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Are the Playoffs Rigged? (Put on Your Tinfoil Hat, We're Going In...)


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That's exactly what he said "Were we screwed yes. Did we benefit from it yes."

Yes, which is why I answered "Oh great another one of these topics. Yes of course the playoffs are rigged. What else could possibly explain the Canucks losing?"

it's always harder to admit one's shortcomings than to blame outside factors for defeat. every time the canucks lose it's the ref's fault, or the goalie's fault, or the coache's, or the league's fault, or the other team being goons and diving. it never comes down to who the canucks are as a team, who the core really is, and whether they're talented or invested enough to win it all. and then when you start talking about that, everyone thinks you want to blow up the whole team and start from scratch. it becomes difficult to have mature conversations in these circumstances.

very few people are willing to have an honest conversation about the core of the team and whether there's a serious issue there precluding them from taking it to the next level. To me, the main reasons the Canucks lost to the Bruins were the inability to match their physicality, the absolute disappearance of the first line, the disappearance of the power play, Luongo allowing goals left and right in 4 out of 7 games, mostly because the defense played like crap, and honestly a lack of strong leadership from pretty much everyone except maaybe Kesler and Bieksa.

How do we address this? it's been downhill since then. blaming the league doesn't fix that.

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If it was all rigged you would think they would arrange at least one Cup win north of the border just to shut up the conspiracy theorists.

Ah, but then it'd be too well-organized, it'd be suspicious. By blatantly being against Canadian teams, it looks too stupidly obvious to be a conspiracy. It's the perfect plan.

They kidnapped Tupac as well.

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Yes, which is why I answered "Oh great another one of these topics. Yes of course the playoffs are rigged. What else could possibly explain the Canucks losing?"

it's always harder to admit one's shortcomings than to blame outside factors for defeat. every time the canucks lose it's the ref's fault, or the goalie's fault, or the coache's, or the league's fault, or the other team being goons and diving. it never comes down to who the canucks are as a team, who the core really is, and whether they're talented or invested enough to win it all. and then when you start talking about that, everyone thinks you want to blow up the whole team and start from scratch. it becomes difficult to have mature conversations in these circumstances.

very few people are willing to have an honest conversation about the core of the team and whether there's a serious issue there precluding them from taking it to the next level. To me, the main reasons the Canucks lost to the Bruins were the inability to match their physicality, the absolute disappearance of the first line, the disappearance of the power play, Luongo allowing goals left and right in 4 out of 7 games, mostly because the defense played like crap, and honestly a lack of strong leadership from pretty much everyone except maaybe Kesler and Bieksa.

How do we address this? it's been downhill since then. blaming the league doesn't fix that.

K now your just spewing crap about conspiracy theories and Vancouver there are many other threads to talk about that stuff. We are talking about some serious stuff here.


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Don't people get sick of this conspiracy theory garbage?

Some teams get hot leading up to the playoffs, and some teams cool off. Do you mean to tell me that Pittsburgh, Boston, Chicago, LA, and Detroit weren't the better teams during the last few playoff series? Or do you really think Ottawa, Winnipeg, Oilers, and Flames are really the best teams around, but are being held back? Please.

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You hit one note for me in your post for sure and that is the use of PEDs. As if it's not rampant in the NHL - just look at the anger some of these guys are juiced up on (Thornton et al)

Either start actually testing for it and punishing offenders or stop thinking we are idiots who think it doesn't happen and just allow it all.

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Don't people get sick of this conspiracy theory garbage?

Some teams get hot leading up to the playoffs, and some teams cool off. Do you mean to tell me that Pittsburgh, Boston, Chicago, LA, and Detroit weren't the better teams during the last few playoff series? Or do you really think Ottawa, Winnipeg, Oilers, and Flames are really the best teams around, but are being held back? Please.

We are talking playoffs here not conspiracy. B)

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Don't people get sick of this conspiracy theory garbage?

Some teams get hot leading up to the playoffs, and some teams cool off. Do you mean to tell me that Pittsburgh, Boston, Chicago, LA, and Detroit weren't the better teams during the last few playoff series? Or do you really think Ottawa, Winnipeg, Oilers, and Flames are really the best teams around, but are being held back? Please.

To answer your last question, no. But that is irrelevant to the fact that we're still subsidizing the south.
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In my opinion the refs cannot 'rig' a professional sports team. In fact, the 1919 White Sox taught us that any team tanking in a playoff situation could cause the whole league to be discredited. Baseball was nearly wiped out.

The refs can only 'massage' a game buy calling the game a certain way to favor one team.

Think of Canadian teams as the Chicago Cubs .We will buy tickets regardless if no team north of the border wins for another 50 years. Its our national game.

