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5 minutes ago, Jiggs50 said:

Open hand = not a punch. But he does need to stop that bs

Including the one that wasn't on Norman? Outside of by definition though repeatedly swinging and hitting players in the head. Seems like he is getting special treatment for being a big name. 


BTW this was something hes been accused of even going back to the preseason.

Edited by Baka
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17 minutes ago, Jiggs50 said:

Open hand = not a punch. But he does need to stop that bs

They finally called a penalty on him for one xD

But I was referring to this one. Was this open hand? Poor quality 


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13 minutes ago, Jiggs50 said:

^^Can't really tell but he can't possibly be throwing punches to the helmet. That'd be harming himself. 

But both Norman and Odell need to start playing instead of that bs. 

I don't think he really cares about hurting himself as he has done it before.

Youtube embeds don't seem to be working for me now but 2 links




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5 minutes ago, Baka said:

Beckham all game. What an embarrassment.

Gotta agree now. That cheap shot where he flys at Norman's head is just unacceptable.

Norman isn't backing down either but Odell has been throwing cheap shots all game. Gotta think they both get heavily fined. 

It's entertaining as f though. 

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Eagles still suck they have no intensity consistently and are a soft team.

They always get bullied by physical rbs and big wrs and hard hitting D,s.

Desean or Garcon next week pick your poison Eagles getting that secondary torched unless the pass rush has an amazing game.

Honestly the Redskins deserve to be in the play offs Giants are too inconsistent and the Eagles are just plain frauds and don't have the talent to be a playoff team.


The AFC south is another pure trash division Houston will probably get in.

Also the biggest threat to the Patriots in the entire AFC is the Steelers they proved they can put up points against even an elite defense twice now after torching Denver and the vaunted L.O.B. a few weeks ago.

Edited by Chip Kelly
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Beckham Jr. is reportedly expected to be suspended for a game.

7 hours ago, Chip Kelly said:

Eagles still suck they have no intensity consistently and are a soft team.

They always get bullied by physical rbs and big wrs and hard hitting D,s.

Desean or Garcon next week pick your poison Eagles getting that secondary torched unless the pass rush has an amazing game.

Honestly the Redskins deserve to be in the play offs Giants are too inconsistent and the Eagles are just plain frauds and don't have the talent to be a playoff team.


The AFC south is another pure trash division Houston will probably get in.

Also the biggest threat to the Patriots in the entire AFC is the Steelers they proved they can put up points against even an elite defense twice now after torching Denver and the vaunted L.O.B. a few weeks ago.

I think that is a bit of an overreaction. Arizona is one of the best teams (possibly the best) in the league. They have the 2nd best record in the NFL, the #2 offense, the #6 defense, #3 in TO difference, and an MVP candidate playing QB. Praising the Redskins because of what the Cardinals did doesn't exactly translate. 


The Redskins are a .500 team with the #16 offense, the #16 defense, and #16 in turnover difference (definition of mediocrity). While led by an average QB who has only thrown for more than 1 TD in 3 games. And look at the records of the teams they beat to get those 7 wins this seasons.

Rams: 6-8

Eagles: 6-8

Buccs: 6-8

Giants: 6-8

Bills: 6-8

Saints: 5-8 (play tonight)

Bears: 5-9

In other words they haven't beaten a single team with a .500 record or better. When they faced the Panthers they lost 44-16 where as an inconsistent team like the Giants nearly beat them. Plus keep this in mind the Redskins are 6-2 at home but 1-5 on the road. The Skins final 2 games are in Philadelphia and in Dallas and remember Dallas has 1 win this season without Romo and that 1 win was against the Skins.


But back on the Eagles and Cardinals the Eagles didn't truly get burned until the 2nd half when Rowe and Maxwell were hurt. Up until they got hurt it was only a 17-10 game. The defensive backfield on some plays were literally Biggers and Watkins at CB with Maragos and Reynolds playing safety. When you have 5th string players taking a starters role you are likely in trouble on any team. Both players are still unknown for next game though.

Even with the defensive issues the real issue in the game was simply just turnovers. Cards had 0 turnovers and the Eagles had 4. Turnovers can literally be 14 point swings as some of those turnovers came on productive moving drives and just fed more points to the Cards. 


It's unlikely any NFC East team would go far in the playoffs but I would rather see the Eagles or Giants in. With the Redskins you pretty much know they will just get beat around by the first team they play but with the Eagles or Giants they have a chance that they may show up and play a competitive game.

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12 hours ago, Baka said:

Beckham Jr. is reportedly expected to be suspended for a game.

