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Scott Cullen's Off-season Game Plan for the Canucks


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One of Cullen's items had me laughing hysterically, the possibility of brining back Wellwood. :sick:

But, if you check his evaluation last year > "we should bring in two top 9 forwards, forwards depth a top 4 D and a depth D", you have to judge this years failures as a failure on MG's part.

We brought up Hodgson, and traded Sammy for Booth. But then we traded CoHo. Two top 9 forwards gained, two lost and no improvement. We did get a depth forward, Weise plus a prospect (Kassian), but gained no ground at all on D. Nor did any moves ultimately cover any of the physical match up problems we wore against Boston size wise. Maybe they will in the future but its no surprise we went out early!

MG did soo much the previous year. What a disappointment this!

Lets start on right side D this year and equalize our wingers, where our top 5 wingers are all natural left side guys and NONE save Booth offer any size.


Cullen does his annual off-season game plan series.

Copy and pasting from the article isn't ideal; it's hard to read and there's grey text background...you'll probably be better off clicking the URL I've posted here (if you can). :)


I don't recall seeing this posted, nor did it show up on searches.

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Don't know much about him, but Jason Garrison on paper looks great to replace Salo/Ballard, and he is a UFA to boot. And I think if someone can get through to Kesler (about not shooting) getting back to his old ways of defense/counter attack/playmaking/going to the net, booth will do fine on that line. Kesler needs to give up "THE SHOT"

Marc-andre Gragnani sits 5th on our roster for points, is an impressive playmaker, and he did not play in the playoffs... AV needs a leash with MG giving him a jerk every few days. Once Salo goes MAG is 4th on our Depth on D. It is time to give the kid a shot, a real shot. It is one of the things Edler misses about Errhoff, a good passer.

Personally I do not think we are far off, if we get Kassian to play "big" on the second line Higgins can drop back with lap and hans for a superb third line. Or flip Kas/Hig.

Imho the only real question mark on this roster is Kesler. Injured again, we need a replacement to start, but he played horrible last year, very selfish and looked frustrated, he needs to get back on track or get traded. Sounds harsh I know but he wasted the whole season/playoffs trying to be Mr. Sniper.

Luongo... Tampa? Not much on their roster I want. Florida? Kulikov and Markstom? Weiss? How about the Islanders? A home coming as well. They have some options. Kinda have to give MG a break though, I almost want to start a thread on this... NOBODY wants the help MG and the reg season leaders get better... nobody. He is in tough on all fronts.

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Scott Cullen is one of the biggest morons in the hockey world that I've ever seen. How he has a position with TSN is beyond me. I feel like he's Bob Mackenzie's retarded nephew or something that has a job because of his uncle's stature.

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