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OMG Earthquake?


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Man this is scarying the crap out of me now , its not 2012 anymore its 2011 !!

I was actually shown a different calendar that puts the end of the world on October 28th, 2011. Here's the calendar, it's not as good as the one I was shown, but I'll post this for now and do some more research.



Didn't realize it, but that IS the mayan calendar showing the world ending this year.

Read more here:


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She didn't predict anything....she twisted Dr. Kaku's words into her own correlation to a comet and the Ring of Fire, which only happens to cover half of the earth. You don't think that there would be an earthquake somewhere there on any given day??

90% of all the earthquakes happen on the 'Ring of Fire'. And she gave a bunch of dates sequentially, she didn't say it would happen on exactly one of those dates....what is her psychic antenna on the fritz??

And just to show you what the chances of predicting an earthquake somewhere on earth on any given is......

Wow...what a fricken psychic!!!!! 2utgv3d.gif

Gimme a break.

Well, to be fair, she gave a fairly specific range of a week and also included a relative magnitude when she said it would be bigger than Chile. The odds of that are quite a bit lower than you posted but she could also make one of these a week for all we know. The real trick would be for her to do it multiple times without any misses. I agree the Ring of Fire is spurious entirely.

I do not believe she claimed that her prediction is based upon ESP though she certainly believes the whole gamut of possibilities for precognition by the sounds of it.

Edited by theminister
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I've been watching CNN for hours now, and there's NOTHING new from this morning. I guess it's good that nothings happening, but I keep watching the same videos over and over.

Lager, you're getting news hypnosis. You gotta take a break from it all my man.

It happened to me with 9/11....i don't think I moved for a couple days.

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I was actually shown a different calendar that puts the end of the world on October 28th, 2011. Here's the calendar, it's not as good as the one I was shown, but I'll post this for now and do some more research.



Didn't realize it, but that IS the mayan calendar showing the world ending this year.

Read more here:


I have no idea what I am looking at but I think that is probably for the best.

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The guy was saying he hasa 'feeling' that the government 'knows' about all the natural disasters, but they aren't telling people about them.

That's straight up paranoia, and is a signal of a mental health issue.....and in my mind as well, requires medication. I absolutely agree with the Mod...she's spot on.

If someone thinks the government somehow knows that a natural disaster is going to occur and doesn't tell its people because it doesn't want the people to go into a mass panic, only for them to go into a mass panic once the disaster occurs, is one fry short of a happy meal.

He's off his fricken rocker...and I have no trouble saying that as well. The lack of logic, the paranoia, the disconnect to reality.....that is some good signs of an unstable mind not living in reality.

They either require a visit to a mental health professional, or to a pharmacist, in order to refill their prescription.

That would mean a lot of people need to see psychiatrists because a lot of Americans and conservative Canadians seem to have all three especially Republican/Conservative supporters. I still think his far out views are caused by reading a little too much misinformation rather than mental health just like people watching a little too much Fox News are becoming paranoid, disconnected to reality and lacking logic.

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She didn't predict anything....she twisted Dr. Kaku's words into her own correlation to a comet and the Ring of Fire, which only happens to cover half of the earth. You don't think that there would be an earthquake somewhere there on any given day??

90% of all the earthquakes happen on the 'Ring of Fire'. And she gave a bunch of dates sequentially, she didn't say it would happen on exactly one of those dates....what is her psychic antenna on the fritz??

And just to show you what the chances of predicting an earthquake somewhere on earth on any given is......

Wow...what a fricken psychic!!!!!

Gimme a break.

So what if the earthquake happened in the ring of fire, why didn't she just say Alaska or Australia or Russia, its part or the Ring of fire as well? Why Tokyo? Obviously she had some sort of clue something was bound to happen.

Very well, now I did not watch the whole video simply cause it hurt my head to listen to. But did she not predict the catastrophe for the 15th? So for starters her prediction is off.

