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2014 Fifa World Cup Thread

Del Rio

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Brazil's group is such a joke. Knowing how corrupt that country is, it wouldn't surprise me if they rigged the draw :picard:

I can't say I'm looking forward to watching the world cup this time around.

we need another Military government in Brazil to end this mess and send these hippies in Brasilia/DF directly to Guantanamo...

it worked before. it will work again...

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Agreed. Brazil is such a beautiful place too. I'll be going to watch the world cup regardless of the issues. B)

yeah. but during the military government you had safety to walk and do wathever you want without problems...

see the army on streets and cannot disagree with the government sounds a cheap price for have security on streets, structure to live, good education, hospitals working all the time...

a modern administration but with military doctrine and authority. that´s what we need. no "human rights" for bandits and terrorists, time to bring the boot to kick these hippie´s asses...

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Hey Aero, how about a breakdown of what that poster says, for those of us that don't read Portuguese.



"THE MESS IS OVER, THEY´RE BACK!" (they=military)

"todos os politicos envolvidos com ações suspeitas estão detidos na policia federal até o final das investigações que agora estão a cargo da inteligência, agora FFAA

a presidente, bem como todos os ministros e assessores foram exilados para Cuba, desta vez sob documentos específicos a este fim"


"all politicians involved in suspicious actions are held in the federal police by the end of the investigations that are now in charge of intelligence forces from the military command (FFAA)

the president and all ministers and advisers were exiled to Cuba, this time under specific documents for this purpose"

of course this is not real. but if this hippie government keep doing a hippie-socialist administration sending Brazil into a huge caos again. well, the Military did once and can do it again...

and the population seems to be supporting the Military this time...

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  • 2 weeks later...

20 things you should know if you´re coming to FIFA 2014 world cup.

1) don´t walk like a "gringo" on streets, see how the average Brazilian walk and dress and do the same thing. walk with cameras and maps will show you´re not from Brazil...

Brazilians use that thing called "google maps" on their mobile phones if they don´t know the city and that thing called "GPS" on their cars if they´re reting a car..

-Bandits will love very much see their "job" easier because you want walk like an amuzement park....

2) Favella=Gueto. so avoid that wierd and caotic area of the city, it isn´t funny as you may think. there´s a lot of other things you can see without be hijacked...

3) Brazilian Currency: REAL (R$). 1 US Dollar=1,82R$ (normally)

4) in Brazil you can refuel your car with Etanol, nobody cares and we don´t say "we´re saving the planet", it cost 2.00R$ per liter. the gasoline costs 2,90 R$ per liter...

5) in June and July is winter in some cities and summer on the other cities. in São Paulo, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Cuiaba, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Salvador will be winter and the temperature will be low...

but in Manaus, Recife, Fortaleza and Natal will be summer and it will be very, very, very hot...

-in 2013 snowed in Curitiba and Porto Alegre and the temperature reached -9 so bring your winter clothes!

6) just because you´re a tourist it doesn´t mean you have to agree with everything. if somebody offer you a sandwich for 30R$ refuse it. the normal one costs 15R$ at maximum...

7) malls in Brazil aren´t big as they are in USA but in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro they´re pretty close. so be carefull to don´t get lost...

8) interstate buses in Brazil are big and developed from european models (volvo,scania,mercedes etc), many of them have 2 decks and carry more than 50 passengers. don´t worry about them, they´re safe to travel...

9) Congonhas Airport is a small and crowdy airport located near São Paulo´s city center. but somehow Brazilian Pilots land a B737-800 and an A320 there all the time where in USA it would be classified as a regional airport in Brazil is classified as a "major domestic airport"

-when landing in Congonhas don´t worry, you´ll see the building coming closer and higher than your airplane and then you "bounce" into the runway and the plane brakes very fast and hard. it´s just like land inside an air carrier...

-also, don´t worry, during peak times (basically all the time) the airport handles more than 9000 people in one hour...

10) Rio de Janeiro´s city center airport Santos Dumont is 60% worse than Congonhas in terms of fear during the landing and take-off, the runway is shorter and the feeling your airplane will crash into the sea is amazing. if you like adrenaline you can´t miss Santos Dumont airport. it´s the ultimate experience you can have inside a commercial jet...

-flying at 300km/h (150kts/170mph) and land on a 1.300 meters runway, your B737/A319 will stop in 5 seconds from that speed to 0. don´t worry, the sea and the oil cranes will be closer as you decent but somehow Brazilian Pilots land a 40ton airplane on that airport.

