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Clippers owner Donald Sterling "don't bring black people to my games"

Tom Sestito

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Wow. Just heard the audio recording, way too much overreaction. There are stupid people like this rampant in society, especially people around Sterling's age. It's not that it should be acceptable, but this was way overblown by people far too eager to simply rid of a disliked owner. A simple fine or short suspension would have been justifiable, not this insanity. If anything, he was far more pissed off about his gf acting like a slut on instagram than caring about race, look at all the pictures of her hanging all over celebrities at basketball games. He's old, clearly lives in a time where most people don't think like him, doesn't really understand the internet, and said obviously stupid things.. his (ex) gf just might be breaking California law and make him an even richer man out of this.

Times like this are excellent to educate people, not to go flip-out crazy. There's no learning anything positive from the way people reacted.

I understand what you are saying but from a man of his position and power, the optics aren't that great especially when his employees and workers were disgusted at his conversation. Now maybe you are caucasian and don't see it from a black man's point of view especially the ones that were probably old enough to have witnessed the slavery days. Based on my observation, a lot of blacks or African/Americans were angry including a lot of black celebrities. You really need to see it from their point of view and not dismiss this as a minor issue when obviously there was a big reaction to this.

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She obviously doesn't understand the concept of gold digging haha. All he asked for was to keep black people away from the game and she couldn't do that

You really seem to be defending the guy aren't you? I really don't know why you keep defending him and excusing his actions.

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Wow. Just heard the audio recording, way too much overreaction. There are stupid people like this rampant in society, especially people around Sterling's age. It's not that it should be acceptable, but this was way overblown by people far too eager to simply rid of a disliked owner. A simple fine or short suspension would have been justifiable, not this insanity. If anything, he was far more pissed off about his gf acting like a slut on instagram than caring about race, look at all the pictures of her hanging all over celebrities at basketball games. He's old, clearly lives in a time where most people don't think like him, doesn't really understand the internet, and said obviously stupid things.. his (ex) gf just might be breaking California law and make him an even richer man out of this.

Times like this are excellent to educate people, not to go flip-out crazy. There's no learning anything positive from the way people reacted.

you say the dumbest stuff on here, can't ever tell if you're trolling or not

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I understand what you are saying but from a man of his position and power, the optics aren't that great especially when his employees and workers were disgusted at his conversation. Now maybe you are caucasian and don't see it from a black man's point of view especially the ones that were probably old enough to have witnessed the slavery days. Based on my observation, a lot of blacks or African/Americans were angry including a lot of black celebrities. You really need to see it from their point of view and not dismiss this as a minor issue when obviously there was a big reaction to this.

It's not the slavery days anymore (you're what, a century or two late now?), if it were, the guy wouldn't simply be whining about his girlfriend acting slutty on instagram, he'd be using vastly different language. The fact that anyone would even compare something like this to slavery tells me "point of view" is a rather irrelevant one. And I don't trust the public to act reasonably, the public are full of knee-jerk, paranoid people who are the target demographic for news outlets like CNN, for this very purpose. So the fact that the public has a "big reaction", I immediately assume it's something trivial blown out of proportion, and after hearing the audio here, it was confirmed a typical overreaction by the public, on par with the media's exaggerated coverage of a very small issue. Maybe one day when some people stop jumping when the media says "frog", they might use a little introspective reasoning into their own reactions, but as evidenced by drone "hurhur u r dumb troll poster" guy above, I'm confident it's not any time soon.

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It's not the slavery days anymore (you're what, a century or two late now?), if it were, the guy wouldn't simply be whining about his girlfriend acting slutty on instagram, he'd be using vastly different language. The fact that anyone would even compare something like this to slavery tells me "point of view" is a rather irrelevant one. And I don't trust the public to act reasonably, the public are full of knee-jerk, paranoid people who are the target demographic for news outlets like CNN, for this very purpose. So the fact that the public has a "big reaction", I immediately assume it's something trivial blown out of proportion, and after hearing the audio here, it was confirmed a typical overreaction by the public, on par with the media's exaggerated coverage of a very small issue. Maybe one day when some people stop jumping when the media says "frog", they might use a little introspective reasoning into their own reactions, but as evidenced by drone "hurhur u r dumb troll poster" guy above, I'm confident it's not any time soon.