However, the NHL needs palm tree cities to win the cup. Right now, the league is currently massaging the San Jose Sharks with more than favorable calls.

Once the Panthers become good, they are next on the list.

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It is pretty rigged, most sports are. I think once the next canadian team wins it, the rest will follow up not year after year but gradually. It sucks being a canadian and watching the nhl rig the playoffs for poor american teams (phoenix) to go on magical runs. Its just too obvious.

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Examples of rigging:

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're also 'destiny' teams.

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

I rarely ever post on CDC despite having an account from years ago because I feel like anything of value said on here would be a complete waste of ones time. And while this most likely still will be, I just felt I still had to do it because this thread had to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Anyone from another fanbase that comes here will associate this thread to all Canucks fan and it makes us appear even worse than how they already perceive us.

I can't really dispute your points in the early part of the post because they're more opinion based but I figured I would at least tear this one apart.

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

First off, the LA Kings were underperforming for what they were. This was a team with not only Kopitar and Brown, but with Jeff Carter, Mike Richards, Justin Williams, Simone Gagne, Dustin Penner, Drew Doughty and Quick just to name a few. Most say they under-performed for the majority of the season and I would agree with that considering that they've been very competitive ever since.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're

also 'destiny' teams.

Skate like the Wind? When the hell did he skate like the wind? They took a defenceman and turned him in to a forward for the PP the because of his size. They sat his 'fatass' in front of opposing teams goalies on the PP as a screen and it worked! When you have people like Toews, Kane, Sharp, Bolland, Versteeg, Keith and Seabrook with you on the PP, you're probably going to get a couple in from time to time. This was a team they built through the draft and traded away after winning the cup because they couldn't afford them. It was the same way Pittsburgh won the cup.

But ya know, conspiracy

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

How did the Oilers make it to the finals in 06? The Flames in 04? Sometimes teams get hot at the right time. Other people prefer to think that it was the leagues way of rewarding them for taking on a poor contract. Yes, you read that correctly. The Devils made it to the Stanley Cup Finals because the league felt it was a good way to reward them for taking on Kovi's contract

Because ya know, conspiracy

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

What shady means are you talking about? You added the word shady to make a nothing situation in to something. Do you want to know how Burke got Pronger and Niedermayer? Lupul, Smid, a few picks (One of which turned in to Eberle) and a brother named Rob. The rest of the team was already by Murray and steps away from being dominant when Burke got there so that was literally all he had to do.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

I don't even know what you mean by this. I truly believe you think that if you were to just throw some stuff together with a few keywords that indicate conspiracy, people will just believe you. Sadly enough, going off of some of these comments, it works!

How about this instead. A Carolina team that finished 2nd in the league with one of the best Centers in the league at the time (Eric Stall) beat an 8th place in the West Edmonton Oilers team that lost their best player and goalie in the playoffs due to an injury done by one of their own players.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

The problem with the Gelinas goal is that Toronto did not have the ability to freeze and zoom 20x with the software available at the time on the fly. It's come a long way since then, but this was also in 2004. Could that one goal have made a huge difference? Yes. Hulls skate was also in the crease. Things happen. You get out there the next shift and try to make it happen again and hope the next bad bounce goes your way. Also, Tampa not that good of a team that year? You do realize they finished first in the East and 2nd in the league right? With a St. Louis and Lecavalier in their primes. But you know, they were a junk team. We all know the 6th place in the West Calgary Flames should have been the ones to win.

Because ya know, conspiracy

I edited a few points to indicate the Flames were and Oilers were there respective Positions just in their conference, not in the whole league which would put them even lower.

If you're going to put a post up like this, put down actual facts. You lied and lied some more to everyone reading your post.

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In my opinion the refs cannot 'rig' a professional sports team. In fact, the 1919 White Sox taught us that any team tanking in a playoff situation could cause the whole league to be discredited. Baseball was nearly wiped out.

The refs can only 'massage' a game buy calling the game a certain way to favor one team.

Think of Canadian teams as the Chicago Cubs .We will buy tickets regardless if no team north of the border wins for another 50 years. Its our national game.

However, the NHL needs palm tree cities to win the cup. Right now, the league is currently massaging the San Jose Sharks with more than favorable calls.

Once the Panthers become good, they are next on the list.

Refs rigged, 'massaged' the Nba and bet on it. In theory, with parity the way it is and scoring so low in Nhl games, it might be easier to pre-determine game outcomes via reffing. But imho reffing is only one element being used.

Let's see how long Thornton's suspension is here, considering how long Bertuzzi's was. For example.

