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The Official Transit Thread


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The overview


Freeway Begins

Delta Port Interchange




Highway 99 interchange





Tilbury Interchange



Sunbury/Nordel Way Interchange





Tannery Road Interchange



End of Freeway






104th Ave Interchange


End of Principal Road

Golden Ears Bridge Connector


tsk tsk tsk. Final eh? Depends on who wins the contract.

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I'm quite sure the port imports and exports a lot more than just your veggies.

It's a tiny fraction of the overall agricultural land reserve.


Next up in the port expansion's plans is a 150-acre railyard right next to the water on existing farmland. ;)

I wonder how long you'll amuse yourself with that violin.

And no, it's not a large percentage of the ALR. But how many times does it take to say that before you've lost a big piece?

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So I take it that you don't want trucks off of roads that are heavily used by local traffic, but you want to keep them on roads like Hwy 17, 99, and 10, possibly endangering drivers who use them for a commute?

Can we improve the rail network to transport their cargo?

Edited by Buggernut
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So I take it that you don't want trucks off of roads that are heavily used by local traffic, but you want to keep them on roads like Hwy 17, 99, and 10, possibly endangering drivers who use them for a commute?

Hahahahahaha...endangering drivers...good one.

Those 3 'roads' you listed are highways. They are all (mostly now) 4 lanes if not more. No, I don't think a new highway is needed. It's certainly not in the name of safety though...haha...so funny.

Like I've said a hundred times, I'm opposed to this highway, and other highway expansion for numerous reasons. I also have said hundreds of times that I don't want to do the same thing they did in the 70's, say no to highways and then that's it. Imagine what nice new rapid transit we could get to serve the region with the money being blown on these new highways. Then, maybe, just maybe, the single occupancy drivers could take rapid transit, opening the highways for commercial traffic.

What a crazy idea!

Edited by inane
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Waited for the 22 Bus for 30 minutes, bus finally comes but is full so I can't get on, 5 minutes later another one comes but is full again. 3rd one comes and I can finally just BARELY squeeze myself in.

I get on Broadway, it's like a f**king packed like a can of sardines, I get on the train finding out that I can't get off on Patterson because of that damn bomb. So I end up walking from Joyce to back home.

Oh well, it wasn't that bad. Pretty crazy that a pipe bomb was discovered at Metrotown though

Edited by KoreanHockeyFan
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Hahahahahaha...endangering drivers...good one.

Those 3 'roads' you listed are highways. They are all (mostly now) 4 lanes if not more. No, I don't think a new highway is needed. It's certainly not in the name of safety though...haha...so funny.

Like I've said a hundred times, I'm opposed to this highway, and other highway expansion for numerous reasons. I also have said hundreds of times that I don't want to do the same thing they did in the 70's, say no to highways and then that's it. Imagine what nice new rapid transit we could get to serve the region with the money being blown on these new highways. Then, maybe, just maybe, the single occupancy drivers could take rapid transit, opening the highways for commercial traffic.

What a crazy idea!

Opening up the highways for trucks to blare down roads where there's commuter traffic. How safe is that!

You mention many times about creating rapid transit to serve the regions that the highway would otherwise have served. The only problem is that the areas that the SFPR runs through doesn't have that need for rapid transit. It's a shortcut so truckers don't have to endure the weaving in and out of commuter traffic while in South Surrey/Cloverdale/Langley.

We're talking about places like Cloverdale or Langley right now. Forget about Ladner/tsawaassen/South Delta. The further south/east you are from Surrey, the harder it will be to convince people about the merits of commuting to downtown.

Your proposal is idealistic and a fantasy at best. Good luck convincing the many commuters living south of the Fraser to abandon their cars for a system that time and time again can fail and leave tens of thousands of people stranded.

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Opening up the highways for trucks to blare down roads where there's commuter traffic. How safe is that!

You mention many times about creating rapid transit to serve the regions that the highway would otherwise have served. The only problem is that the areas that the SFPR runs through doesn't have that need for rapid transit. It's a shortcut so truckers don't have to endure the weaving in and out of commuter traffic while in South Surrey/Cloverdale/Langley.

We're talking about places like Cloverdale or Langley right now. Forget about Ladner/tsawaassen/South Delta. The further south/east you are from Surrey, the harder it will be to convince people about the merits of commuting to downtown.

Your proposal is idealistic and a fantasy at best. Good luck convincing the many commuters living south of the Fraser to abandon their cars for a system that time and time again can fail and leave tens of thousands of people stranded.

Opening up the highways? That's how it is now.

Well, it's more complex that that, but if you provide rapid transit (be it skytrain, lrt, rapid bus, whatever) to residents of Cloverdale/Langley, then they will use it. The problem is they don't have it, so they drive. Perfectly understandable. But now, you're giving them more roads to drive. So the need for transit is even less. So now you have more people driving, cause in the SHORT TERM it's easier to drive. But then what happens in 20-30 years? Answer me that one.

And if you're so down on transit, do you support the Canada Line? Evergreen? B-lines?

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Opening up the highways? That's how it is now.

Well, it's more complex that that, but if you provide rapid transit (be it skytrain, lrt, rapid bus, whatever) to residents of Cloverdale/Langley, then they will use it. The problem is they don't have it, so they drive. Perfectly understandable. But now, you're giving them more roads to drive. So the need for transit is even less. So now you have more people driving, cause in the SHORT TERM it's easier to drive. But then what happens in 20-30 years? Answer me that one.

And if you're so down on transit, do you support the Canada Line? Evergreen? B-lines?

I'm not talking about building highways smack in Langley and Cloverdale though. I'm talking about an area (and a situation) that is underserved, and in need of new infrastructure. Have you seen the congestion on River Road everyday, as trucks are waiting to get onto 91? Transit ain't gonna help them out.

Yes, I support the RAV Line and the Evergreen line, but that's because those intended areas are close enough to Vancouver's city core. Any further, and it's next to impossible. The WCE achieved its mandate because it's using pre-existing infrastructure, with stops servicing city centers along the way. What do we have between Surrey Central and Langley? Farmland.

edit: well, maybe not. there's still fleetwood. But then who's to say there's no buses servicing the area? There is. Make it faster. How? That's an impossibility, since it's tied down to a schedule. And thus, we have a neverending cycle right there of how a commuter would rather drive than take transit.

Edited by blue.dragon258
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