-you might have a heart attack during the take-off and landing due to the "we´re screwed! there´s no runway enought!" but it´s your fault. you can chose the international airport with a 4000 meters runway...

-the airport is nice and you can go to São Paulo in 35 minutes and Brasilia in 1 hour. there´s at least 10 flights per hour to each city...

11) Brazilians don´t like the Wright Brothers and the American adulation with them so if you want stay fine here the Aviation hero and pionner is Santos Dumont. period...

12) Brazilian drivers usually drive well, but they don´t know what "speed limit", "stop", "yield" and "respect the pedestrian" means so pay attention...

13) don´t trust on the police, they´re not polite as the Canadian Police are, if you see the army/navy/airforce people/soldier ask them for information, they will be direct but polite with you. bandits/drugdealers fear the military so much they will not stay where the military stay, so if the military is where you are, you´re 100% safe...

14) Paraguay isn´t a mall as Brazilians think, it´s a country. just because we go there for shooping without have to show any document it doesn´t mean you can do the same. only "Mercosul citizens" can do that. you from USA/Canada/Europe will have to present your passport with you VISA...

15) Argentina is just like Canada and Mexico are to USA. We make fun of Argentina and they make fun of Brazil. but Argentinians don´t like British people (especially people from England) due to the Falklands/Malvinas war and Americans. so if you want cross the border to visit Argentina you´ll need you passport with your VISA. only "Mercosul citizens" can cross the border only with their IDs or drive licenses...

16) at least 80% of Brazilians undertand the Spanish language, so if your Portuguese is weak try spanish. USA have Mexico and Cuba. Brazil have the entire south america around them speaking spanish! so we have to understand what they´re saying...

17) Brazilians cities are big. São Paulo has moe than 15 million people living there, Rio de Janeiro have mre than 8 million and so it goes on. don´t worry about the polution, it´s better than found in China but the pollution in São Paulo is scary many times. especially when rains and flood half of the city...

18) the Federal Police isn´t funny, when you pass by the imigration don´t make jokes, just answer their questions...

-also don´t worry. in Brazil there will be 3 lines on the imigration...

1 for native Brazilians (including people from other coutries that also have the Brazilian citizenship together with their primary citizenship).

1 for "Mercosul Citizens" that will have to show just their IDs or Drive Licenses...

and the other one for "Non-Mercosul citizenships" that will have to show their passports with the Brazilian VISA (Portuguese citizens don´t have to have a Brazilian VISA due to an agreement between Brazil and Portugal)

-don´t make fun, don´t make jokes. just answer their questions. remember, international airports in Brazil are also Air Bases and military posts commands so if you think you can be funny there better not be! at will take less than you think to have hundreds of military personel on you head pointing guns to you brain!

19) since the "spy case" done by USA and the reveal that Kennedy planned to invade Brazil in 1960s to interfere on our government the Brazilian population became very agressive with Americans that try be superior when overseas. it´s our country and we will be friendly with you, but respect our country because it can be the jungle but it´s OUR JUNGLE and we know them better than you...

20) the best place to find hot girls is Porto Alegre, forget Rio de Janeiro. if you want see the hottest girls on you life head south to Porto Alegre, once you go there you will come again and again...

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  • 2 months later...

I believe the games will be decided by the weather...


in june/july it´s winter in half of Brazil (south/southeast) and summer (north/northeast) so teams playing in north/northeast will face extremely hot and wet temperatures while teams palying in south/southeast will face mild/cold temperatures...

European teams are not used with the hell of Manaus and Cuiaba where the temperatures can reach 40C with 100% humidity with no wind. so for them it will be a double problem...

however African/Asian teams might not be used with the cold temperatures of the south region where snows (yes. it snow in Brazil) so teams playing in Curitiba and Porto Alegre will have problems with the cold front and constant rain/snow

so for me it can be a tricky event. USA playing in many cities it can be good for them. but Russia playing in Cuiaba? well, Russians bring extra water...

someone can tell me where the teams will play their games?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man, France's 2002 squad was really impressive.

Vieira, Thuram, Zidane, Makelele, Trezeguet, Henry, Barthez, among others

although Trezeguet was painfully one dimensional and much of the squad was super defensive-minded, kind of funny to see them not win a single game

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm voting for

1. England

2. Spain

3. Belgium

4. Brazil

5. Korea

6. Italy

I'm guessing that Spain wins. Diego Costa switching to Spain's national team is the deciding factor for me.

I'm not voting for any of those, but that's okay since it's not an election...

I hoping for the Netherlands, but my pick to win it all is Argentina. I'm betting we see them in the finals against Brazil.

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