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I rarely ever post on CDC despite having an account from years ago because I feel like anything of value said on here would be a complete waste of ones time. And while this most likely still will be, I just felt I still had to do it because this thread had to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Anyone from another fanbase that comes here will associate this thread to all Canucks fan and it makes us appear even worse than how they already perceive us.

I can't really dispute your points in the early part of the post because they're more opinion based but I figured I would at least tear this one apart.

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

First off, the LA Kings were underperforming for what they were. This was a team with not only Kopitar and Brown, but with Jeff Carter, Mike Richards, Justin Williams, Simone Gagne, Dustin Penner, Drew Doughty and Quick just to name a few. Most say they under-performed for the majority of the season and I would agree with that considering that they've been very competitive ever since.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're

also 'destiny' teams.

Skate like the Wind? When the hell did he skate like the wind? They took a defenceman and turned him in to a forward for the PP the because of his size. They sat his 'fatass' in front of opposing teams goalies on the PP as a screen and it worked! When you have people like Toews, Kane, Sharp, Bolland, Versteeg, Keith and Seabrook with you on the PP, you're probably going to get a couple in from time to time. This was a team they built through the draft and traded away after winning the cup because they couldn't afford them. It was the same way Pittsburgh won the cup.

But ya know, conspiracy

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

How did the Oilers make it to the finals in 06? The Flames in 04? Sometimes teams get hot at the right time. Other people prefer to think that it was the leagues way of rewarding them for taking on a poor contract. Yes, you read that correctly. The Devils made it to the Stanley Cup Finals because the league felt it was a good way to reward them for taking on Kovi's contract

Because ya know, conspiracy

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

What shady means are you talking about? You added the word shady to make a nothing situation in to something. Do you want to know how Burke got Pronger and Niedermayer? Lupul, Smid, a few picks (One of which turned in to Eberle) and a brother named Rob. The rest of the team was already by Murray and steps away from being dominant when Burke got there so that was literally all he had to do.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

I don't even know what you mean by this. I truly believe you think that if you were to just throw some stuff together with a few keywords that indicate conspiracy, people will just believe you. Sadly enough, going off of some of these comments, it works!

How about this instead. A Carolina team that finished 2nd in the league with one of the best Centers in the league at the time (Eric Stall) beat an 8th place in the West Edmonton Oilers team that lost their best player and goalie in the playoffs due to an injury done by one of their own players.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

The problem with the Gelinas goal is that Toronto did not have the ability to freeze and zoom 20x with the software available at the time on the fly. It's come a long way since then, but this was also in 2004. Could that one goal have made a huge difference? Yes. Hulls skate was also in the crease. Things happen. You get out there the next shift and try to make it happen again and hope the next bad bounce goes your way. Also, Tampa not that good of a team that year? You do realize they finished first in the East and 2nd in the league right? With a St. Louis and Lecavalier in their primes. But you know, they were a junk team. We all know the 6th place in the West Calgary Flames should have been the ones to win.

Because ya know, conspiracy

I edited a few points to indicate the Flames were and Oilers were there respective Positions just in their conference, not in the whole league which would put them even lower.

If you're going to put a post up like this, put down actual facts. You lied and lied some more to everyone reading your post.


You sure got the facts straight.

Convenient how the seeding in the conference matters for Oilers/Hurricanes and Calgary/Tampa and doesn't matter for LA.

Also LA conveniently gets Richards and Carter + coaching change wins cup (Holmgren previously said he would build around them they are the future). Anaheim gets Neider and Pronger wins cup. First of all it's improbable for such trades to happen second the team magically gels, gets easy competition and wins??? NJ makes no sense contradicts your la one. Chicago drafts toews + kane goes to conference final in second year then wins cup in third, how are the oilers doing following their recipe; they haven't even made the playoffs yet that's how it really works. Of course your going to say Chicago has a good gm and coach. No stop button in Toronto to check video in 04 calgary finals :lol:? .Let me say what you said

If you're going to put a post up like this, put down actual facts. You lied and lied some more to everyone reading your post.

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I rarely ever post on CDC despite having an account from years ago because I feel like anything of value said on here would be a complete waste of ones time. And while this most likely still will be, I just felt I still had to do it because this thread had to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Anyone from another fanbase that comes here will associate this thread to all Canucks fan and it makes us appear even worse than how they already perceive us.

I can't really dispute your points in the early part of the post because they're more opinion based but I figured I would at least tear this one apart.

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

First off, the LA Kings were underperforming for what they were. This was a team with not only Kopitar and Brown, but with Jeff Carter, Mike Richards, Justin Williams, Simone Gagne, Dustin Penner, Drew Doughty and Quick just to name a few. Most say they under-performed for the majority of the season and I would agree with that considering that they've been very competitive ever since.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're

also 'destiny' teams.