I think that is a bit of an overreaction. Arizona is one of the best teams (possibly the best) in the league. They have the 2nd best record in the NFL, the #2 offense, the #6 defense, #3 in TO difference, and an MVP candidate playing QB. Praising the Redskins because of what the Cardinals did doesn't exactly translate. 


The Redskins are a .500 team with the #16 offense, the #16 defense, and #16 in turnover difference (definition of mediocrity). While led by an average QB who has only thrown for more than 1 TD in 3 games. And look at the records of the teams they beat to get those 7 wins this seasons.

Rams: 6-8

Eagles: 6-8

Buccs: 6-8

Giants: 6-8

Bills: 6-8

Saints: 5-8 (play tonight)

Bears: 5-9

In other words they haven't beaten a single team with a .500 record or better. When they faced the Panthers they lost 44-16 where as an inconsistent team like the Giants nearly beat them. Plus keep this in mind the Redskins are 6-2 at home but 1-5 on the road. The Skins final 2 games are in Philadelphia and in Dallas and remember Dallas has 1 win this season without Romo and that 1 win was against the Skins.


But back on the Eagles and Cardinals the Eagles didn't truly get burned until the 2nd half when Rowe and Maxwell were hurt. Up until they got hurt it was only a 17-10 game. The defensive backfield on some plays were literally Biggers and Watkins at CB with Maragos and Reynolds playing safety. When you have 5th string players taking a starters role you are likely in trouble on any team. Both players are still unknown for next game though.

Even with the defensive issues the real issue in the game was simply just turnovers. Cards had 0 turnovers and the Eagles had 4. Turnovers can literally be 14 point swings as some of those turnovers came on productive moving drives and just fed more points to the Cards. 


It's unlikely any NFC East team would go far in the playoffs but I would rather see the Eagles or Giants in. With the Redskins you pretty much know they will just get beat around by the first team they play but with the Eagles or Giants they have a chance that they may show up and play a competitive game.

Well with the way Seattle is playing good luck to the Redskins or Giants.

They are red hot even without home field and the 12th Man they are going to comfortably beat the NFC East Representative in their house. None of the NFC East has a good defense. Dallas probably has the most talent on d with their d-line and pass rushers that the Giants used to be known for.

Desean Jackson at the very least has speed and is an elite deep threat in NFL history, yes you read that right. The Seattle db's covering him most likely Richard Sherman would have to respect him same with Beckham and his outstanding route running but I predict that match up ending very badly for the Giants since Sherman is similar to Norman and he can talk trash to distract Beckham all game too.

I hope the Eagles lose on Saturday and Lurie and (maybe Bradley Cooper alongside?)  are there to witness the booing and visceral reaction from the fans and Lurie is forced to demand answers from Chip and start making changes to his staff and schemes especially who has control of player personnel.

I worry the necessary changes will not be made if the Eagles somehow fluke their way in these last 2 games.

They need to miss the playoffs maximize their 1st round pick and get ready to answer a ton of tough questions in what will surely be a longer off-season than any have seen since Andy Reid got fired.

I don't see the point in making excuses for Rowe and Maxwell because both got physically manhandled.

Rowe got stiff armed in the head and got knocked out by Michael Floyd. Meanwhile Darren Fells carried Maxwell 15 yards down the field while Maxwell hung on for dear life.

That is a joke and a complete embarrassment. Rowe and Maxwell are both big corners and they got dominated by even taller and heavier players which happened to the entire Eagles team.

Also this isn't about only last year my thoughts and frustrations is from the time Chip has been here. Even the last 2 years when they had their most success they struggled putting up points on good defenses if you go back and check.

The best offensive games came against teams that were clearly over matched talent wise.

The system doesn't suit the talent and talent in general on offense is not good enough and the defense is not physical enough.

It's a mentality more than anything Maxwell and Thurmond used to be physical with Seattle but now even they can't tackle.

Besides what does losing Maxwell and Rowe even had to do with the FRONT SEVEN namely not being able to stop the RUN once again.

Arizona didn't even try to pass as much as they usually do because Johnson was chewing up yards all night on the ground averaging over 6 yards per carry each run.


Edited by Chip Kelly
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Everybody acting like Russell Wilson and the Seahawks are just destroying the nfl. Uh no. SF, Pittsburgh, Minny, Bal, Cle. Other than Minny (decimated with injuries) all those teams have terrible defenses and their secondaries are trash. 

The Panthers and Cards are still the teams to beat in the nfc imo. 

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