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Gotta give it to the guy for his aim, LOL! Stupid move though. Can't really see WWE going back after this latest incident.

Cant really grasp the logic of paying $120+ for a seat and the cost of the briefcase just to throw a briefcase in the ring and get kicked out and likely banned from the arena for life. Then there will be the backlash was he's likely outed on social media and the possible charges.

Edited by Grapefruits
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Looks like the fan or one his friends sent in a report of what "really" happened :rolleyes:

Uh huh. "These guys were total fans that unfortunately got too excited" so that excuses the guy's actions.

I like too how he says the guy and his friends are real WWE fans by talking to him during the show, and how the guy wasn't intentionally trying to hit anyone.

What a joke.

Dot Net reader Bryan attended the WWE live event in Victoria, British Columbia on Saturday and sent the following regarding the incident involving a fan throwing a replica Money in the Bank briefcase at Roman Reigns.

I was at the show last night, and it was totally awesome. Everyone in the audience was really getting in to it, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

My group was sitting right next to the guy with the briefcase and his friends. They were total WWE fans. They had all bought the shirts, belts, etc. and all through the night, everyone was interacting with the wrestlers as they came in the entrance. We were right there, front row by their entrance to the ring. They got everyone to sign their
stuff through out the night. All the wrestlers were very friendly and it seemed like they were having lots of fun too.

Once the last match started, everyone was standing and briefcase guy was waving it in the air so everyone could see. The crowd in that section started chanting, "Sign the briefcase" over and over. Then it changed to "Throw the briefcase" over and over and over. I think everyone just got caught up in the moment and this guy got overly excited and threw it, hoping to get it signed at some point. But I know he had no intention of hitting anyone.

I realize he shouldn't have done it. And the security guy was right there, grabbed him. Then others arrived and took him out front. The police arrived but apparently no charges were laid. I know he and his friends are real fans because we were talking to them all night. Just a little bit too much excitement, that's all.

I just wanted to set the record straight because everything I've read so far seems to be from people who weren't right there and don't know the whole story. These guys were total fans that unfortunately got too excited. The security acted instantly and appropriately. No disrespect was meant to Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt.

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Looks like the fan or one his friends sent in a report of what "really" happened :rolleyes:

Uh huh. "These guys were total fans that unfortunately got too excited" so that excuses the guy's actions.

I like too how he says the guy and his friends are real WWE fans by talking to him during the show, and how the guy wasn't intentionally trying to hit anyone.

What a joke.

So he hoped to get it signed by throwing it in the ring during a match? Sound logic.

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He won't be charged because he apologized and uses the excuse that he was encouraged by the crowd. He's also banned from future WWE events for what that's worth.

This guy is 31. He's not some kid. Lets have his name since he's such a tough guy.

I'm truly disgusted with this considering Victoria's WWE reputation.

VICTORIA - A wrestling fan got a bit too excited at a professional wrestling show in Victoria Saturday night and was arrested.

Victoria police spokesman Sgt. Bryan Edwards says a male fan snuck a "money in the bank" briefcase into the arena where a World Wrestling Entertainment show was happening.

Edwards says other fans saw the briefcase -- a replica of one used in WWE shows -- and began chanting for the man to throw the briefcase into the ring.

The overzealous fan tossed the briefcase into the wring, hitting wrestler Roman Regins in the back of the head.

Edwards says that no one was hurt and no charges were laid after an apology was given by the fan.

The 31-year-old male has been banned from any WWE wrestling shows in the future.

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He won't be charged because he apologized and uses the excuse that he was encouraged by the crowd. He's also banned from future WWE events for what that's worth.

This guy is 31. He's not some kid. Lets have his name since he's such a tough guy.

I'm truly disgusted with this considering Victoria's WWE reputation.

VICTORIA - A wrestling fan got a bit too excited at a professional wrestling show in Victoria Saturday night and was arrested.

Victoria police spokesman Sgt. Bryan Edwards says a male fan snuck a "money in the bank" briefcase into the arena where a World Wrestling Entertainment show was happening.

Edwards says other fans saw the briefcase -- a replica of one used in WWE shows -- and began chanting for the man to throw the briefcase into the ring.

The overzealous fan tossed the briefcase into the wring, hitting wrestler Roman Regins in the back of the head.

Edwards says that no one was hurt and no charges were laid after an apology was given by the fan.

The 31-year-old male has been banned from any WWE wrestling shows in the future.

How does one sneak a briefcase into an arena?

Security fail!

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This person who sent a report oft what happens claims they didn't hear anyone in the crowd urging him

to throw the briefcase. Why would the crowd then chanting for him to throw it and then after he did throw it, they started chanting "kick him out". Each one of the reports seem to differ.

that the front row fan claims is true. The culprit was on one corner of the ring (by the entrance ramp), and my wife and I were about 10 rows back on the adjacent corner. Although we did not have as clear of a view as the front row fan had, it appeared from our perspective that the culprit had no intention of hitting anyone with the briefcase.

He threw it into the ring, and as soon as it struck Roman Reigns, he put his hands to his mouth in a gasping motion. Security was there, and they took him down (a little too hard perhaps, but understandable given the possibilities). As Roman and Bray were in the ring waiting for things to play out, a very loud "kick him out" chant started. I did not hear anyone chanting anything about throwing or using the briefcase, but again, that could have been his section. Just thought I'd add my two cents to the situation, and corroborate the other story.

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This one is a winner. Claims the guy who owns the briefcase wasn't the one who threw it. First time i've seen a report of saying this. Regardless of who threw it they're completely in the wrong.

First of all your story is factually incorrect. The guy with the case wasn't the one who threw it hitting Roman Reigns in the head with it. Someone grabbed the case from the owner who had been getting some performers to sign it and threw it. The actual owner was innocent and the WWE promotion should return his case fully signed by the roster. We were there we saw it. Get your story right before you post nonsense that is completely inaccurate. BTW there was no sneaking it in either as it was merchandise sold on the premises. Yet another wrong piece of information. Good job whomever reported this story I'll take a job making up garbage stories for CFAX. It seems you don't have to speak well or know facts now to get on the station.

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Gotta give it to the guy for his aim, LOL! Stupid move though. Can't really see WWE going back after this latest incident.

Cant really grasp the logic of paying $120+ for a seat and the cost of the briefcase just to throw a briefcase in the ring and get kicked out and likely banned from the arena for life. Then there will be the backlash was he's likely outed on social media and the possible charges.

Cost of briefcase is $150.

Why would you have all the wrestlers sign it and then throw in the ring and hit someone in head. :picard:

Edited by the last outlaw
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This person who sent a report oft what happens claims they didn't hear anyone in the crowd urging him

to throw the briefcase. Why would the crowd then chanting for him to throw it and then after he did throw it, they started chanting "kick him out". Each one of the reports seem to differ.

I was there and there was definitely people chanting for him to throw it. Not the whole arena or anything, but a bunch of people surrounding him.

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