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A reddit user who has creditability and has correctly predicted news/spoilers is claiming something big is going to happen at Battleground during the Main Event. Take your guess as what it could be but he says it's NOT Sheamus cashing in. My guess is HHH turns on Rollins setting up HHH/Rollins for SummerSlam. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3ber2l/wreddits_4th_cakeday_megathread/csli5e2 https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3cdc3g/spoilers_i_have_kind_of_failed_you/

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so if Big E or Big Show jumped up onto you, you'd be able to support them long enough to F5 them?

Well no.. but they obviously exaggerate the moves and feign the blows. Live mics picked up Cena and Cesaro talking to each other the other day when they were flipping each other all over the place.

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So I am going to assume you don't watch any movies, sitcoms, and/or most reality TV shows? They're fake after all.

I was responding to Mr.Kelly's comments about how wrestling is fake. WWE is a performance art similar to a Shakespearean play.

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I have to say the most entertaining part about the WWE right now is Kevin Owens and John Cena. These two are putting on great matches as of late, it's as if Cena has been reinvigorated and has upped his wrestling game by a lot.

WWE is doing well with guys like Cesaro, Cena, and Owens. All three of them are looking strong as of late.

Also Brock Lesnar is always great TV

Edited by CanuckofSteel
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I have to say the most entertaining part about the WWE right now is Kevin Owens and John Cena. These two are putting on great matches as of late, it's as if Cena has been reinvigorated and has upped his wrestling game by a lot.

WWE is doing well with guys like Cesaro, Cena, and Owens. All three of them are looking strong as of late.

Also Brock Lesnar is always great TV

its something i said a couple of years ago, in the older wwe thread, that cena CAN wrestle, and i did call that once cena's out of the main event, but still remains a large on screen character, but most of the focus if off of him, that he will start really showing what he can really do, now the the shackles are off of him, and he's free to kinda do whatever he wants. sure, he'll still have his usual spots, but it's the little things that he'll do to make a guy look great

like in case, with owens, he's kinda no longer doing the usual cena thing, and sells for this guy like he's getting his ass kicked. however, when he tries for that babyface comeback, owens squashes him. the come back comes later, but once that usual spot fest happens, you no longer just assume that cena's gonna win anymore. right now we're starting to see, wwe can no longer hide the fact that cena's aging. he's still a big draw, but being a draw at the middle-upper card is still great for the company. it keeps him fresh with newer, up and coming guys. even if he wins his fued with owens in the end, and they have owens squashed or something, that's just how wwe works. keep busting your ass to get to the top. owens has the ability and skill to be the champion

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A reddit user who has creditability and has correctly predicted news/spoilers is claiming something big is going to happen at Battleground during the Main Event. Take your guess as what it could be but he says it's NOT Sheamus cashing in. My guess is HHH turns on Rollins setting up HHH/Rollins for SummerSlam. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3ber2l/wreddits_4th_cakeday_megathread/csli5e2 https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/3cdc3g/spoilers_i_have_kind_of_failed_you/

IDK if Trips will turn on Rollins, but something will happen between them that sets up the SS match

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Charotte and Sasha Banks are scheduled for this week's Monday and Tuesday tapings. Can't see them debuting on the go home show of a PPV.

Charlotte and Sasha Banks are scheduled for this Monday and Tuesday's WWE TV tapings. As reported previously on PWInsider, the current Paige storyline is expected to climax at Summerslam with NXT Divas teaming with Paige against The Bellas and Alicia Fox.

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