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B.C. must pay $2M to teachers over class-size court battle


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I'm interested in seeing the fallout........the real challenge is that the government has to immediately go back to 2002 language and rules on class size and composition. That means that can be no more than 3 IEP's per class, and no more than 30 students per class. Right now, most teachers are well over the limit of three IEP's per class. One teacher in my school has 8 in his class........so now, admin and district offices are going to have to figure out how to fix that problem asap. On top of that, any teacher who has filed a grievance over too many IEP's in the last 12 years will likely be receiving compensation from the government.

I'm no more for the BCTF than I am the government, but what the Liberals did was morally repugnant and it is coming back to bite them, in spades. They will end up funding education far more now than when they decided to tear up the original contract.

IEPs are especially difficult to handle.I feel sorry for your colleague because that is way too many.
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IEPs are especially difficult to handle.I feel sorry for your colleague because that is way too many.

A few years ago my friend had 7 in her class of 30 and even that was deemed illegal at the time. She had that condition in her classroom for months and when it was finally resolved she was given 40 minutes of prep time as compensation. It's was just offensive.

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I would be more pissed about the massive debt being left being if I was a theoritical child voter. Unfortunately the other major party doesn't do any better with regards to doing anything but increase the size of said debt.

The fact that BC is the most expensive province, with half the people living in the second most expensive city in the world, may have something to do with that child poverty rate as well.

It is all a facade that has been ratcheted up over time. Taxation wise the government has a vested interest in keeping the property values and wages high because it increases their tax pool. So nice to feel like a millionaire with the only way to see that money is to sell your house and move to Phoenix for retirement.
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A few years ago my friend had 7 in her class of 30 and even that was deemed illegal at the time. She had that condition in her classroom for months and when it was finally resolved she was given 40 minutes of prep time as compensation. It's was just offensive.

The problem is that administration does this without consultation. Teachers should have the right to refuse unhealthy situations like this.
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lol... more money wasted by the BCTF by not actually fixing the system. Government's just fighting idiotic fire with more idiotic fire.

The stupid stalemate will continue until the public and/or the teachers wake up and demand better.

LOL - tell me, how is it that the BCTF is wasting money and how are they the ones responsible for fixing the system?


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What needs to be fixed is the Government - Liberals won, Christy didn't - she shouldn't be the Premier because of a loop hle that allows her to run again in a different riding. She lost fair and square - yet cost the taxpayers more money by having another bye election so she can keep her seat.

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40 minutes prep time for months of an illegal and unhealthy classroom is offensive.

It is an administrative problem and the administration and school board should be held accountable. Heck, you can approach the administration to get something resolved on your own or you could have filed a complaint with the union rep and let the union handle it. In the end, it is a violation of the CBA. To implement the work rules falls on the school board to make sure they are fulfilling their end of the contract too.
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It is an administrative problem and the administration and school board should be held accountable. Heck, you can approach the administration to get something resolved on your own or you could have filed a complaint with the union rep and let the union handle it. In the end, it is a violation of the CBA. To implement the work rules falls on the school board to make sure they are fulfilling their end of the contract too.

She did file a complaint which got the 40 minute insult.

There are a number of people at fault here, but teachers and kids pay the price, not those at fault.

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LOL - tell me, how is it that the BCTF is wasting money and how are they the ones responsible for fixing the system?


Because cute/funny little graphics have no bearing on the situation?

Because the education system would be a mess bleeding money regardless of who was in power?

I've already outlined to you numerous times why the BCTF is holding up system reform (because it doesn't benefit those in power in the BCTF to reform the system).

The governments just playing chicken with them and the government will eventually win. It's all the under 40 teachers and the poor students who are the ones that are paying the price unfortunately.

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What needs to be fixed is the Government - Liberals won, Christy didn't - she shouldn't be the Premier because of a loop hle that allows her to run again in a different riding. She lost fair and square - yet cost the taxpayers more money by having another bye election so she can keep her seat.

What a hugely, moronic, irrelevant collection of thoughts.

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Because cute/funny little graphics have no bearing on the situation?

Because the education system would be a mess bleeding money regardless of who was in power?

I've already outlined to you numerous times why the BCTF is holding up system reform (because it doesn't benefit those in power in the BCTF to reform the system).

The governments just playing chicken with them and the government will eventually win. It's all the under 40 teachers and the poor students who are the ones that are paying the price unfortunately.

Proof? Source? or just the ramblings of a ____________?

My wife is over 40 and "paying the price" thanks to Christy Clark.

So is my son.

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JR--You seem really twisted up about an issue you don't know. You lump teachers over 40 (how you picked that age I don't know) as some collective group of lazy leaches while seemingly absolving the province of their illegal activities. I know, you blame them too...but you don't really. They are just reacting right?

All this of course is happening while the Province is supposed to be negotiating in good faith (how that's possible is beyond) on this new 10 year deal they want to impose on teachers. It's all ridiculous.

I don't disagree that changes to the system are needed, and I think the BCTF is asinine. But some time of union is needed with this government, clearly, as they continually break the law knowing they are doing it, wasting tax payer dollars defending something they know is illegal, over and over all the while claiming they are doing it for families.

But it's laughable you sit here and blame teachers over 40 for this.

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Because cute/funny little graphics have no bearing on the situation?

Because the education system would be a mess bleeding money regardless of who was in power?

I've already outlined to you numerous times why the BCTF is holding up system reform (because it doesn't benefit those in power in the BCTF to reform the system).

The governments just playing chicken with them and the government will eventually win. It's all the under 40 teachers and the poor students who are the ones that are paying the price unfortunately.

I love the sweeping generalizations you throw around! Please enlighten us, what exactly do you have for qualifications &/or experience in education, that you use for your basis of reform? I hope it's more than the typical "I went to public school for 13 years, so I know what's wrong with the system and how to fix it"...

Here's something that you clearly don't understand - the BCTF is a UNION. Their primary role and responsibility is to advocate for the wages and working conditions of their members. The BCTF is no more responsible for reforming the education system, than the Teamsters are responsible for reforming the province's transportation system... That being said, the BCTF has done a lot of research on effective education systems around the world, and has made numerous recommendations about how to improve the system in BC.

In terms of the old/lazy/ineffective teachers you repeatedly refer to, every school district in the province has language in their collective agreements (one's that the Liberals haven't illegally torn up, yet) that outline a process around teacher evaluation and discipline. The overwhelming majority of the collective agreeements outline a positive process that seeks to remedy poor teaching practice before terminating employment is even a consideration. But again, it is the school districts' responsibility to evaluate, discipline and/or terminate the employment of those teachers not doing their job - not the BCTF's.

Because the system has been so decimated by a lack of funding, while costs continually increase, over the past decade, school districts can hardly afford the time and expense of undertaking the evaluation process. Principals are so overloaded with base managerial & operational tasks, that they have little time left to be the educational leaders they should actually be. Not to mention the fact that few, if any, principals have any actual training or experience evaluating other educators...

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Here's something that you clearly don't understand - the BCTF is a UNION. Their primary role and responsibility is to advocate for the wages and working conditions of their members.

That is exactly my point and I clearly DO understand it.

I know numerous people who are/were members of the BCTF FWIW.

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