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how are negative feedback and positive similar and different ?

for similar i got they both use feedback mehanisms to modify the internal body environment by using a system that includes sensors, control centers and effector

negative feedback is a self regulating system that counteracts changes to the body's internal environment. It keeps the body function near optimal levels.

positive self regulating mchanism that reinforces changes to the bodys internal environment. It strengethens the effect.

can you fix my stuff ?

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This is my expository paragraph and I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions possibly on the topic and concluding sentence.

Panorama Ridge, overcrowded, problematic location, and missing vital sports team, just some of the disadvantages of attending this school. Firstly, it has become dramatically overcrowded in just one year. There is very little room to walk in the hall with the mass amount of people. Furthermore, it is a very inconvenient location when it comes to lunch. An awfully small number of fast food amenities are available in walking distance causing a limited choice at lunch. Finally, Panorama Ridge is lacking many important sport programs. Sports like football, wrestling, and ultimate are missing from extracurricular activities. All in all Panorama Ridge is congested, an inconvenient location, and missing essential sport; teams these are some of the disadvantages of going to Panorama Ridge Secondary.

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This is my expository paragraph and I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions possibly on the topic and concluding sentence.

Panorama Ridge, overcrowded, problematic location, and missing vital sports team, just some of the disadvantages of attending this school. Firstly, it has become dramatically overcrowded in just one year. There is very little room to walk in the hall with the mass amount of people. Furthermore, it is a very inconvenient location when it comes to lunch. An awfully small number of fast food amenities are available in walking distance causing a limited choice at lunch. Finally, Panorama Ridge is lacking many important sport programs. Sports like football, wrestling, and ultimate are missing from extracurricular activities. All in all Panorama Ridge is congested, an inconvenient location, and missing essential sport; teams these are some of the disadvantages of going to Panorama Ridge Secondary.

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A few true/false questions...

Nick Thompson, a wheat farmer in Saskatchewan, sells into a perfectly competitive

market. Nick and all other wheat farmers operate with the following cost function:

C(Q) = 4.5 + 6Q + 0.5Q2.

True False

a) Long run equilibrium production for Nick is Q = 3

b ) Nick may produce less than Q = 3 in the short run.

c) Nick might make losses in the long run but not in the short run.

d) If the fixed costs of Nick and all other farmers increase from 4.5 to 8, Nick’s long run

output will rise and long run price will also increase.

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a. no x-intercepts means the vertex will be above 0, so q > 0

b. exactly 1 x-intercept occurs at 0, so q=0

c. 2 x-intercepts will be q<0.

the coefficient a won't make a difference in these cases.

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