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Ya got a point there.

I can see why someone would hate Dana too.

I think you have the wrong impression of me when it comes to MMA

I love MMA, I really do. I have absolutely no problem with GSP. I just thought the Vaseline controversy is hilarious. Its something that will be around for the rest of his career now. BJ didn't stand a chance no matter what happened that fight. The photoshops I make of GSP are just too hard to resist. I like all the fighters. Pretty much all of them except for Brock. And the only real problem I have with Brock is that Dana hand picked himself a poster boy and gave him a title match so quickly. Pride was full of roiders back in the day. That stuff doesn't bother me. So hopefully You have a better understanding of where I sit and you don't need to feel compelled to be rude towards me.

Oh and here's my latest Fedor Photoshop. Hopefully you get a good laugh or find it mildly amusing. Since that's my only intention.


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Here's a post from an article I don't remember where it came from But it's pretty interesting.

"One of the best ways to measure effective defense and dominance is to look at the number of strikes a fighter absorbs. This gets a little tricky when making comparisons because not all fights are the same length. So instead of using a cumulative total, we use a ratio. The easiest way to consistently calculate this is to figure the number of strikes absorbed divided by the number of minutes fought. That gives you the number of strikes absorbed per minute of fighting, which we abbreviate as SApM. Here are some SApM figures for the current slate of UFC champions:

Anderson Silva: 0.71 SApM

Georges St. Pierre: 1.01 SApM

BJ Penn: 1.23 SApM

Rashad Evans: 1.39 SApM

Frank Mir: 2.7 SApM

(Note: Brock Lesnar has not had enough career fights to get a meaningful measurement)

These numbers shouldn't be that surprising. Silva usually beats his opponents before they have a chance to hit him. St. Pierre's excellent ground control gives few opportunities for opponents to strike back. Penn and Evans have taken more strikes, but still have low numbers. And Mir, who has taken a number of beatings in his career, stands far below the rest.

But none of them can touch Machida. His career SApM is 0.64. To put that into context, think of BJ Penn and figure that he has averaged absorbing almost double the number of strikes that Machida has. Machida's SApM of 0.64 gives him the second lowest number in MMA history among fighters with at least 10 fights in a major promotion. The only man standing above Machida is the inestimable Fedor Emelianenko, with a SApM of 0.59."

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Crazy stuff there.....

Anyways, anyone else considering going down to Vegas for UFC 100??? Apparently it's July 11 at Mandalay Bay. Rumours swirling for potential matchups:

GSP vs Alves (possible main event)

Rashad vs #1 contender (Machida? Rampage?, etc)

Couture vs Minotauro

This has the possibility of being one of the biggest PPV's ever. I MUST GO!! Allegiant Air alwys has killer deals outta Bellingham if anyone's interested! And yours truly is a Fight Club member with access to presale tickets!!

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Crazy stuff there.....

Anyways, anyone else considering going down to Vegas for UFC 100??? Apparently it's July 11 at Mandalay Bay. Rumours swirling for potential matchups:

GSP vs Alves (possible main event)

Rashad vs #1 contender (Machida? Rampage?, etc)

Couture vs Minotauro

This has the possibility of being one of the biggest PPV's ever. I MUST GO!! Allegiant Air alwys has killer deals outta Bellingham if anyone's interested! And yours truly is a Fight Club member with access to presale tickets!!

I cant wait until I hit 21. DAMN!!!!!!!!! Watching GSP and Couture on the same card would be killer.

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UFC 97 got moved to Vegas

Also UFC 99 co-main event is Randy Couture vs Cro Cop

Unless you have a source I am calling BS since I can find one that says it was saved and is still going to be in montreal as of 2 hours ago.


<h1 class="postTitle">Report: UFC 97 is saved, will go on as planned in Montreal</h1> by MMAjunkie.com Staff on Feb 18, 2009 at 12:45 pm ET anderson-silva-11.jpgA UFC 97 event planned for the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, has reportedly been saved.

Lat week Canadian officials said the UFC could not conduct the April 18 "UFC 97: Redemption" card with the UFC's current rules.

However, according to corussports.com, a French-language website that has covered the series of events, the UFC will prohibit foot stomps at the commission's request, but elbow and knee strikes will not be banned for the upcoming pay-per-view show.

Réjean Thériault, the communications director for the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, which governs alcohol, racing, gambling and combat sports in Quebec, initially stated the UFC's use of elbows and knees to the head do not currently fall in line with the commission's policies.

The commission's current policies only apply to boxing, kickboxing and something called "mixed boxing" that does not include MMA. The policies do not provide regulations on the use of a cage.

The commission's stance was especially confusing since representatives said the commission was unaware that UFC 83, attended by more than 21,000 people and generating $5.1 million in ticket sales, took place in Montreal in 2008.

UFC officials Lorenzo Fertitta and Marc Ratner met with the Canadian officials on Tuesday and apparently hashed out a deal.

As a back-up plan, the organization began making preparations for a possible move to the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas for UFC 97, Yahoo! Sports' Kevin Iole reported Tuesday.

UFC 97 features a main event between UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva and challenger Thales Leites, and former UFC light-heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell takes on Mauricio "Shogun' Rua in the co-main event.

For continued coverage of "UFC 97: Redemption," stay tuned to the UFC Rumors section of MMAjunkie.com.

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Unless you have a source I am calling BS since I can find one that says it was saved and is still going to be in montreal as of 2 hours ago.


Haha dammit you beat me to it, was just about to post that. Good news for the MMA fans in Montreal, glad they figured their crap out for now.

In other news


Rich Franklin Vs Wanderlei Silva @ 185 pounds UFC 99. Great fight thanks Joe Silva!

Edited by Robongo
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Penn v. Florian @ UFC 99 in Cologne, Germany.

This should be a great fight. Penn can't have a worse showing than in his last fight and he knows it, while this is Florian's chance to really make a name for himself.

Agreed. I still say BJ wins though. Still can't see KenFlo as the champ, although I'd love it.

And looks like GSP/Alves is confirmed for 100. I seriously cannot wait to see this live. Gotta get those presale tickets bright and early though!!!


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Looks like Wanderlei Silva v. Rich Franklin will also happen at UFC 99. Is this finally the time Franklin will beat a Brazilian named Silva? (or any Brazilian at that.)

GSP v. Alves could be match of the century

Other UFC 100 rumours:

Evans v. Rampage/ Machida (depending on if Jackson beats Jardine.)

Henderson v. Bisping

Anderson Silva v. Chuck Liddell

Couture v. Nogueria (More likely to happen at 99)

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Looks like Wanderlei Silva v. Rich Franklin will also happen at UFC 99. Is this finally the time Franklin will beat a Brazilian named Silva? (or any Brazilian at that.)

GSP v. Alves could be match of the century

Other UFC 100 rumours:

Evans v. Rampage/ Machida (depending on if Jackson beats Jardine.)

Henderson v. Bisping

Anderson Silva v. Chuck Liddell

Couture v. Nogueria (More likely to happen at 99)


Seriously, MUST go to this event!

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