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Daniel Bryan, no doubt. Don't think Sabin has any chance.

I don't think either have a chance.

Sabin has 0 chance (Him being the challenger doesn't make alot of sense IMO)

and I can't see anyway Bryan beats Cena. No chance Cena is giving up the top spot, and if by some miracle Bryan does win it won't be clean. And Orton will likely cash in on him.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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the time is now to give b-bry the title. this guy is the future of that company. he can't getting any hotter than he is right now. speaking of which, loved the shot at MITB with a stare down between them, the crowd going crazy. teasing at cm punk vs. daniel bryan

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the time is now to give b-bry the title. this guy is the future of that company. he can't getting any hotter than he is right now. speaking of which, loved the shot at MITB with a stare down between them, the crowd going crazy. teasing at cm punk vs. daniel bryan

Its not going to happen.

Cena is still in the middle of his push to be seen as the greatest ever. If there is anything we can be confident in, its that WWE isn't going to give someone else a chance, its still Cena's time.

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Cena's been champ like 12 times. So he's dropped the title 11. It happens

Yeah and he will drop the title to Orton when Orton cashes in, it will setup an Orton/Cena feud, then Cena will ultimately take the title back and go over on Orton in the end.

They might switch the title back in forth between the 2 a couple times along the way, to help Cena get closer to surpassing Flairs record (not that Cena will lose clean those times if he does lose a few) but ultimately Cena will win & go over on him.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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You're funny. Don't see that happening at all.

Its not hard to see, considering thats been WWE's direction for the last, what? 7-8 years?

As long as Cena has been healthy since WM21 he has either been champion or been challenging for the title has he not? (If I'm wrong on that please correct me) I don't see why that would change now, especially after he just got put over by the Rock & he said himself that last year was a bad year & he's gunna have a big year this year.

The entire company revolves around Cena. Thats not changing.

triple h kills vince before anyone gets close to flair's record

:lol: Lets hope.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Cena has been out of the title picture a few times...I can't recall WHEN exactly, but it has happened.

Not often enough though.

Edit: Nexus...That might be it though

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Feuded with The Shield too. And Ziggler (whom he lost to). It's easy to see that Cena is superman who always has the title from an outsider's point of view, but it's different if you watch week by week. Cena is a mega star with lots of appeal and is treated as such. Dont hate the playa, hate the game.

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Feuded with The Shield too. And Ziggler (whom he lost to). It's easy to see that Cena is superman who always has the title from an outsider's point of view, but it's different if you watch week by week. Cena is a mega star with lots of appeal and is treated as such. Dont hate the playa, hate the game.

Like when he walks out and get booed every show? :lol:

I'm not hating on fans of the WWE, if you like him or whatevet thast cool, but its just like the Same old S***. As a wrestling fan I would love to see the WWE improve & go in a new direction & change it up a bit, and build more stars. And be entertaining. But its PG garbage that revolves around Cena.

Its not Cena that makes Cena what he is, its the booking, if you put Bryan or Orton or Punk in his spot they would be so much better.

I used to like Cena too but man that product just needs to change. They shouldn't have had Lesnar lose to him, they should have put Lesnar over as an unstoppable force, have him go on a run where he just destroys quality competition, gets the title and goes from there, that would have been entertaining.

But they ruined Lesnar by having him lose to Cena & HHH. Oh well.

So much potential with WWE but the booking is just terrible.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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"Its not Cena that makes Cena what he is, its the booking, if you put Bryan or Orton or Punk in his spot they would be so much better."

Contradiction? Lol. Cena gets booed but he gets cheered at the same time. Mostly the IWC that doesn't like him. Well over with children and women and even over with some guys. Hulk up!

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"Its not Cena that makes Cena what he is, its the booking, if you put Bryan or Orton or Punk in his spot they would be so much better."

Contradiction? Lol. Cena gets booed but he gets cheered at the same time. Mostly the IWC that doesn't like him. Well over with children and women and even over with some guys. Hulk up!

How is that contradiction?

He gets a reaction from kids, but even then his reaction is overplayed. They play "Go Cena Go" Chants through the speakers all the time.

And he gets booed everywhere. I don't think anyone has turned as many people off of wrestling as Cena has.

He is pushed as one of the best ever, when everyone can see he isn't that. Thats the point.

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