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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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Also, Mr.????, I'd take out Caboose tomorrow, even ahead of VIC, With what's transpired we need to go with aladeen being mafia so, if he is, Caboose almost certainly is as well, he was all over gumball and I saying not to trust us both, me, knowing I'm TP, and assuming Gumball is as well with Aladeen hopefully being mafia, Caboose has to be the kill, IMO.

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Oh, and where the hell are you Kes? As all of this has gone down, seems you've just disappeared after telling the ??? to kill me, you've flown under the radar somehow, even I forgot about you, but looking back at some of your posts I think you have to be near the top of the list of targets.

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Okay, so with only 17 players left, and presumably 9 Mafia to start the game, that means there is a very real chance that we are sitting at 8 Mafia and 9 TP right now. Let us all pray that at least one of the GKs was a Mafia.

Aladeen is confirmed Mafia now, so that's one. Frankly, he's been suspicious all game. I laid off him as bigger issues came up, but he's been playing as he does when he's Mafia, appearing active by wisecracking but never seriously contributing, always just following the popular vote.

I guarantee Big Mike is Mafia too. He's been laying low all game. I can dig up other posts from earlier rounds too, if requested, but this one when voting for GFY just screams Mafia:

Only way we learn anything this round is lynching GFY unfortunately

Unvote Vote GFY

Sorry GFY Im pretty sure you're TP but this is our best bet for now

Total Mafia post. He laments that this must be done to gain info. He even claims he believes GFY to be TP so that he'll look good later.

I bet we find other Mafia buried within the GFY vote as well, but for now BM is the biggest red flag to me.

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Okay, so with only 17 players left, and presumably 9 Mafia to start the game, that means there is a very real chance that we are sitting at 8 Mafia and 9 TP right now. Let us all pray that at least one of the GKs was a Mafia.

Aladeen is confirmed Mafia now, so that's one. Frankly, he's been suspicious all game. I laid off him as bigger issues came up, but he's been playing as he does when he's Mafia, appearing active by wisecracking but never seriously contributing, always just following the popular vote.

I guarantee Big Mike is Mafia too. He's been laying low all game. I can dig up other posts from earlier rounds too, if requested, but this one when voting for GFY just screams Mafia:

Total Mafia post. He laments that this must be done to gain info. He even claims he believes GFY to be TP so that he'll look good later.

I bet we find other Mafia buried within the GFY vote as well, but for now BM is the biggest red flag to me.

Please explain how the Go Faulk Yourself vote is suspicious AT ALL. It was really a no-brainer. Worse case scenario, we get a confirmed mafia in gummys sheriff.

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Oh I slept early. Vote Aladeen

Who was the guy saying Aladeen was suspicious in round 1? This guy right here.

Vote Aladeen

2 More Confirmed Mafia :shock:

I'm sorry TP :( I had the last ???? kill.

Unfortunately I have a terrible connection when i'm at home and didn't have the time to read thru and get a good idea for my kill.

Today i'm going to look over the last couple rounds. I really think the TP are getting played.

Finally, Looks like its only me you and WW BDM :sadno: We never had a chance :bigblush:

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I'm sorry TP :( I had the last ???? kill.

Okay, can one of you three ??? killers explain this to us? How does it work? Are you all aligned or what?

I already know who the second ??? killer is. Drouin admitted he killed JE, and now you're the third one apparently. What's going on?

And please explain, because if it is as I suspect then I can confirm one more Mafia.

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Okay, can one of you three ??? killers explain this to us? How does it work? Are you all aligned or what?

I already know who the second ??? killer is. Drouin admitted he killed JE, and now you're the third one apparently. What's going on?

And please explain, because if it is as I suspect then I can confirm one more Mafia.

The 2nd ??? was a mafia..... Drouin was the 1st one.

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