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It's Not The Sedins Struggling Imo


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I think you've summed it up perfectly here. They're saving their body's for when the games really matter. They learned a valuable lesson last year of what it takes to go that far and play that long. 2nd place is pretty much a guarantee....

There's no other logical explanation for the drop off in production. People should stop fussing and just wait for the playoffs.

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If the sedins are truly elite players they can get out of their slumps. If they can just fine tune their game they can be unstoppable. They are 2 of the best at cycling and if they can evolve their style and game to the next level they will dominate once again. They are bound to hit a wall sometime and most people give up when that happens but they are the elite of the elite in the league and I'm confident they will find a way to smash through it,

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Weird coincidence I was watching some older highlights of them, and noticed how fast they moved the puck, and how fast they were skating and moving in general. There no kessel skating, but they were much quicker in everything they did.

Oddly ferraro on team 1040 said how slow and "plodding" they are lately with the puck, and thats exactly the words I would use to sum them up recently. When's the last time you called the sedins plodding with the puck. They were the exact opposite.

Im hoping its just fatigue and not age related. Even stick handling they look so much slower, skating, effort, passing its all going at half speed.

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The way i see it is they've been not producing since the trade deadline, maybe the trade's shockwaves are still affecting them. Let's face it nobody had seen the CoHo deal coming, and a little bit of overall team chemistry went with him.

Mathematically we are safe in making the playoffs and it feels like they are using the safety net they deployed by grabbing such a big lead in the division. Maybe that's the plan. Nobody's really pushing up on them so they are on cruise control.

I pray that when the time comes to turn it on , they don't stall out. But we all know what the twins are capable of.

As long as we win our division, we should have home ice throught the first two rounds come playoff time.

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I don't buy the "saving themselves" argument. There is not "magic switch" to be turned on. They're still getting hit they're just not scoring, how does that "save" them? If they need to back off, reduce their ice time and rest them. Av is not cutting their ice time and was clear in his displeasure at their current play.

They, and many of our players are slumping right now. It is more than bad luck too, they are not scoring but they are also making brutal defenisive zone errors. A shake up of the lines, starting with the team leaders, Hank and Dan, may just get the attention of the whole team and help them regain their focus.

Bitz is a good choice. He protects the puck well, has decent hands and drives the net. The points he got with the Sedins were off the rush...how many times do you see that with the Sedins? A different look/dimmension.

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personally for the next few games i would like to see the following line-up:





that way we can at least see a new line-up which we could use if our offense drops a bit in the playoffs. Always good to have nice depth and lots of different line combo's when it comes down to it.

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I disagree it's called adrenaline. The Canucks aren't really playing for anything, what we mean to say is subconsciously they're just not there right now. A lot of championship teams have stretches, especially in the second half, where they don't play well. How many times does the championship team win the presidents trophy, only 30% of time. The other 70% is made up of seasons with a bad stretch in there somewhere.

People need to be patient.

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When the Sedins are really on their game, they do something other than cycle - they hold on to the puck.

What I see these days is too many one touch passes - it's like they are avoiding the puck and fighting it a bit. When the Sedins are on, they will hold on, take the punishments, then pass when the man's open - not just blindly pass hoping someone's there - which, they've been prone to do these past handful of games.

They did improve in the last couple games so I don't think they are too far away in terms of getting back on track.

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The fault in the "they have nothing to play for" argument is that some players are, in fact, playing hard (Kesler, Higgins, Hamhuis, Booth) so why do the "leaders" of this team get a free pass? How does that show leadership? The Penguins are tearing it up without their top guy but Malkin is carrying that team on his back. That's leadership!! Hank is the captain of this team...he has to lead by example, not just coast into the playoffs assuming he can magically find his game.

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