i didn't say you're a troll poster, i said i can't tell if you're trolling. you were spot on with the 'dumb' part, though!

your fashionable (re: substance-free) cynicism is a reflection of your own regressive attitude, it isn't an accurate picture of how the world "truly is" or something. tossing out a bunch of generalities and trivializing the concerns of others, like you've done in this thread, isn't some demystifying act where you reveal "people" for who they really are. if you believe anything you say is, or can be, substantiated with more than just (what reads like) delusion, then you should do or show it. but until then, it's you who pads your sophomoric, CoNTRoVerSiaL rants with paranoia... ironically, while criticizing the "paranoid people" all around you.

just because you're anchored by a tolerance for racism doesn't mean the world lags with you

get some help

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i didn't say you're a troll poster, i said i can't tell if you're trolling. you were spot on with the 'dumb' part, though!

your fashionable (re: substance-free) cynicism is a reflection of your own regressive attitude, it isn't an accurate picture of how the world "truly is" or something. tossing out a bunch of generalities and trivializing the concerns of others, like you've done in this thread, isn't some demystifying act where you reveal "people" for who they really are. if you believe anything you say is, or can be, substantiated with more than just (what reads like) delusion, then you should do or show it. but until then, it's you who pads your sophomoric, CoNTRoVerSiaL rants with paranoia... ironically, while criticizing the "paranoid people" all around you.

just because you're anchored by a tolerance for racism doesn't mean the world lags with you

get some help

All I got from that post was, "your lack of overreaction like mine just makes me really angry and causes me to make terrible attempts at psychoanalyzing others to make them as mad as I am", with no success whatsoever.

If you intended on there being anything else to your post, perhaps post with less fluff and expand on relevant thoughts to the issue instead of making me the issue. I see much deflecting from your post here, but the interesting thing is, none of it is relevant to the topic at hand.

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the gist: you're trying to criticize other people for being paranoid and unreasonable while displaying traits of paranoia yourself, with bizarre justification that doesnt reach beyond speculation and generalization (people this, public that)

and no, there was nothing intended beyond that

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the gist: you're trying to criticize other people for being paranoid and unreasonable while displaying traits of paranoia yourself, with bizarre justification that doesnt reach beyond speculation and generalization (people this, public that)

and no, there was nothing intended beyond that

Not flipping out =/= paranoid. If you're gonna claim this, justify/substantiate it.

The way the media and most other people reacted is exactly like the way they act on virtually every race matter.. way over the top.

The views this guy expressed hardly seemed about race, and was more about a silly social media platform. It wasn't exactly logical, but it was clear by what he was saying, and the context he said it in, it clearly stems from the way he was raised.

There are genuine racists out there that deserve this kind of attention. There's more to the notion that this guy had a target on his back than he's some racist that deserves the axe that was dropped on his head for this. Way over the top.

This is not something that is going to bridge any gaps, if anything, it's going to disillusion people from giving a frack about race issues entirely because it can't be honestly confronted and discussed without people flipping the hell out. This type of inability to discuss things rationally is something that saturates the American political spectrum, it doesn't need to be one that does the same to Canada as well.

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Not flipping out =/= paranoid. If you're gonna claim this, justify/substantiate it.

The way the media and most other people reacted is exactly like the way they act on virtually every race matter.. way over the top.

The views this guy expressed hardly seemed about race, and was more about a silly social media platform. It wasn't exactly logical, but it was clear by what he was saying, and the context he said it in, it clearly stems from the way he was raised.

There are genuine racists out there that deserve this kind of attention. There's more to the notion that this guy had a target on his back than he's some racist that deserves the axe that was dropped on his head for this. Way over the top.

This is not something that is going to bridge any gaps, if anything, it's going to disillusion people from giving a frack about race issues entirely because it can't be honestly confronted and discussed without people flipping the hell out. This type of inability to discuss things rationally is something that saturates the American political spectrum, it doesn't need to be one that does the same to Canada as well.

Have you heard this?


I agree with you that he is not unique and that there are probably worse people out there then him. But he does own a franchise in a sports league predominantly played and catered to African Americans, which makes his remarks a lot more appalling then if it had come from some random biker gang dude from Texas.