After that the video was posted after two substantial quakes hit Japan in the preceding week. It's not uncommon knowledge that there are often precursors shocks to larger quakes. So she posts the video after the events predicting a quake for the 15th. Hundreds of these doomsday theories are passed about every year they mostly go unnoticed because nothing comes of them. This particular one was close to a real event. As someone said earlier enough blind persons throw darts at a board ones going to get a bullseye. In her case she didn't even get the direct bullseye.

Going on the "astrophysicist" predicted 5 major cities that were in danger of being leveled. That is certainly common knowledge that these major cities located along fault lines are at a great risk for sometime in the future of a devastating quake. There is noting enlightening about what they're saying.

Also, she said somethings major to happen in the next few days, and since she posted the video 2 days ago, she's correct. Also, she's not the only one as many other scientific youtubers posted many videos that something major was going to happen in March, So you can't say she was off, as she was right, and she's not the only one who's 'crazy'

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That's why it is in 'quotes.'

Just because it comes from the direction of the Oort cloud might not mean it is necessarily rock and ice, does it? Tyche has made me question a lot.

Then a woman predicts an earthquake on the Internet including magnitude. If not her explanation then what? I am open to ideas because I don't know what to make Of that.

The fact that it is classified as a comet that entails it is a small piece of rock. Given the effort the astronomers put into classifying whether pluto is a planet or not, it is unlikely that the comet is not in fact a comet. It is even more unlikely that it is a brown dwarf since a brown dwarf has a mass that is at least 10 times the mass of the jupiter, and have the same size as jupiter.

In addition, I think the magnitude of the force is irrelevant since what matters to an earthquake is that the forces acting each side of the tectonic plate is different. At that distance the difference will be even more minute. That's the same reason why 'supermoon' cannot possibly be an explanation either. The change in the gravity is already minute, and the change in the difference between the two plates will be even more so.

To further put the numbers 400N to 40,000N into perspective, consider the amount of forces involved in a fault:

according to http://www.whoi.edu/science/GG/people/jlin/papers/Freed&Lin-Geology-2002.pdf

the pressure buildup over the San Andreas fault over a 10 year period is 2-3 bars, which is 200,000 Pa, that is 200,000 N per square meter of the fault. For a fault that is 100km wide and 10km deep, that's about 10^14 N.

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Well, to be fair, he gave a fairly specific range of a week and also included a relative magnitude when she said it would be bigger than Chile. The odds of that are quite a bit lower than you posted but she could also make one of these a week for all we know. The real trick would be for her to do it multiple times without any misses. I agree the Ring of Fire is spurious entirely.

I do not believe she claimed that her prediction is based upon ESP though she certainly believes the whole gamut of possibilities for precognition by the sounds of it.

Could be explained as I mentioned by the precursor quakes earlier in the week, under the assumption that they increase in magnitude heading towards the main quake.

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So what if the earthquake happened in the ring of fire, why didn't she just say Alaska or Australia or Russia, its part or the Ring of fire as well? Why Tokyo? Obviously she had some sort of clue something was bound to happen.

Also, she said somethings major to happen in the next few days, and since she posted the video 2 days ago, she's correct. Also, she's not the only one as many other scientific youtubers posted many videos that something major was going to happen in March, So you can't say she was off, as she was right, and she's not the only one who's 'crazy'

She's not crazy for saying something major would happen in the next few days. I agree that could have been a plausible guess. She's crazy when she attributes it to a comet Millions of kilometers away and someone having psychic dreams to predict the events.

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That would mean a lot of people need to see psychiatrists because a lot of Americans and conservative Canadians seem to have all three especially Republican/Conservative supporters. I still think his far out views are caused by reading a little too much misinformation rather than mental health just like people watching a little too much Fox News are becoming paranoid, disconnected to reality and lacking logic.

Mental health disorders can come in many forms and for many reasons, and paranoia, to that extent, isn't 'normal'. I mean seriously??? The government has knowledge of natural disasters and isn't telling people....and he's got a feeling about it???

