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BC General Election May 14, 2013 - Advance Voting Wed May 8 to Sat May 11 - See Post #433


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I'd be interested to know the size and demographic of people being contacted for these supposed polls.

They really don't mean anything and can be manipulated and skewed to present whichever arguement one chooses to defend.

I still have faith that BC is not stupid enough to cut their own throats by voting in a party that has proven time and again to be detrimental to the province and economy. The ndp are best suited in a watchdog role and nothing more.

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The 7 point lead for the NDP still guarantees a victory for them. Political analysts say even if the two parties are tied in popular support, the NDP will come ahead because of the way seats are distributed.

However, with the tightening up of the polls, that mean we won't see a scenario where one party is reduced to 2 seats like the NDP were 12 years ago. Democracy is never good when there is a lopsided decision. Parties become arrogant, like the Liberal have become. It is always helpful to have a strong opposition, which the Liberal will be.

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The increasing costs are principally related to teachers' salaries.

The teachers are all about kids so I assume that they will take a salary roll-back to help the reduced enrolment.

Given they work hand in glove with the NDP that should be easy-peasy, eh? ::D

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Are the lawyers and politicians of BC going to take a roll back?

BC teachers are the 3rd lowest average salaries by province in Canada - only ahead of PEI and Newfoundland.

The real question is - what exactly do parents want?

Less teachers = less one on one time = lower grades for students that need help...

I guess you are of the firm belief that school isn't an essential service?

I guess you for more private Catholic schools to pick up the slack right?

Didn't think so...very disappointing that you of all people here didn't actually research instead of making an off the cuff comment.

Then again I'm not surprised as long as it doesn't affect you - you're okay about it.

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Lawyers who do Legal Aid have taken significant rollbacks and many lawyers are doing more duty counsel and pro bono work to try to ensure people at risk of incarceration have legal representation.

And lawyers are the only profession who continue to pay PST on their legal bills that goes to the provincial coffers.

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You are welcome. It seems the average person does not have a grasp of the amount of free and discounted work that lawyers contribute on a regular basis. It is considered just part of our professional responsibility to the public.

And when one of our own goes bad and costs the public through criminal conduct, we cover losses to the public out of our pockets.

There is a difference between professional negligence and wrongdoing by lawyers and professional liability Insurance covers the former but not the latter.


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Are the lawyers and politicians of BC going to take a roll back?

BC teachers are the 3rd lowest average salaries by province in Canada - only ahead of PEI and Newfoundland.

The real question is - what exactly do parents want?

Less teachers = less one on one time = lower grades for students that need help...

I guess you are of the firm belief that school isn't an essential service?

I guess you for more private Catholic schools to pick up the slack right?

Didn't think so...very disappointing that you of all people here didn't actually research instead of making an off the cuff comment.

Then again I'm not surprised as long as it doesn't affect you - you're okay about it.

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Yeah, maybe if they didn't charge so much then people would be able to afford them.

BTW - this isn't about you.

It's about teachers who make $30 an hour and also donate their own time before/during/after school not lawyers who rake in $200-$400 an hour...

It's about education for children.

It's an election issue.

My wife has worked in 5 different provinces and says BC is by far in the worst shape...from how it's run to resources for the kids...it's way behind the likes of Alberta and Ontario...

But go ahead - keep dropping defamatory remarks about the teachers here...for obviously you know that cutting teachers is the solution to improve education.

Edit: So much for Christy Clark putting families first.

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