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US Navy To Use Saltwater As Fuel


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I was hoping that they would have developed it so that the process was small enough to run on-board the vessel or would it? For example, take in seawater through the bow and put it through the energy extraction process. Though I do wonder about the amount of water it takes and the long term viablility of using seawater.

I am wary about using the substance that is essential to life as we know it as a power source.

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I am wary about using the substance that is essential to life as we know it as a power source.

I think it might be the most logical thing to do. Not much different than sunshine in the sense that we are taking steps towards using simple and abundant natural substances.

Naturally, it will depend on the scale and efficiency. If the process returns nontoxic substances then it may be an important step towards cradle to cradle resource use. It's a step in the right direction. This would be the beginning of several similar technologies that could be used to turn the corner. Remember when I said a few months back that there might be some unforeseen advancements which may change the game? This might be one of them.

Fresh water would be a concern but I don't think saltwater is.

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I was hoping that they would have developed it so that the process was small enough to run on-board the vessel or would it? For example, take in seawater through the bow and put it through the energy extraction process. Though I do wonder about the amount of water it takes and the long term viablility of using seawater.

I would think a more likely application would be a vessel not unlike an oil tanker that travels with a Carrier battle group and refines the fuel on the go to feed the 10 or so ships in that group.

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I would think a more likely application would be a vessel not unlike an oil tanker that travels with a Carrier battle group and refines the fuel on the go to feed the 10 or so ships in that group.

The way I read the articles is that it isn't a particularly involved process. It was a matter of figuring out how to do it. My understanding is that it simply converts electricity and saltwater into three separate parts with the energy being returned as an organic fuel.

I would think they are going to do their best to make a small power plant aboard each ship.

The question will be how quickly it can reach the public sphere.

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I think it might be the most logical thing to do. Not much different than sunshine in the sense that we are taking steps towards using simple and abundant natural substances.

Naturally, it will depend on the scale and efficiency. If the process returns nontoxic substances then it may be an important step towards cradle to cradle resource use. It's a step in the right direction. This would be the beginning of several similar technologies that could be used to turn the corner. Remember when I said a few months back that there might be some unforeseen advancements which may change the game? This might be one of them.

Fresh water would be a concern but I don't think saltwater is.

While Finite the sun has used up about half of its hydrogen fuel in the last 4.6 billion years, since its birth. It still has enough hydrogen to last about another 5 billion years.

There is a finite amount of water , freshwater , seawater it all is part of the same cycle and they way we chew through our resouces once we start using them as power sources kinda makes me concerned when i see people talk about using water as a power source.

I am a farmer since i have taken over the family farm i have seen the weather patterns change and there has been a reduction in the amount of average rainfall , I more than most am aware of the importance of our most precious natural resource.

I believe that wars will be fought over water sometime in the future.

I believe that Nuclear Fusion is the answer to our ever growing need for power , as i have stated many times i find it sad that we as a species can find Trillions of dollars for war yet we will only spend a fraction of that on trying to solve our energy problems.

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While Finite the sun has used up about half of its hydrogen fuel in the last 4.6 billion years, since its birth. It still has enough hydrogen to last about another 5 billion years.

There is a finite amount of water , freshwater , seawater it all is part of the same cycle and they way we chew through our resouces once we start using them as power sources kinda makes me concerned when i see people talk about using water as a power source.

I am a farmer since i have taken over the family farm i have seen the weather patterns change and there has been a reduction in the amount of average rainfall , I more than most am aware of the importance of our most precious natural resource.

I believe that wars will be fought over water sometime in the future.

I believe that Nuclear Fusion is the answer to our ever growing need for power , as i have stated many times i find it sad that we as a species can find Trillions of dollars for war yet we will only spend a fraction of that on trying to solve our energy problems.

I think the power grids of the future will be using a mix of Fusion, solar, wind and other clean energies. But yeah, Fusion is the game changer. Clean abundant cheap energy. Its no longer a question of IF it becomes available but WHEN. Hopefully we will all live to see it.

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I think the power grids of the future will be using a mix of Fusion, solar, wind and other clean energies. But yeah, Fusion is the game changer. Clean abundant cheap energy. Its no longer a question of IF it becomes available but WHEN. Hopefully we will all live to see it.

Even if i do not my son will see that day.

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That is a bad article.

Here is what the technology actually is: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/10/game-changer-us-navy-can-now-turn-seawater-jet-fue/

The tech is to retrieve CO2 and H from seawater and use further chemical process to produce jet fuel.

Thie article mentions that it currently twice the energy to produce a unit of jet fuel. Unless they have found a loophole in the laws of physics, this makes sense.

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