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This seasons' espn NHL Player Poll.

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1. How in the hell is Datsyuk underrated? And by whom?

2. Phaneuf most-overrated again? Jeez. Again, by whom?

3. Lol Kronwall finally gets outed.

4. Ack, the gay rights issue for Sochi. Could it be more overblown?

5. Division realignment helps and hurts the Red Wings the most. M'kay. Gonna go with helps.

6. PED question is a nice touch. 20% think a teammate of theirs is using. Wake up, NHL.

7. Not sure 'any Canadian city' is a valid response for the expansion question, but there it is. Congrats, Flin Flon?

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Hagelin overrated? Never realized that he was all that 'rated' to begin with.

Almost everyone would put Datsyuk in the top-10 forwards in the NHL, and probably many would say top-5. Don't know how much higher you can rate him...

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