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3 hours ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

GOAT game. Addicted to it to say the very least. 

And same. Last time I had it was n64. Remember bought it on the ps2 but barely played it. n64 one was classic.

$&!#. I almost bought it over the weekend, but just didn't get around to it. I should be doing that ASAP.

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5 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

$&!#. I almost bought it over the weekend, but just didn't get around to it. I should be doing that ASAP.

Do it up bruh.

CDC squad/party it up imo. Game is strictly multiplayer and fun even if you're by yourself...usually meet some cool guys and end up playing an hour or so with them. If you have friends that play, even better.

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Yeah....I really miss those days where you would rent the games that you know you can beat in a week.

Games like Assassin's Creed or Batman, I know 100% I could play the crap out of them for 7 days straight and beat them so I used to just rent those. I don't get replayability out of those kinds of games. Finish the story and other quests I feel like, then I'm done with them.

Nowadays you have to commit to buying games.

Recently I ordered Need for Speed off of Amazon.com for like $40 after shipping to Canada and taxes. They had a sale there and I've wanted it from release but not for like $90 here after taxes.

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SW Battlefront is 33% off this week on PS Store. It's a game I definitely wanted (even simply for nostalgia's sake), but wasn't shelling out $80 for. Especially after reading the reviews.

I'm wondering if it will be even cheaper for Boxing Day though...but will probably pick it up anyways.

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1 hour ago, Monty said:

Hope you like it. Most fun I've had this year playing a game. 

I really enjoyed the first Walking Dead, but got sick of it by the end of the 2nd. And I got The Wolf Among Us, but didn't care for the contrived storyline, and shut it down in the first episode. So I'm hoping that this will be a fresh start - but at $3.75, no loss either way.

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Anyone have or planning on picking up BO3 in the future? I'm having a lot of fun with the game right now. I only played Ghosts and AW for a couple of weeks before getting bored but I think this one will last me at least till the next Treyarch game.

I'm still pretty rusty but I'd love to run with a party in TDM and Search and Destroy matches.

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Mang, TLoU online is difficult :lol: because I only have one day's experience and not familiar with all the maps. Plus people have unlocked better weapons, etc. It's amazing too how many times I'll shoot someone and not kill them but they'll blow me away in one shot. I've been left jaw dropped more than a couple times. I didn't think one shots were kills unless in the head.

And is the bow auto aim? What the hell is the deal with that. Some dude sniped me from a football field away with it.

I wish the games were auto balanced to make the teams more fair because sometimes it's so one sided it's pointless. But I guess that's the reality of having to pick firefly or hunter prior to playing.

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6 hours ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

Mang, TLoU online is difficult :lol: because I only have one day's experience and not familiar with all the maps. Plus people have unlocked better weapons, etc. It's amazing too how many times I'll shoot someone and not kill them but they'll blow me away in one shot. I've been left jaw dropped more than a couple times. I didn't think one shots were kills unless in the head.

And is the bow auto aim? What the hell is the deal with that. Some dude sniped me from a football field away with it.

I wish the games were auto balanced to make the teams more fair because sometimes it's so one sided it's pointless. But I guess that's the reality of having to pick firefly or hunter prior to playing.

Yeah, you definitely need to unlock some better weapons before you truly start to get somewhere in online. Also no, the bow is not auto-aim. I'm assuming that guy who sniped you probably has been playing the game for a long time. At least I don't think it is now...I haven't played in like a year though. :lol:

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On 2015-12-21 at 7:17 PM, DollarAndADream said:

Yeah, you definitely need to unlock some better weapons before you truly start to get somewhere in online. Also no, the bow is not auto-aim. I'm assuming that guy who sniped you probably has been playing the game for a long time. At least I don't think it is now...I haven't played in like a year though. :lol:

To complete the journey your clan needs to survive 12 weeks? Shouldn't be too difficult. I'm at 50 something members starting week 5.

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Beat Witcher 3 with 85% of trophies. Not going to redo it on Death March for 100% tho. Not any time soon anyway. Too big a game. Imlerith was tougher than Eredin only because with Eredin I had 3/4 character slots associated with combat and the last one vitality - over 3300 strong attack critical damage.

I actually like Ciri better than Geralt - way quicker and just as strong even with the lack of oils, potions etc.

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