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Canucks not the cleanest team.


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In my opinion I'd consider Vancouver about a middle of the pack team when it comes to extra-curricular activities after the whistle (or even during). I have Centre Ice back this year and I've been watching a ton of out of market hockey and honestly what the 'Nucks do isn't any different than what teams like the Wings, Pens or even the Caps do.

The difference is reputation. Not a lot of people outside of BC like the Canucks and ever since Neilsen back in the day there has been a negative slant towards Vancouver. Some is deserved but quite a bit is also just word of mouth and hyperbole that goes from one fan from the next to the media and so forth and so on.

CBC in and of itself alone, has spread Canucks hysteria across numerous broadcasts over the last 6-8 years or so. Ron Maclean quite publically does not like Burrows (which is perfectly fine, but leave it off the air) after he dared question the Officals of the almighty NHL after Auger-Gate...and I daresay Burrows and folks from Vancouver in general were vindicated after all those nasty little emails from Colin Campbells office were made public (If you aren't aware of the emails go google it. Very interesting stuff).

I won't even get into the clubs coverage on our national broadcast during the 2011 Cup Run. That was a shameful, shameful bunch of programming and I'd have been just as happy to watch a Panel that was hosted by Ed the Sock with Hammy the Hamster and his pet crew then what Healy and Stock were offering up on a regular basis. This was what turned a good chunk of a mostly ambivalent Canadian population (outside of Alberta, of course) against the Canucks because before that most of them didn't care about us and probably wouldn't even stay up late enough to watch Vancouver even if only to see some of this 'dirtiness' with their own two eyes.

And finally this manufactured 'heel' status has also rubbed off on the reputation of two of the classiest and most even tempered players in the game (of course I refer to Henrik and Daniel). Two world class all star athletes that get about the same respect as a decent 3rd liner on most teams...these guys take hacks, slashes, punches, crosschecks (especially crosschecks!) and all manner of other punishment that superstars like Ovechkin and Stamkos never have to take because the league 'protects them'.

I'm not saying they should do such things but if you are going to give this kind of treatment to exciting point producers in the NHL...give it to all of them, not just League Darlings. The fact that Hank has played so many games against such stiff opposition constantly is not only a miracle but a feat of superhuman will and endurance. A lot of people don't recognize that and even more don't respect it. This boggles my mind.

This league is a travesty. There is a three tier system at play, in regards to how the game is officiated and how the Department of Player Chaffing hands out suspensions and useless fines.

1.) Superstars

2.) Remainder

3.) Canucks

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