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Ask A Gumball

Guest Gumballthechewy

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Ask me, the great and illustrious Gumball, anything you want and I shall sprinkle you with wisdom from my mighty brain! Let my vast knowledge wash over you and drown you in smartness and the like! I guarantee* your life will be 110% more awesome from having my advise sought!

* Guarantee not guaranteed

I warn you though, don't take anything I say too seriously.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Why is your name GUMBALL?

It's an old nickname because apparently I'm chewy and sweet... :P

Why is the icosahedral shape of virus capsid effective for the metastability required before attachment?

Because it's OCD that way.

What's your favorite virus? Or do you prefer viroids and prions?

It's a tough choice but I'll have to go with yersinia pestis.

why don't you move out of your mountain hermit shack to civilized society?

Stuck in my ways? I dunno, I'm thinking of moving.

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Guest Gumballthechewy


Well, Lightning is produced in thunderstorms when liquid and ice particles above the freezing level collide, and build up large electrical fields in the clouds. Once these electric fields become large enough, a giant "spark" occurs between them (or between them and the ground) like static electricity, reducing the charge separation. The lightning spark can occur between clouds, between the cloud and air, or between the cloud and ground.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Chewythegumball y r u so sexcii?

I was born that way. Seriously, I was a sexy baby!

Maybe I'll stop by my moms place after work and she if I can't find some embarrassing baby photos... :P

Do I ask her out?

You can't date hookers!

Or are you talking about an actual girl?

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Guest Gumballthechewy

If I chew you for an hour do you lose your flavor?

Nope, my flavour stays strong for hours and hours.


:( sadly the first one :'(

you can too date hookers... you just have to compensate them for their time.

I'm renting a hooker for life basically?

If you get the right ones you can go for the "girlfriend" experince. You can even take them out to dinner or a movie.

....or so I'm told...


only until her pimp finds out, or you actually tie the knot.

I wouldn't think a pimp would mind as long as he go his cut.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

I feel like I need a change, should I chop my hair short?

Well, it's your hair and you should go with something you like above all, but in my opinion based off Av's pics there you'd look great either way.

i'm laughing and disgusted all at the same time.

That's what I do! :P

what should i do with my life? huh? HUH?

I dunno, what are your aspirations and goals and such?

I need a little background info before I can give you any terrible sage like advice.

Stats help: What is the appropriate z-value for a 90% confidence interval?


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