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Nice post pwnage. Off topic is my fav. Intelligent posters there. And of course, it has the God Thread

I pretty much have nothing to discuss in Canucks talk. I was reading some threads from a while back regarding lineups, and people who actually knew the game had better predictions then, than half the kids that are posting there right now.

Edited by Super19
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Canucks Talk is like the Redundant Department of Redundancy, every few months the same threads pop up over and over again. "Who's your favourite player?", "_____ SUCKS!!!! TRADE HIM", "Our team is really good, the cup shall be ours!!"

The only time I ever post there is during the regular season, in GDT's

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Canucks Talk has gone downhill with a lot of threads either cheerleading or hating

General Hockey Discussion is pretty good, it reminds me of hfboards which I have never posted on but occasionally read

Fantasy Hockey, I don't go to so I can't say

Proposals is pretty decent except for the occasional noobs who mess up the headers

Trades, rumors is similar to general hockey

Off-Topic is I think the best for some decent discussion on CDC with posters like nitronuts, inane, ronthecivil, etc to discuss and debate all sorts of things with

White Noise is interesting, we have some random stuff to discuss and it also seems like the place for people to vent some of their thoughts on

Here's my run down of CDC:

Canucks Talk - Waste of time, non good, no need for it, only good thing in there during the season is the creative GDT's, other then that, it's like OT, and cheerleading.

General Hockey Discussion - I think the best discussion happens in there, other then Off Topic, where OT and GHD are discussed on different events so they both are good sections. It also seems some more knowledgeable posters are starting to creep into GHD a bit more, would be a good thing for that section.

Fantasy Hockey - It's better nopw, lots more active GM's/members in there. I've always had fun ihn there, regardless of what happens, that part of the forum, is the nucleus of where I go, if that forum isn't there, I'd be a non-poster not giving a crap what I do. If some of you guys are interested in playing pools or anything, come on in, we can help you along the way.

Proposals - Pretty good forum in there, Al, B3, and c2x are doing a great job in that part, the headers makes it look so much more clean, and makes it a faster way to navigate in there. A few bad proposals here and there, but it happens.

Trades/Rumors/Signings - It's not really a 'discussion' forum, but it's where lots of news goes in there around th league. If I'm away, or out of town for a few days, I go in there to catch up around the league.

Off-Topic - I can't really comment on this section, seeing as I rarely go in there. ronthecivil, nitronuts etc.. come to mind for me right away, and maybe even wetcoaster, as I've seen he's more and more active now.

White/Brown Noise - Once Training Camp starts, I'm out of here. I don't want to say much, as I think it'd be edited out, but I'll just say that it's not where I'll come much, seems liek a bunch of people looking for attention in here most of the time.

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Here's my run down of CDC:

Canucks Talk - Waste of time, non good, no need for it, only good thing in there during the season is the creative GDT's, other then that, it's like OT, and cheerleading.

General Hockey Discussion - I think the best discussion happens in there, other then Off Topic, where OT and GHD are discussed on different events so they both are good sections. It also seems some more knowledgeable posters are starting to creep into GHD a bit more, would be a good thing for that section.

Fantasy Hockey - It's better nopw, lots more active GM's/members in there. I've always had fun ihn there, regardless of what happens, that part of the forum, is the nucleus of where I go, if that forum isn't there, I'd be a non-poster not giving a crap what I do. If some of you guys are interested in playing pools or anything, come on in, we can help you along the way.

Proposals - Pretty good forum in there, Al, B3, and c2x are doing a great job in that part, the headers makes it look so much more clean, and makes it a faster way to navigate in there. A few bad proposals here and there, but it happens.

Trades/Rumors/Signings - It's not really a 'discussion' forum, but it's where lots of news goes in there around th league. If I'm away, or out of town for a few days, I go in there to catch up around the league.

Off-Topic - I can't really comment on this section, seeing as I rarely go in there. ronthecivil, nitronuts etc.. come to mind for me right away, and maybe even wetcoaster, as I've seen he's more and more active now.

White/Brown Noise - Once Training Camp starts, I'm out of here. I don't want to say much, as I think it'd be edited out, but I'll just say that it's not where I'll come much, seems liek a bunch of people looking for attention in here most of the time.

Good stuff but even the GDTs are kind of crappy beyond the first post :lol: The next 3 pages are just compliments and then every time someone scores you see a lot of spam like



The PGT is often a lot better where some actual discussion goes on.

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B.M. 24 I could be joining a keeper league and I was wondering if you could give me some pointers. I also understand that most leagues have different rules and such but do you have any tips on how to build a successful team? My fantasy hockey experience mainly comes from those yahoo! public pools, although I am quite good at them.

Beginning of my post was messed up lol.

Edited by LucBourdon28
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