Imagine Charles Wang coming out saying similar things about white people, equating white people with dogs. That would be the end of his participation in the NHL as well.

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The views this guy expressed hardly seemed about race, and was more about a silly social media platform. It wasn't exactly logical, but it was clear by what he was saying, and the context he said it in, it clearly stems from the way he was raised.

There are genuine racists out there that deserve this kind of attention.

There's more to the notion that this guy had a target on his back than he's some racist that deserves the axe that was dropped on his head for this. Way over the top.

bold 1: listen to the audio, please. just because he says he isn't a racist doesn't mean he isn't a racist

Sterling says he doesn't want his girlfriend to broadcast her public association with black people. You think the issue here is the "public association" and not the "black people" part. Which is totally incongruent with the entire nature of the call.

Sterling asks her "why are you taking photos with minorities?" His girlfriend asks whats wrong with blacks and minorities, and he responds by saying she doesn't "understand the culture" -- she asks "what culture?" and he says "people feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things towards other groups, its been that way historically" -- this is literally his attempt to justify and contextualize HIS OWN RACISM, because he says right after that she should "maybe adjust to the world" because her lack of racism doesn't line up with the culture that he is "living in" and is HAS to continue living in. His words.

She says she gets that's how Sterling was raised and thats "his" culture, and she respects that. But Sterling asks "why do you have to disrespect them (meaning "the world" he clarifies) -- and this is the same world that HE believes is racist, just like him (the "historical" "culture")

The first three minutes of the entire conversation are him saying racist things. How can you say it hardly seems like a race issue? You are CHOOSING to ignore the racist declarations he makes, and the racist subtext to the other things he says, and instead you just think its about her being with other men, period. Her being a "slut" as you say. There's no reason to believe that at all.

Bold 2: irrelevant. what the hell difference does that make? lmao

bold 3: he has been sued multiple times for discrimination based on race -- how do you determine what is a genuine racist or not? if the recorded conversation isn't racist enough for you, what about refusing to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and black people because "black tenants smell and attract vermin." -- is he not a genuine racist? saying one person is more racist than the next, and therefore we should stop reacting so intensely over one racist person, is relative privation and totally, totally stupid.

bold 4: no, there is not "more to the notion" you're putting forward, because there is nothing to the notion at all, and there's plenty of evidence to show that he's a lunatic racist. being old and out of touch is not an excuse.

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Have you heard this?


I agree with you that he is not unique and that there are probably worse people out there then him. But he does own a franchise in a sports league predominantly played and catered to African Americans, which makes his remarks a lot more appalling then if it had come from some random biker gang dude from Texas.

Imagine Charles Wang coming out saying similar things about white people, equating white people with dogs. That would be the end of his participation in the NHL as well.

Is he actually treating anyone differently regarding the Clippers? Seems like he's upset about his personal life, not upset about his players or fans. This is what's called character assassination, and I get it that some people are peeved because he's clearly got race problems, but that doesn't justify the insane overreaction.

bold 1: listen to the audio, please. just because he says he isn't a racist doesn't mean he isn't a racist

Sterling says he doesn't want his girlfriend to broadcast her public association with black people. You think the issue here is the "public association" and not the "black people" part. Which is totally incongruent with the entire nature of the call.

Sterling asks her "why are you taking photos with minorities?" His girlfriend asks whats wrong with blacks and minorities, and he responds by saying she doesn't "understand the culture" -- she asks "what culture?" and he says "people feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things towards other groups, its been that way historically" -- this is literally his attempt to justify and contextualize HIS OWN RACISM, because he says right after that she should "maybe adjust to the world" because her lack of racism doesn't line up with the culture that he is "living in" and is HAS to continue living in. His words.

She says she gets that's how Sterling was raised and thats "his" culture, and she respects that. But Sterling asks "why do you have to disrespect them (meaning "the world" he clarifies) -- and this is the same world that HE believes is racist, just like him (the "historical" "culture")

The first three minutes of the entire conversation are him saying racist things. How can you say it hardly seems like a race issue? You are CHOOSING to ignore the racist declarations he makes, and the racist subtext to the other things he says, and instead you just think its about her being with other men, period. Her being a "slut" as you say. There's no reason to believe that at all.