Skate like the Wind? When the hell did he skate like the wind? They took a defenceman and turned him in to a forward for the PP the because of his size. They sat his 'fatass' in front of opposing teams goalies on the PP as a screen and it worked! When you have people like Toews, Kane, Sharp, Bolland, Versteeg, Keith and Seabrook with you on the PP, you're probably going to get a couple in from time to time. This was a team they built through the draft and traded away after winning the cup because they couldn't afford them. It was the same way Pittsburgh won the cup.

But ya know, conspiracy

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

How did the Oilers make it to the finals in 06? The Flames in 04? Sometimes teams get hot at the right time. Other people prefer to think that it was the leagues way of rewarding them for taking on a poor contract. Yes, you read that correctly. The Devils made it to the Stanley Cup Finals because the league felt it was a good way to reward them for taking on Kovi's contract

Because ya know, conspiracy

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

What shady means are you talking about? You added the word shady to make a nothing situation in to something. Do you want to know how Burke got Pronger and Niedermayer? Lupul, Smid, a few picks (One of which turned in to Eberle) and a brother named Rob. The rest of the team was already by Murray and steps away from being dominant when Burke got there so that was literally all he had to do.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

I don't even know what you mean by this. I truly believe you think that if you were to just throw some stuff together with a few keywords that indicate conspiracy, people will just believe you. Sadly enough, going off of some of these comments, it works!

How about this instead. A Carolina team that finished 2nd in the league with one of the best Centers in the league at the time (Eric Stall) beat an 8th place in the West Edmonton Oilers team that lost their best player and goalie in the playoffs due to an injury done by one of their own players.

But ya know, conspiracy

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

The problem with the Gelinas goal is that Toronto did not have the ability to freeze and zoom 20x with the software available at the time on the fly. It's come a long way since then, but this was also in 2004. Could that one goal have made a huge difference? Yes. Hulls skate was also in the crease. Things happen. You get out there the next shift and try to make it happen again and hope the next bad bounce goes your way. Also, Tampa not that good of a team that year? You do realize they finished first in the East and 2nd in the league right? With a St. Louis and Lecavalier in their primes. But you know, they were a junk team. We all know the 6th place in the West Calgary Flames should have been the ones to win.

Because ya know, conspiracy

I edited a few points to indicate the Flames were and Oilers were there respective Positions just in their conference, not in the whole league which would put them even lower.

If you're going to put a post up like this, put down actual facts. You lied and lied some more to everyone reading your post.

So... You rarely post here because you're one of them? ;)
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You sure got the facts straight.

Convenient how the seeding in the conference matters for Oilers/Hurricanes and Calgary/Tampa and doesn't matter for LA.

Also LA conveniently gets Richards and Carter + coaching change wins cup (Holmgren previously said he would build around them they are the future). Anaheim gets Neider and Pronger wins cup. First of all it's improbable for such trades to happen second the team magically gels, gets easy competition and wins??? NJ makes no sense contradicts your la one. Chicago drafts toews + kane goes to conference final in second year then wins cup in third, how are the oilers doing following theirrecipe; they haven't even made the playoffs yet that's how it really works. Of course your going to say Chicago has a good gm and coach. No stop button in Toronto to check video in 04 calgary finals :lol:? .Let me say what you said

If you're going to put a post up like this, put down actual facts. You lied and lied some more to everyone reading your post.

Oh wow you put a gif up to show how you're feeling in response to my post! How original and cute.

- Convenient how the seeding in the conference matters for Oilers/Hurricanes and Calgary/Tampa and doesn't matter for LA.

This doesn't even make sense. I used it to prove a point that was relevant to those particular situations in points used by the original poster. If you want to use it as a point, use it against me with some facts. Don't just put it down there and think that it speaks for itself on it's own. That's not how a debate works.

- Also LA conveniently gets Richards and Carter + coaching change wins cup (Holmgren previously said he would build around them they are the future). Anaheim gets Neider and Pronger wins cup. First of all it's improbable for such trades to happen second the team magically gels, gets easy competition and wins???

SO let me get this straight. Your conspiracy is that 2 teams got some players that helped them win a Stanley cup in some trades that were not probable. That's a conspiracy by your standards. A trade happened, teams got players and they won a cup! Oh my god! Why did you not say this earlier. I did not realize teams were trading players!!! That has to be one of the biggest conspiracies I've ever seen or heard of in my life. Did anyone else know about this?

