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And I like the sig Twilight. The barb wire is really cool. I almost prefer it to your current one.

i really like it too but something just feels missing. maybe if i polish it out a little more, fix some layers or maybe add something more i would consider swapping it for my current one

Rusev is gonna end up like The Great Khali and Vladimir Kozlov.

yea pretty much. the monster big guys don't really go anywhere. with wwe being more focused on personality nowadays, he can only go so far with lana before she's more over than he is and that just equals buried. a guy like jack swagger is lucky in this regard because dutch knows how to do things and connect with an audience without making everything about him and got cesaro over big

I actually liked the Adam Rose debut, though I can't see him doing anything but comedy with that gimmick.

"they said i can be anything, so we're now 4MB"

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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Haven't watched Wrestling in a long ass time but this is just a testament to how despite all their acting of personas, really they are all great people outside of the show business

Great thing WWE did for him. Steph went into full mom mode when she was rolling up sleeves on Connor's Yes jacket.

Connor was pretty honest when he was talking to AJ and Batista.

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News on Shield's future

WWE has changed their plans regarding splitting up The Shield as was teased prior to WrestleMania XXX which reportedly would have seen them split up by this stage.

WWE is now keen to keep the faction together for a while longer due to the strong responses they continue to get from WWE crowds.

Another reason is the grooming of Roman Reigns. WWE officials feel he is future breakout star and main event player, but is not ready for a solo career just yet and will benefit from staying in a group with Ambrose and Rollins.

News on top singles babyfaces

WWE had planned until recent for Randy Orton to switch to a baby face with officials informing the merchandise department to work on some baby face items for Orton.

Those plans have now been shelved in favor of keeping Orton heel for the time being.

WWE is looking at the following singles Superstars as top baby faces for down the line: John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro and Sheamus.

Despite this, Sheamus is still in line for a heel turn.

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WWE contacted Jericho about returning

I bet it was to feud with Bryan.

WWE reached out to Chris Jericho this past week to see if he would be interested in returning to the company.

Jericho reportedly told them he was unable to commit due to his hectic schedule and other projects in the pipeline.

Jericho revealed in a WWE.com interview recently that he will not be a full-time wrestler due to his musical and acting ventures.

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Source dispels rumors that Batista refused to work a program with Bryan

ProWrestling.net is quoting one of their sources who has provided them with the following statement killing the rumor that Batista refused to work a program with Daniel Bryan:

"WWE wants that story out, but it's all twisted. (Batista) would do five jobs for Bryan. They've f--ed him in money, booking, broken
promises (relating to his) schedule, and promoting his (outside projects). Had that not happened, he would be around until late
June, but because Vince (McMahon) f--ed him, he's not, so they dragged Daniel Bryan into this to vilify Batista. Daniel is beloved
and a martyr so he benefits, but it has nothing to do with jobbing. They've twisted. It's classic Vince. Look at Ultimate Warrior and
SummerSlam, Bret Hart in Montreal. (Vince) puts out his narrative. There are always two sides."

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David Benoit in-ring debut has been cancelled

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that David Benoit, the son of the late Chris Benoit, may no longer be making his in-ring debut for the Hart Legacy promotion in July as previously reported, despite being announced otherwise on Twitter by Smith Hart, the older brother of WWE Hall of Famer Bret "Hitman" Hart.

The reported reasoning behind the possible cancellation is that Benoit has never actually been formally trained to wrestle, but was convinced by Hart to go ahead with the show anyway, thinking that it would not only help ticket sales, but also draw a lot of attention to the event he was being advertised for.

Upon hearing that Benoit would be teaming with Chavo Guerrero at the event, Chris Jericho - someone who is close to Benoit - is reported to have contacted the Hart Legacy promotion and was said to be furious for advertising Benoit for a match because Benoit had not been formally trained to wrestle. Jericho reportedly tried getting the match stopped, which led to Chavo cancelling his booking for the event.

The Wrestling Observer further states that Chavo was told by Hart that Benoit "had some in-ring experience" and would be fine to take part in their scheduled match. Hart is then said to have reportedly told Jericho that they weren't planning on having Benoit actually wrestle, but just take part in some sort of angle. Reportedly, Hart also told Benoit that he still wanted him in a match and attempted to convince Benoit that he could get through it without any actual training beforehand.

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Ex-Girlfriend and close friend of Punk claims he's retired from wrestling

She wrote article and refers to Punk as ""the recently retired seven-time World Champion"

"My friend can't go to Target. He can't go to Great America, the grocery store or any mall anywhere. It's been a long time since I've seen him escape a restaurant without getting Instagrammed by diners at nearby tables. People mob him in the airport and tweet angrily when he doesn't stop to sign autographs because he has a flight to catch. My friend is famous, and it sucks."