Bold 2: irrelevant. what the hell difference does that make? lmao

bold 3: he has been sued multiple times for discrimination based on race -- how do you determine what is a genuine racist or not? if the recorded conversation isn't racist enough for you, what about refusing to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and black people because "black tenants smell and attract vermin." -- is he not a genuine racist? saying one person is more racist than the next, and therefore we should stop reacting so intensely over one racist person, is relative privation and totally, totally stupid.

bold 4: no, there is not "more to the notion" you're putting forward, because there is nothing to the notion at all, and there's plenty of evidence to show that he's a lunatic racist. being old and out of touch is not an excuse.

1. Did not just listen to him say he wasn't a racist and stop there. Bad presumption.

The rest is irrelevant garbage based on the same presumption, with a punchline "lunatic racist".

If the other things he did were so bad where was the outrage then? Why suddenly is this coming out about a private matter?

Simple. Overreaction. Thank you, too, for illustrating the character assassination bit. Please stop acting as if you're rational here. You've come to conclusions about a person, and rather than get to the bottom of what they're saying, why they're saying it, and their background (which I've delved into, and which you clearly don't give two fucks about), which helps with educating people on racism, you're simply jumping on the bandwagon of visceral knee-jerk. Congrats.

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L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned from Nevada Bunny Ranch brothel

When it rains, it really pours for former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who is no stranger to news headlines after his racist comments went public.

Aside from being banned for life from the team as well as the NBA, Sterling is now officially banned from the NBR, the Nevada Bunny Ranch.

The Nevada Bunny Ranch is one of six brothels in the state of Nevada owned by Dennis Hof. “A lot of NBA players come here to party,” Hof told The Huffington Post. “Out of respect to them, we have banned Sterling from coming here,” he added.

Due to confidentiality agreements, Hof cannot confirm nor deny if Sterling had ever visited his brothels.

“I can tell you this: Johnny Buss, one of the owners of the Los Angeles Lakers, and I have had a dual birthday party at the Bunny Ranch for the last 18 years, so a lot of NBA people have been here,” Hof said, alluding to the fact that Sterling was probably in attendance.


Hoff isn’t only banning Sterling from the ranch due to the fact that the man is a racist, he’s doing it for his Bunny Ranch girls as well.

“At any given time, 20- to 30-per cent of the prostitutes here are African-American,” Hof said. “Some of them were crying this morning, so we’re doing this for them as well.”

According to Hof, Sterling isn’t the only famous name banned from indulging in the Bunny Ranch’s pleasures. Hof has also banned the famous Duck Dynasty boys because they "make their living killing animals" as well as Michael Vick, who as we all know, gets his kicks from dog fighting.

Hof says he does not need racists or bigots at the Bunny Ranch. However, he did extend a free lifetime pass to V. Staviano, Sterling’s estranged girlfriend, the one who allegedly released the recording of Sterling’s racist remarks.

“She needs to meet some women who can satisfy her more than any man could,” Hof said.



When you're down everyone get their boots in.

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Is he actually treating anyone differently regarding the Clippers? Seems like he's upset about his personal life, not upset about his players or fans. This is what's called character assassination, and I get it that some people are peeved because he's clearly got race problems, but that doesn't justify the insane overreaction.

1. Did not just listen to him say he wasn't a racist and stop there. Bad presumption.

The rest is irrelevant garbage based on the same presumption, with a punchline "lunatic racist".

If the other things he did were so bad where was the outrage then? Why suddenly is this coming out about a private matter?

Simple. Overreaction. Thank you, too, for illustrating the character assassination bit. Please stop acting as if you're rational here. You've come to conclusions about a person, and rather than get to the bottom of what they're saying, why they're saying it, and their background (which I've delved into, and which you clearly don't give two fracks about), which helps with educating people on racism, you're simply jumping on the bandwagon of visceral knee-jerk. Congrats.

okay, you said the conversation is "hardly about race" and that this is all "character assassination" based on people prematurely jumping to the conclusion that this dude's a racist... all the while you're simultaneously saying "its clear he has race problems"? lmao

despite the man being sued multiple times, and having legal bills and settlements worth millions upon millions of dollars (not even including this Clippers one) all based on discrimination and racism, you believe the public rejection of him is based on CNN? and ignorance because they didn't get to the bottom of what he's saying... like you did? He is just the victim of a "slut" ex-girlfriend? and you think OTHER people are being presumptuous?

anyway, why wasn't it a public outrage when he was fined millions of dollars for having racist real estate ventures? dunno. that is a fair point--almost. it was a different NBA commissioner and i'm not sure the NBA fishes too deeply into non-league related business practices of its owners. however, this call was about the NBA: the owner was telling someone to NOT bring a black person to his games because it goes against the "culture" he believes in. that is racism. pure and simple.

but that is a non-starter. who cares? saying it's an overreaction now because it was an under-reaction during his other trials is sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

nice try at being a contrarian though.

