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WWE's reaction to EY becoming world champion

Again, just going to float this out there.

The Daniel Bryan winning the belt at Mania storyline is similar to how Styles won the belt at BFG with him overcoming the odds of interference, and having gone against the leaders of the company & what not.

Yes its not a perfect comparison, but its not like EY is a perfect comparison to Daniel Bryan either, aside from them both having beards they really aren't that similar, and situation/storyline isn't similar at all.

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Again, just going to float this out there.

The Daniel Bryan winning the belt at Mania storyline is similar to how Styles won the belt at BFG with him overcoming the odds of interference, and having gone against the leaders of the company & what not.

Yes its not a perfect comparison, but its not like EY is a perfect comparison to Daniel Bryan either, aside from them both having beards they really aren't that similar, and situation/storyline isn't similar at all.

EY and Bryan both had a match previously to get them into a title match. They both won the title on the same night as the qualifying match. They both even won it with a bum shoulder.

If they didn't do it the same night it probably wouldn't of been a big deal. They even had a "you deserve it" chant next tme he appaered on tna

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Bully Ray wants to get into acting.

Xpose Entertainment has a new article up on Bully Ray with quotes from an interview he did with BANG Showbiz. Ray says he's interested in getting into Hollywood: "I'm looking into films and other things right now ... I am looking to branch my career out a little bit more into acting ... I think I fit certain roles, I'll use as an example a guy like James Gandolfini in 'The Sopranos'. I think that type of role I could pull off real well, just with my natural personality." Ray also says he just finished shooting See Dad Run for Nickelodeon: "I just did a television show for Nickelodeon. The show is called 'See Dad Run' and it stars Scott Baio and it's on nick@nite. So I did an episode with him and it went really well and I had an extremely positive experience out there in Hollywood, I was there about a week working at Paramount Studios, I got to work with Scott Marshall and Garry Marshall, and I got to work on the same set as 'Happy Days'. It was a tremendously positive experience."

NBA player is upset The Streak ended:

- Atlanta Hawks point guard Jeff Teague did an interview with NBA.com about being a wrestling fan, which you can check out here. During the interview, Teague talked about The Undertaker's streak being his favorite in sports besides Kyle Korver's three point streak, and was not happy that it ended. "I am mad about that. I can't believe they did that, man," Teague said. "They could have picked somebody better than that [Lesnar]. The could've got CM Punk, anybody. But I think it was a mistake. I don't think it was supposed to happen like that."

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EY and Bryan both had a match previously to get them into a title match. They both won the title on the same night as the qualifying match. They both even won it with a bum shoulder.

If they didn't do it the same night it probably wouldn't of been a big deal. They even had a "you deserve it" chant next tme he appaered on tna

Bryan's was a personal rivalry that had been brewing for quite awhile that lead to a big time match at a big time event, EY was thrown into a match with many others out of nowhere.

Obviously there are comparables, but the Styles situation as far as the build & the match (with alot of outside interference) are more comparable than the EY thing. Imo.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Plans for Bryatt Wyatt

Shield just turned face and Wyatts should never be faces.

- WWE isn't looking at turning Bray Wyatt babyface until The Shield makes their heel turn, that way both groups will continue to remain on opposite sides of the fence, with the exception of Roman Reigns, who will split off into a babyface role.
Edited by J529
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Bryan's was a personal rivalry that had been brewing for quite awhile that lead to a big time match at a big time event, EY was thrown into a match with many others out of nowhere.

Obviously there are comparables, but the Styles situation as far as the build & the match (with alot of outside interference) are more comparable than the EY thing. Imo.

They didn't have enough time to build it up. They saw how great the reaction from the crowd when Bryan won and tried to capatilize on it so they threw together a battle royal. Do you think EY would be champion if Bryan wasn't?

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They didn't have enough time to build it up. They saw how great the reaction from the crowd when Bryan won and tried to capatilize on it so they threw together a battle royal. Do you think EY would be champion if Bryan wasn't?

At some point yes, at the exact time it happened? perhaps not.

They had been building EY up as a serious character for awhile. I don't think Bryan winning was the reason TNA decided to go with EY, I think he would have gotten the belt regardless. Perhaps they decided to do it sooner after Bryan won? Sure, but even if he didn't I don't think EY winning was far off.

That wasn't really my main point, but thats how I feel about that.

My point was, WWE has done things similar to TNA aswell, its not just a one way street, I brought up the AJ Styles storyline which had a ton of similarities to the Bryan thing.

And really TNA had setup there unification match with the tournament to crown a new champion before WWE came out of nowhere & had there unification storyline.

(and FTR I don't think either company intentionally rips off each others storylines, I just wanted to point out that TNA has done things first & WWE has done similar things after, since TNA seems to get criticized for that alot/alot more)

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Is there anything worse than this rebirth of Evolution?? Three guys that the WWE universe are just soooo sick of. Hey, awesome idea.... let's put them all together!! And give them suits, so they seem all legit and stuff.

The shield need something to do. Rather have Evolution than Batista back in a title match.

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The shield need something to do. Rather have Evolution than Batista back in a title match.

Let them feud with the Wyatts. They have great matches.

Speaking of The Wyatts. WWE really f'd up again. The crowd just wasn't buying Bray at the end singing. The longer it went on, the more the crowd wasn't buying into it, the more desperate it looked. Should have done it a couple weeks ago when the fans were insane.

Anyways, been watching a lot of old wrestling tonight, came across this:

Now that's a promo.

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Let them feud with the Wyatts. They have great matches.

Speaking of The Wyatts. WWE really f'd up again. The crowd just wasn't buying Bray at the end singing. The longer it went on, the more the crowd wasn't buying into it, the more desperate it looked. Should have done it a couple weeks ago when the fans were insane.

Anyways, been watching a lot of old wrestling tonight, came across this:

Now that's a promo.

Wyatts still has the Cena feud to do. I see both storylines as a plus, going to get Reigns vs HHH and hopefully put Reigns over and maybe one day Cena will let Wyatt get over since he is great on the mic (except keep him from singing for like a minute)

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Update on War Games Match

- We noted before that an Evolution vs. The Shield War Games was being speculated on but that no arenas between now and SummerSlam would be able to accommodate a two-ring set up for the match. It turns out that the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, site of this year's Battleground event, is big enough for a War Games setup.

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