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CDCGML 2013-14


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Well here we go fifth season as a GM and finally made it to this point and boy oh boy it is not easy. Many times of lost sanity for myself, lots of trades, five drafts and finally here just wanted to thank all 29 GM's, c2X, Mike, TM, Lethunder, Squeak, Greensman, Brunners, Arby, everyone's dedication to this league has made success feel so amazing and failure feel so painful, this really is a special place.

Caboose you are the only man standing in the way of the dream, honoured to compete against you for the championship my friend, may the best man win.

Unfortunately no John Moore for us tonight, hopefully John learns from his suspension and plays the series of his life, he has it in him! LETS GO PANTHERS !

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I can't fathom how you missed the playoffs to begin with.

You will be back with a vengeance.

... Then you checkout Pittsburghs roster and can't figure out how he missed either :lol: east is unreeeeal.

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As we do every year, I'd just like to touch base with everyone to see whether or not they plan on returning next year. I have a number of people interested in joining, so if there are going to be any openings, it's best to find out now. Let me know with a post if you're coming back or not :)

Confirmed returning for 2014-15

1. Winnipeg

2. Detroit

3. Ottawa

4. Dallas

5. Arizona

6. New Jersey

7. St. Louis

8. Montreal

9. Minnesota

10. Philadelphia

11. San Jose

12. Pittsburgh

13. Florida

14. Anaheim

15. Carolina

16. NY Islanders

If you all will have me, I plan to guide my Rangers to the cup, not once, but more than twice. Thank ye.

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I can't fathom how you missed the playoffs to begin with.

You will be back with a vengeance.

seems to me that more than one of the guru's here didn't think my Blueshirts would be in the playoffs and that is exactly why I loved every night of playoff action in Madison Square Garden.

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Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I've just started attacking my pile of UFA contract offers and will be trying to slowly get through them over the next few week. However, I'll have a ton of time starting next Thursday to spend time on them as the wife and kid are leaving the country for a few days. So have no fear, I'll get to them! B)

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Ok... kinda feel like a chick getting back from the hair-dresser, but...

It`s been a week... not one chuckle or comment on the new off-season cartoon style sig

I`m hurt, you guys suck :picard: why do I bother :P ?

But I`ll still be back next year!

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Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I've just started attacking my pile of UFA contract offers and will be trying to slowly get through them over the next few week. However, I'll have a ton of time starting next Thursday to spend time on them as the wife and kid are leaving the country for a few days. So have no fear, I'll get to them! B)

I have one to add to the pile...sorry.

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