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Thats not saying much, he doesn't exactly have alot of competition in that regard.

Nah I think Y2J is better on the mic.

No, even Bryan is hotter than him right now, and as I said I like Roode, Aries & Styles over him on the TNA side. (maybe not Styles as he is now but what he can do & be moving forward)

Are u kidding me punk is better than Bryan I don't know about you but I'm not putting my hands in the air and screaming yes also punk is better on the mic Bryan may be a better wrestler but he's not more entertaining than punk

Edited by bobbycanuck10
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Are u kidding me punk is better than Bryan I don't know about you but I'm not putting my hands in the air and screaming yes also punk is better on the mic Bryan may be a better wrestler but he's not more entertaining than punk

Nah your right, Punk is better than Bryan, I totally agree & I'm not the biggest fan of either, but right now Bryan is hotter than Punk is.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Honestly I like both but let's be honest who carried raw for the past 4 weeks

I like Punk alot more than Bryan, and Punk's feud with Lesnar has carried the show, but who is more over, who is hotter right now? Its Bryan.

And I'm literally a guy who didn't see what was so great about Bryan until his match with Cesaro, and he has gained a ton of props from for me burying Cena but I still take Punk over him 100/100. But there's no denying Bryan is more over, and hotter right now.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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I like Punk alot more than Bryan, and Punk's feud with Lesnar has carried the show, but who is more over, who is hotter right now? Its Bryan.

And I'm literally a guy who didn't see what was so great about Bryan until his match with Cesaro, and he has gained a ton of props from for me burying Cena but I still take Punk over him 100/100. But there's no denying Bryan is more over, and hotter right now.

What do u mean by hotter ?

In the ring Bryan lost to Barret today

And over with the crowd like I said before I don't now about u but I don't like putting my hands in the air and pointing while screaming yes

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I'm surprised SK isn't a Punk follower, consider he's one of those Indy guys he usually adores.


I'm not an indy guy, never watched Indy's in my life, I enjoy good wrestling talents at the WWE/TNA level, if those guys come from Indys or development so be it.

My absolute all time favorites are Styles & Mysterio. With guys like Batista, Jericho, Orton, Rock, Roode and others just behind.

Del rio is the better then anyone in TNA

Nice attempt.

Roode is better than any regular in WWE. How thats?

What do u mean by hotter ?

In the ring Bryan lost to Barret today

And over with the crowd like I said before I don't now about u but I don't like putting my hands in the air and pointing while screaming yes

I know to be honest I think alot of his popularity has come from that Yes Chant and him being the guy up against Cena (by that I mean everyone wants someone else so badly that now that it is Bryan in the #1C spot everyone is jumping on the bandwagon whether you are a big Bryan fan or not)

But still I mean right now he is the hotter star, though I think Punk is better & more entertaining than him personally.

Edit: and him losing to Barrett means nothing about anything :lol: I think we both know that one bro lol

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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I'm not an indy guy, never watched Indy's in my life, I enjoy good wrestling talents at the WWE/TNA level, if those guys come from Indys or development so be it.

My absolute all time favorites are Styles & Mysterio. With guys like Batista, Jericho, Orton, Rock, Roode and others just behind.

Nice attempt.

Roode is better than any regular in WWE. How thats?

I know to be honest I think alot of his popularity has come from that Yes Chant and him being the guy up against Cena (by that I mean everyone wants someone else so badly that now that it is Bryan in the #1C spot everyone is jumping on the bandwagon whether you are a big Bryan fan or not)

But still I mean right now he is the hotter star, though I think Punk is better & more entertaining than him personally.

Edit: and him losing to Barrett means nothing about anything :lol: I think we both know that one bro lol

No I don't no sorry to say this you no and I no that Daniel Bryan's push and gimmick is just to promote total divas think about it when did Bryan become popular after wrestlemania right when they started filming total divas and the hotter thing lets be honest the same crowd reaction happened to punk when he had a feud with cena and the #1 contender comment wwe knew Bryan was gonna get a better pop and has I read during the event wwe promoted people to vote for Bryan

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No I don't no sorry to say this you no and I no that Daniel Bryan's push and gimmick is just to promote total divas think about it when did Bryan become popular after wrestlemania right when they started filming total divas and the hotter thing lets be honest the same crowd reaction happened to punk when he had a feud with cena and the #1 contender comment wwe knew Bryan was gonna get a better pop and has I read during the event wwe promoted people to vote for Bryan

I'm not disagree with you man, I'm saying he is hotter right now whether you like the reasoning behind it or not. And him losing to Barrett meant nothing about anything? What do you think it means?

Anyways on the topic of Punk, he's good and I kinda like him, he's probably the best full time talent they have, but I don't think he is the best in the world like some do, as far as full time talents go I would have Roode, Aries & Styles ahead of him, and then Punk.

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No I don't no sorry to say this you no and I no that Daniel Bryan's push and gimmick is just to promote total divas think about it when did Bryan become popular after wrestlemania right when they started filming total divas and the hotter thing lets be honest the same crowd reaction happened to punk when he had a feud with cena and the #1 contender comment wwe knew Bryan was gonna get a better pop and has I read during the event wwe promoted people to vote for Bryan

Yes that was one of the reasons they gave him a push.

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I'm not disagree with you man, I'm saying he is hotter right now whether you like the reasoning behind it or not. And him losing to Barrett meant nothing about anything? What do you think it means?

Anyways on the topic of Punk, he's good and I kinda like him, he's probably the best full time talent they have, but I don't think he is the best in the world like some do, as far as full time talents go I would have Roode, Aries & Styles ahead of him, and then Punk.

The shield are better than Roode,Aries and Styles in my opinion.

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I'm not disagree with you man, I'm saying he is hotter right now whether you like the reasoning behind it or not. And him losing to Barrett meant nothing about anything? What do you think it means?

Anyways on the topic of Punk, he's good and I kinda like him, he's probably the best full time talent they have, but I don't think he is the best in the world like some do, as far as full time talents go I would have Roode, Aries & Styles ahead of him, and then Punk.

Ok now done with that people tell me you didn't just say that Aries styles and roode are better than punk?

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The shield are better than Roode,Aries and Styles in my opinion.

Do u think Cena is better all time than Hogan aswell?

Ok now done with that people tell me you didn't just say that Aries styles and roode are better than punk?

Yeah I think they are why? I mean its not far off at all, I think all 4 are top 5 guys right now, maybe even interchangable almost for some but I think those guys are tad bit better.

Why is that so ridiculous to you? Styles, Punk & Aries have kind of comparable styles (pardon the pun) and are both better in the ring than Punk, atleast Styles is for sure.

Roode is a different type of guy but extremely talented, he's a mix of HHH, Arn Anderson and Flair, Roode is someone WWE would absolutely salivate at the thought of getting there hands on, but thankfully he stayed with TNA cause I don't have faith in how WWE would have used him despite the obvious potential to be a huge star.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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