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The Newer Newer Official WWE/TNA thread.


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If you really want something to watch I can hook you up. Depends how you really like your wrestling though, if you like more workrate-based then ROH on Saturday nights is the way to go. If you like entertainment/glamour based WWE is the way to go, if you want a combination watch TNA. Honestly, WWE isn't my thing anymore, to me TNA/NJPW/ROH are all better. Just tried of watching talented guys like the Colons or Usos sit around while PTP or Tensai and Clay are on TV. Most of the time smarks hate TNA if you've encountered stereotypical ones in the past. To me, and obviously Smashian Kassian the TNA product is better. WWE has a lot of very good wrestlers, but I feel like it's all disoriented. Way too much storyline BS with horrible booking. I hated TNA in 2010 and ROH in 2012 for the same reason. If it makes you happy, I watched 3 segments on Raw today, all of which were good.

Bad Influence, it's on every Thursday on Spike.

As I've said before, with the ridiculously large roster WWE has, they'll need to enforce a strict brand split. Everything is meaningless when the same guys are on both shows. Have Heyman book Smackdown and Mantel book Raw and I'll be happy. More Ohno/Zayn/Neville on my TV too please.

Speaking of Bad Influence. I'm just rewatching IMPACT right now, and that match with them, Roode & Aries is on now. Man those 4 are so entertaining, those guys alone are enough to tune in every week, then you get the knockouts and all the other great stuff on top of that.

The best part of it is, its extremely entertaining and its always the middle card.

Anyways I agree on WWE, they really need to cut back to 2 hours, I honestly think the product would improve dramatically if they just cut out an hour of there product, cause you always get crappy filler and its just too long, you lost interest. TNA goes by quickly, partly because its generally an entertaining show through & through but also because it doesn't feel like you have to take a large chunk out of your time to watch it. (Atleast for me because I don't watch live, I watch later online at night)

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They did lose a lot of steam after that but they're still simple entertainment. Plus, Titus can put on a solid match. And are you talking about Epico and Primo when you say the Colons? Those guys lick lol. Black hole of charisma

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Did anyone else catch on the PPV when Sheamus was climbing the ladder and RVD pushed it away and Sheamus ended up falling onto RVD's back? Sheamus looked legitimately pissed after lol

wasn't that when he just like fell awkwardly on his legs when he fell off the ladder? xD that match was hilarious cause it felt like there was actual tension between everyone in that match

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They did lose a lot of steam after that but they're still simple entertainment. Plus, Titus can put on a solid match. And are you talking about Epico and Primo when you say the Colons? Those guys lick lol. Black hole of charisma

I would use that sentence to describe a number of people: Chavo Guerrero, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, and of Course Jack Swagger.

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I would use that sentence to describe a number of people: Chavo Guerrero, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, and of Course Jack Swagger.

I wouldn't say that for Del Rio. Consistently good wrestling matches.

As for Colons, Rosa is pretty much everything they have. I watch her do her little dance and then usually fast forward.

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They did lose a lot of steam after that but they're still simple entertainment. Plus, Titus can put on a solid match. And are you talking about Epico and Primo when you say the Colons? Those guys lick lol. Black hole of charisma

Epico and Primo are awesome ring workers but the charisma totally kills them. Just impossible to get into any of their matches, to me they're more of a bathroom break match than most divas matches.
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I would use that sentence to describe a number of people: Chavo Guerrero, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, and of Course Jack Swagger.

Jack Swagger has made a very good jump recently with Zeb Coulter as a mouth piece I find it's a really good fit. Plus he is a very solid in ring worker. The DUI really hurt him though. And I completely disagree with you about Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett, in Barrett's case I feel he's being terribly booked for the last year and a half.
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I'm watching a "You're fired" montage, and I'm wondering who's been fired the most in WWE?

Vickie maybe?

Edit: Actually, it's probably JR :picard:

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Since you guys are doing a TNA vs WWE thing here I just thought i'd post why I dont watch TNA anymore. I used to order every TNA ppv and loved the matches that they put on and loved what they were about, using lots of high level indy talent along with a few ex WWE/WCW guys in the mix. They had their own identity with the x-division and TNA originals, but then more and more ex WWE guys came in. I remember one thing that really made me mad was when Taz came in and took Don Wests spot, Don West had just turned heel and was doing some of the best commentary for pro wrestling I had seen in years, then Taz comes in and Don West is gone.

I remember they brought in Nigel McGuinness and were doing big things with him and Kurt Angle, TNAwas really getting good. Then a couple months later TNA brings in Hogan and Bischoff & a whole swack of ex WWE/WCW guys and Nigel is no longer a rising star and gets lost in the mix. I stopped watching because even though I liked WWE more & for some time liked TNA better, TNA had lost it's identity bringing in all these guys, what they had before was high quality home grown talent. After these guys came in the product just felt like a poor mans WWE to me so i stopped watching.

Wrestling was kind of stagnant for a few years and then CM Punk (a guy I hated) cut the best promo of the last decade and made things fun again for me & eventually became my favorite wrestler since Stone Cold because I saw a lot of what Austin was about in him. WWE imo picked up greatly since then as well by adding in & elevating new/newer guys who were actually fun to watch such as Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Damien Sandow, Fandango, Ryback, the list goes on.

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Since you guys are doing a TNA vs WWE thing here I just thought i'd post why I dont watch TNA anymore. I used to order every TNA ppv and loved the matches that they put on and loved what they were about, using lots of high level indy talent along with a few ex WWE/WCW guys in the mix. They had their own identity with the x-division and TNA originals, but then more and more ex WWE guys came in. I remember one thing that really made me mad was when Taz came in and took Don Wests spot, Don West had just turned heel and was doing some of the best commentary for pro wrestling I had seen in years, then Taz comes in and Don West is gone.

I remember they brought in Nigel McGuinness and were doing big things with him and Kurt Angle, TNAwas really getting good. Then a couple months later TNA brings in Hogan and Bischoff & a whole swack of ex WWE/WCW guys and Nigel is no longer a rising star and gets lost in the mix. I stopped watching because even though I liked WWE more & for some time liked TNA better, TNA had lost it's identity bringing in all these guys, what they had before was high quality home grown talent. After these guys came in the product just felt like a poor mans WWE to me so i stopped watching.

Wrestling was kind of stagnant for a few years and then CM Punk (a guy I hated) cut the best promo of the last decade and made things fun again for me & eventually became my favorite wrestler since Stone Cold because I saw a lot of what Austin was about in him. WWE imo picked up greatly since then as well by adding in & elevating new/newer guys who were actually fun to watch such as Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Damien Sandow, Fandango, Ryback, the list goes on.

Taz has made TNA unbearable for me.

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I think Don West had started to want to be phased off of TV at that time. Honestly, he was much better than Taz. It's a shame they re-upped Taz as he's a total waste of money IMO.

The issue with Nigel is much larger than just Hogan/Bischoff coming in. He'd come into the company with injured shoulders, supposedly failed a drug test and also gotten injured again. Later on a blood test was done and he was found to have Hepatitis B in his system.

TNA lost it's identity for a little while but it's recovered since Slammiversary last year IMO.

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