MW Ninja Rua fighting HW Sergei Kharitonov. They were "real men" fighting at their natural weights and Ninja got absolutely demolished. The power difference between mw and hw are huge.

The difference between a 185 pounder vs a 220 pounder is much different than a 240 pounds vs 280 pounder. There comes a point in heavyweight where all the added is actually holding you back then helping you. Other than Brock Lesnar. but i mean how many dudes are that built and fast at the height/weight in MMA at the moment.

You always have antonio silva junior. ;) I would put him against Brock in a second. But he's a super heavyweight. But on the other hand. I would have no problem watching Fedor fight him either. I wouldn't think it was unfair at all. even at a 70 lb difference. In my eyes all weight classes below heavy weight are basically vying for second best. Just a personal opinion. But as for strength at those weights. I disagree that 40 lbs in heavy weight is unsubstantial. a 40 lb difference is substantial especially if the person you are fighting is fit. One of my good friends is about 235. He trains mma. He has said many times An out of shape dude with an extra 40 lbs on you is tough to deal with. But a Fat guy that is 40 lbs over size that is when it becomes easier. 40 lbs at the end of a punch changes things up. Just look at Tim Silvia for that. The guy is not ripped. But he's tall and heavy. He can deliver powerful punches because of the extra weight. If he was 40 lbs lighter do you think he would stand a chance in mma? The difference between a guy that is 185 and 205 is not a whole heck of a lot different seeing as I'm 195. I'm speaking from experience.

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