BTW. Who said they're not probable? You?! Are you an analyst? Do you have facts indicating that those trades were not probable? Did a single person besides you say that those trades were not probable? Find me a single case of someone with actual weight in the NHL saying that hose trades were not probable anywhere and I will concede this point. No? That's what I thought.

Next you'll be telling everyone we didn't land on the moon simply because 'It's not probable' and we should take your word for it despite the fact that you don't have a shred of evidence.

I really don't think you understand how a debate works. You don't just simply say, 'NJ makes no sense contradicts your la one' and then say nothing else. Put down why it contradicts the LA so we know your point and so we also know that you actually understand what the word 'Contradict' actually means. (I'll leave this here just in case http://www.thefreedictionary.com/contradict)

- Chicago drafts toews + kane goes to conference final in second year then wins cup in third, how are the oilers doing following theirrecipe; they haven't even made the playoffs yet that's how it really works. Of course your going to say Chicago has a good gm and coach.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to say. Either you've never worked a day in your life or your head is so far in to this conspiracy that you have completely forgotten about a certain term called 'Poor Management'. If we were to go by your point, then drafting and developing doesn't matter. Need a solid defenseman because you've drafted too many forwards? Why not another forward. Players need developing? Throw them straight to the wolves. I guess Columbus must have turned in to a Canadian city in the past 10 years because I don't see a cup banner in their Arena either. Oh wait, they must be on the 'Needs a Stanley Cup' chart in Bettmans office

-No stop button in Toronto to check video in 04 calgary finals :lol:? .Let me say what you said

Oh I didn't realize the ability to zoom 20x is the exact same button as the stop button on my dvd player. Let me go test this out. OH WAIT! It's not!!!! But Sedins23 said on the CDC forum it is! The salesman at Futureshop is going to be hearing about this.

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Oh wow you put a gif up to show how you're feeling in response to my post! How original and cute.

- Convenient how the seeding in the conference matters for Oilers/Hurricanes and Calgary/Tampa and doesn't matter for LA.

This doesn't even make sense. I used it to prove a point that was relevant to those particular situations in points used by the original poster. If you want to use it as a point, use it against me with some facts. Don't just put it down there and think that it speaks for itself on it's own. That's not how a debate works.

- Also LA conveniently gets Richards and Carter + coaching change wins cup (Holmgren previously said he would build around them they are the future). Anaheim gets Neider and Pronger wins cup. First of all it's improbable for such trades to happen second the team magically gels, gets easy competition and wins???

SO let me get this straight. Your conspiracy is that 2 teams got some players that helped them win a Stanley cup in some trades that were not probable. That's a conspiracy by your standards. A trade happened, teams got players and they won a cup! Oh my god! Why did you not say this earlier. I did not realize teams were trading players!!! That has to be one of the biggest conspiracies I've ever seen or heard of in my life. Did anyone else know about this?

BTW. Who said they're not probable? You?! Are you an analyst? Do you have facts indicating that those trades were not probable? Did a single person besides you say that those trades were not probable? Find me a single case of someone with actual weight in the NHL saying that hose trades were not probable anywhere and I will concede this point. No? That's what I thought.

Next you'll be telling everyone we didn't land on the moon simply because 'It's not probable' and we should take your word for it despite the fact that you don't have a shred of evidence.

I really don't think you understand how a debate works. You don't just simply say, 'NJ makes no sense contradicts your la one' and then say nothing else. Put down why it contradicts the LA so we know your point and so we also know that you actually understand what the word 'Contradict' actually means. (I'll leave this here just in case http://www.thefreedi....com/contradict)

- Chicago drafts toews + kane goes to conference final in second year then wins cup in third, how are the oilers doing following theirrecipe; they haven't even made the playoffs yet that's how it really works. Of course your going to say Chicago has a good gm and coach.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to say. Either you've never worked a day in your life or your head is so far in to this conspiracy that you have completely forgotten about a certain term called 'Poor Management'. If we were to go by your point, then drafting and developing doesn't matter. Need a solid defenseman because you've drafted too many forwards? Why not another forward. Players need developing? Throw them straight to the wolves. I guess Columbus must have turned in to a Canadian city in the past 10 years because I don't see a cup banner in their Arena either. Oh wait, they must be on the 'Needs a Stanley Cup' chart in Bettmans office

-No stop button in Toronto to check video in 04 calgary finals :lol:? .Let me say what you said

Oh I didn't realize the ability to zoom 20x is the exact same button as the stop button on my dvd player. Let me go test this out. OH WAIT! It's not!!!! But Sedins23 said on the CDC forum it is! The salesman at Futureshop is going to be hearing about this.

This is not conspiracy talk this is playoff talk :bigblush: .

Just because you don't understand what I am saying doesn't make you right.

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