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okay, you said the conversation is "hardly about race" and that this is all "character assassination" based on people prematurely jumping to the conclusion that this dude's a racist... all the while you're simultaneously saying "its clear he has race problems"? lmao

despite the man being sued multiple times, and having legal bills and settlements worth millions upon millions of dollars (not even including this Clippers one) all based on discrimination and racism, you believe the public rejection of him is based on CNN? and ignorance because they didn't get to the bottom of what he's saying... like you did? He is just the victim of a "slut" ex-girlfriend? and you think OTHER people are being presumptuous?

anyway, why wasn't it a public outrage when he was fined millions of dollars for having racist real estate ventures? dunno. that is a fair point--almost. it was a different NBA commissioner and i'm not sure the NBA fishes too deeply into non-league related business practices of its owners. however, this call was about the NBA: the owner was telling someone to NOT bring a black person to his games because it goes against the "culture" he believes in. that is racism. pure and simple.

but that is a non-starter. who cares? saying it's an overreaction now because it was an under-reaction during his other trials is sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

nice try at being a contrarian though.

If your position is that I'm simply being contrarian, you're doing a terrible job representing the majority opinion.

Taking single or two words, then running amok with them is called straw man.

It's clear as day he has outdated beliefs (fancy words for "racism"), I'd venture an educated guess that a decent percentage of the populace have racist beliefs too. What really matters to me is how big an impact on the situation his beliefs had.

Given the reaction against him pertains to the Clippers, then when regarding what real impact it had on the Clippers how he acted in his private life in this situation, the obvious answer is.. not at all. Yet this was blown so out of proportion that they're trying to strip him of his business.

It's very clear this was a character assassination based on a dislike for this person.

While I respect the businesses who decided to disassociate themselves with it, because marketing his their prerogative, the public and media, especially the American public and media, acted embarrassingly.

Normally race issues are supposed to be dealt with to prevent them from happening again. Such visceral and over the top reactions don't promote learning anything. They're just as bad as what this guy did. All parties have been detrimental to bridging any race gap. I'd suggest considering this but you're too busy being outraged and overreacting too, so perhaps when you settle down.

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Normally race issues are supposed to be dealt with to prevent them from happening again. Such visceral and over the top reactions don't promote learning anything. They're just as bad as what this guy did. All parties have been detrimental to bridging any race gap. I'd suggest considering this but you're too busy being outraged and overreacting too, so perhaps when you settle down.

which parties are you talking about, and can you give me a bit more of a detailed description on how their actions are just as bad and detrimental? how do you quantify each cause and its progress or detriment to a race gap bridge?

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which parties are you talking about, and can you give me a bit more of a detailed description on how their actions are just as bad and detrimental? how do you quantify each cause and its progress or detriment to a race gap bridge?

There are degrees of racism, this one was amongst the lowest on the totem pole. There are people who act out racism, for example, violently against them. This one guy was whining about his girlfriend acting slutty (paraphrasing his words) on instagram.

Making parallel the reaction to the incident is the first step in helping solve an problem. For example, if my daughter ignores my demands and spills milk, I don't beat her ass for it, I scold her verbally. She won't learn from it if I overreact. If someone bumps me with a shopping cart at the store, I don't make a huge scene over it. Again, they won't learn anything from it, and it doesn't justify such a reaction.

Secondly, comparisons have frequently been drawn (in this thread [on this very page] and all over the media) to crap like slavery, or the KKK, and so on.. this incident is absolutely nothing like those. Someone who wants to be taken seriously doesn't exaggerate the hell out of an issue.

Those are just a few examples/steps, but again, I doubt your sincerity in extracting information. You've been out to dissect my posts and attack me from the start.

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