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- The dark segment in between tonight's Main Event episode and the SmackDown tapings saw Kane come out, wearing his mask. Kane beat down Big Show, who had just won his Main Event match. Kane brought Show in the ring for a chokeslam and then beat him up outside of the ring with the steel steps.

Good, the whole corporate Kane thing just wasn't working.

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Speculation on Lesnar's return

Brock Lesnar is not booked for the WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view and likely won't be back until SummerSlam. There's been speculation
that he may challenge Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

Backstage News on Punk's status

We noted before that WWE was selling new CM Punk merchandise at WrestleMania Week in New Orleans. Punk is still getting royalties on his merchandise, which are pretty substantial. Even as of a few weeks ago, he was second only to Cena in merchandise sold. Officially, Punk is still not suspended, nor fired, nor released, but simply on a leave.

UFC star Chael Sonnen, who is friends with Punk, recently appeared on Wrestling Observer Radio and said he had talked with Punk at one point. Sonnen said at first he thought what Punk had told him, which one would presume to be that he had left the company, was a work, but said that as time has gone on, hes thinking that its the truth.

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Possible future title feud for Bryan according to Bryan Alvarez of F4WOnline.

There is talk that WWE still wants to turn Sheamus heel and have him feud with Bryan over the WWEWHC. This was the original plan for WM XXX and WWE still want to do this feud down the line.

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Backstage news on plans for Cesaro

WWE officials are high on former United States Champion Antonio Cesaro. They have been handing out the "Cesaro Section" signs to the crowd, even though the plan is for him to remain a heel with Paul Heyman for a while. The general idea is that they want the fans to anticipate Cesaro's babyface turn while keeping him a heel for a long time until eventually turning him.

As previously reported, there is some talk backstage that WWE could be preparing Cesaro for a feud against fellow "Paul Heyman Guy", Brock Lesnar.

WWE is also working on a new entrance theme for Cesaro as well.

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Former TNA Star Jesse Neal says he gets paid way more at Walmart then he ever did in TNA

- It was reported by The Wrestling Observer Newsletter this week that former TNA star Jesse Neal is now working the night shift at Walmart in Orlando. Once the news got out, Neal wrote the following on Twitter:

“It’s funny how ppl make fun about real jobs and wrestlers we r human too and I have a family to provide for. So YES I man up and provide/”

“The biggest joke of all is I get paid way more at Walmart then I ever did in TNA and on time. #whatawasteoftime #PrintThat”

“I started wrestling to live a dream/make money/tell stories/learn as much as I can to give back to the people. Which I was as a kid.”

“Don’t think that this is bitterness or pissed I’m not on their show anymore. Cuz remember I left them they didn’t leave me. #truth”

“I’m still wrestling an loving it Having more fun then I’ve ever had There’s a lot of lies going around its just time ppl heard the #truth”

Edited by J529
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Bad Influence is accepting bookings.

per pwinsider

Christopher Daniels' deal expires the last week of April. Kazarian's deal expires sometime in May. Unless something changes, all are expected to be gone from the company soon, which is a pretty big void to fill from an in-ring standpoint.

Edited by J529
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Russo is back in TNA as consultant

Is he, or isn't he? That has been the question for a while now with Vince Russo and the TNA creative process. Is he still with the company? Here is the scoop.

Currently, the creative team is headed by John Gaburick. His three team members are David Lagana, Matt Conway and Christy Hemme (to work with the Knockouts). The process is that Gaburick sets the direction and comes up with ideas, with the help of the team. They then put it to paper and write the script.

So is Vince Russo involved? Yes, he is. He is still on the TNA payroll as a consultant and he does offer ideas and do critiques of the televised product. So when you see a segment and say, "That screams Russo", it very well may. Or, it may not. But much like everything in creative goes through Vince McMahon in WWE, that is the same for Gaburick in TNA.

So if you see a Russo idea on Impact, it's one that Gaburick received from Russo and decided to incorporate. But it could also be a Gaburick idea.

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