"Now, he's the recently retired seven-time World Champion, and he's one of the most isolated people I've ever known. A few weeks ago he found a young fan and his mom cramming Easter candy into the mail slot of his front door. Just before that, he walked out of his back door to throw out the trash only to be met by fans camped out in his alley for hours just to see him. We get mad about how much of our information Facebook is selling to advertisers, and this guy has people stalking his Dumpster. But if he complains, people roll their eyes and say if they had his money, they wouldn't complain about anything. The money? I'm sure he likes it just fine, but I often wonder how much of it he would trade to be able to go to a Cubs game without it ending up on TMZ."

"The nervous ninny in me lives with the constant fear that someone's going to stab him. On the rare occasion I can get him out of the house I get to witness how overbearing and creepy people are toward him. 'Bodyguard!' my husband and I nag. 'That's stupid,' he says. 'What am I going to do, drag some guy around with me forever? Why can't people just leave me alone?'"

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2 rumored matches for SummerSlam

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As previously reported, WWE has plans for a Cesaro baby face push in the future. The general consensus is that when Cesaro eventually splits from Paul Heyman, he will enter into a program with Brock Lesnar, one that could possibly take place as one of the main events at this year's SummerSlam pay-per-view.

Another idea for SummerSlam, while not yet confirmed, and is actually up in the air based on how things turn out for The Shield, is a Roman Reigns vs. Triple H main event at SummerSlam.

The idea seems to be that Cesaro goes over on Lesnar and Reigns goes over on HHH at SummerSlam, with the mindset being it would help elevate them to top-tier baby face status.

It's worth noting that when WWE maps things out that far in advance, that plans change a lot as everything is a moving target that tends to change on a month-to-month basis.
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Short Sleeve Sampson has heat for posting this picture prior to Extreme Rules

on social media which as you can clearly see in background is Cena and Wyatts going over the match. Sampson has since apologized.


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Short Sleeve Sampson has heat for posting this picture prior to Extreme Rules

on social media which as you can clearly see in background is Cena and Wyatts going over the match. Sampson has since apologized.


Huge overreaction as far as I see it. I heard about the story but never saw the pic. Now that I've seen the pic, it just makes the reaction even worse.

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Big E heel turning coming

Many have been wondering what’s next for Big E after suffering some notable losses and dropping the WWE Intercontinental Title to Bad News Barrett at Extreme Rules. Word is that WWE creative is focused on looking for the “next step” for Big E.

It’s been reported in the past that Big E has many supporters including Triple H and John Cena. WWE officials now feel that he has peaked and a heel turn for Big E could be coming soon.

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WWE considering adding Sheamus to Evolution.

Makes sense to have him take Batista's spot and fill the role of muscle/enforcer when he takes time off or if things take turn for worst.

In related news, there continues to be talk that Sheamus could eventually be added to Evolution at some point, so it's possible the faction will be in play once Batista departs for his promotional work. For that matter, Sheamus could conceivably be inserted into Batista's slot if things take a turn for the worse with Batista and the company between now and Payback on June 1.
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I see rusev more as a umaga

the thing with umaga was he was able to get over-- to the point where he was super over with his match against cena at new years revolution. estrada helped be the the mouth piece, but wwe actually did a great job with the umaga character where people wanted to see him as the champion.

where rusev is now, with the wwe roster being as deep as it's been in more than a decade, he'll be a wrecking machine, have a taste at the main event but once lana is more over than he is, that guy is done. i actually feel bad for rusev cause he's being put in a position where the fans just wont buy him as a real threat

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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2 rumored matches for SummerSlam

You cannot have Cesaro go over on Lesnar, this is the guy who just conquered the streak. For me, Lesnar should be unbeatable.

What they should do (if he would be down for it) is have him win the title at the Rumble, or TLC or sooner if he would agree to make more appearances. And have him beat the champion 100% clean. (If I had to speculate, knowing this company, the champ will probably be Cena by then, and having Lesnar beat Cena in 100% fashion would be great) And him having the belt would be awesome.

But anyways, then you could either have Lesnar hold the belt into Mania and go against someone (Maybe Reigns will be built up enough by them) or have him lose the belt in the Elimination Chamber that way his character doesn't look weak.

But they can't have him do any clean jobs after they gave him the streak, they can't.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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dont know if you're really following the product, kass, but cena's being pushed out of the main event, and if you bothered listening to his interview on the steve austin podcast, he's all for being out of the main event if it meant getting new talent over. as much as you're in denial about everything, if you see cena going over wyatt as "burying" wyatt is almost paranoia. if you break down the mania match, wyatt came out looking like a million bucks. he's super over right now

wyatts, sheild, all these guys are the future of our entertainment. i';m not complaining at all with cena working with the young guys, because whether you like it or not, cena's paid his dues and even the young guys can learn a lot from cena, as he has everyone's respect. with punk possibly coming back, the money that can be made with punk vs. bryan is there. it's been there for years and wwe knows they can't miss out on that, which is why they're going to have punk come back

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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