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It's all a conspiracy. "Rah! Rah! Bring down the system! Down with capitalism! ..."

I would think that you are just another arrogant young lad, but your username suggests that you've been around for quite some time. I wonder if you're that middle aged guy seen interrupting Mi-Jung Lee's news report in the OP's link.

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As usual you pick the worst posible picture and link to feed the gullible. By the way all your name calling, pidgeon holeing isn't going to

make me go away. Your belittlement tactics are childish. Your resorting to the same vitreol that the wallstreet porkers did when the protest showed up at their doorstep. I gotta give you credit though. It took me awhile before I and many others caught on. They just don't post because of the bullying you conbots inflict on anyone who disagrees with the resident lawyer. Not Me! I have real thick skin. So I'm gonna be here for the duration or until the mods shut this thread down. :towel:

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As usual you pick the worst posible picture and link to feed the gullible. By the way all your name calling, pidgeon holeing isn't going to

make me go away. Your belittlement tactics are childish. Your resorting to the same vitreol that the wallstreet porkers did when the protest showed up at their doorstep. I gotta give you credit though. It took me awhile before I and many others caught on. They just don't post because of the bullying you conbots inflict on anyone who disagrees with the resident lawyer. Not Me! I have real thick skin. So I'm gonna be here for the duration or until the mods shut this thread down. :towel:

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Here is a link for you.http://anonymouslawyer.blogspot.com/

Still trying to bait me eh? Same old legal tactics. Have your fan girl make up some new ones. The same old insults get boring after a while. Speaking about one liners. At least I can get a sentence out. Your posts are just links with snide one liners inserted where you think the most damage can be wrought. What a hypocrite!

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