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Most Entertaining Teams/Series

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I was watching the Ottawa Montreal game yesterday and was in marvel at how entertaining the game was compared to the recent canucks games.

What series/ team is the most entertaining for you to watch besides the canucks.

For me the most entertaining teams currently would have to be

1. Chicago (lots of goals great atmosphere during their home games)

2. Canadians (never a dull game at home they always play entertaining hockey no matter which era)

3. Pittsburgh (Same reasons as chicago + they got a really nice goal horn)

4. Ottawa(this year when they play good they play a very entertaining brand of hockey)

Favorite Series(I have other ones but choose recent ones just so everyone remembers)

2010- Canadians series against Washington. Halak stole the show and it couldn't happen to a more deserving fan base. By far that Canadians team was the most entertaining team to watch cause no one expected for them to go that far and do what they did.

2010- Hawks-Flyers finals

2011 Canadians-Bruins series

2008- Red Wings-Chicago

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I said name your most entertaining teams and series to watch excluding the canucks

O in that case the Canes Coyotes rivalry doesn't get the attention it deserves. Shame they don't play to often. Kudos to the OP, a Hawks fan, no biggie, for starting this discussion.

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