Paranoid Personality Disorder Symptoms

People who suffer from PPD, distrust society as a whole. Find out more about the paranoid personality disorder symptoms here.

Psychosis is chaotic thinking that is the result of a severely impaired reality test ( the patient cannot tell inner fantasy from outside reality). Some psychotic states are short-lived and transient (microepisodes)

Just sayin.....wink.gif

By the way.....many people are misdiagnosed with mental health issues as being troublemakers or other things...when they infact do have issues. These issues are totally unreported and not diagnosed properly, in Canada and the U.S., but it is getting better, or at least was, before funding cuts occurred, in treatment and diagnostics.

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It's definitely a scaring me with what living on an island. Is this area as bad as San Fran?

San Fran in 1989 measured 6.9. I'm not sure how it equates to how many time stronger Japan was, maybe someone can fill me in, but the Japan one would be much, much stronger.

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She's not crazy for saying something major would happen in the next few days. I agree that could have been a plausible guess. She's crazy when she attributes it to a comet Millions of kilometers away and someone having psychic dreams to predict the events.

True that.

But with the fact that she and many others predicted this to happen, I'm pretty dosed to seeing a video of her's that the poles are goin to shift. Hey, if she for-told this, what makes you think she can't for-tell March.15, 'the day when the poles shift'?

Edited by NucksFan - 4Life
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Getting back to the topic at hand does anyone have an update about the nuclear facilities?

Last I heard was that at one of the plants, it has failed, and 2 chemicals have been detected to be leaked. Also, small amounts of radiation have been said to be going out, and I forget but some sort of metal has been identified as melting.

Currently in an emergency situation. sad.gif

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San Fran in 1989 measured somewhere between 6.9. I'm not sure how it equates to how many time stronger Japan was, maybe someone can fill me in, but the Japan one would be much, much stronger.

As far as I know it works as so The Japanese earth quake was an 8.9 and San Fran a 6.9

I believe its a logarithmic scale so [(10^8.9)/(10^6.9)}=100 so the Japanese earth quake was a hundred times greater than that of San Francisco.

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This seems like Im just preparing now because of Japan, but I dont care. What can I do to prepare? I've heard of grab-n-go emergency kits but they aren't at the stores I've checked out. Thanks. All the best to those in Japan.

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So what if the earthquake happened in the ring of fire, why didn't she just say Alaska or Australia or Russia, its part or the Ring of fire as well? Why Tokyo? Obviously she had some sort of clue something was bound to happen.

Also, she said somethings major to happen in the next few days, and since she posted the video 2 days ago, she's correct. Also, she's not the only one as many other scientific youtubers posted many videos that something major was going to happen in March, So you can't say she was off, as she was right, and she's not the only one who's 'crazy'

First of all, the earthquake happened 373 kilometers away from tokyo....so let's not say it hit tokyo....because the brunt of it really didn't. The brunt of it hit Northern Japan.

She had no clue something was going to happen in Japan.....she was piggybacking what Dr. Kaku said about earthquakes occuring in metropolitan cities within our lifetime. Well no crap! And the cities she fed off of, that he mentioned, are prone to earthquakes, big ones. She used his list and said it could be any one of those...or any one of the ones around the Pacific Ring of Fire Zone...and she literally said that we should leave that zone......do you know how large a zone that is, and how many cities that could entail, and how many people live there??? She's not a psychic or a clairvoyant or anything of the sort, if anything, she's Nostradumbass.

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True that.

But with the fact that she and many others predicted this to happen, I'm pretty dosed to seeing a video of her's that the poles are goin to shift. Hey, if she for-told this, what makes you think she can't for-tell March.15, 'the day when the poles shift'?

Only because I don't think a comet at such a great distance will have any effect on the earths polarity. Like I said planets and other comets come in much closer than that all the time and have no effect.

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