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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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People need to stop worrying about what's out of their control. People always complain about which player we should trade, who we should draft ect. What's the point? It's managements job so just enjoy the product you have. Fans will never be satisfied.

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People need to stop worrying about what's out of their control. People always complain about which player we should trade, who we should draft ect. What's the point? It's managements job so just enjoy the product you have. Fans will never be satisfied.

Don't mind people wanting to trade Kesler, that's fine, but don't make up rumours that you heard from a friend of the nephew that player X doesn't want to be a Canuck anymore, that kind of crap does get blown out of proportion and if believed by the gullible will cause a rift between said player and fans, people are human beings, and I'd like to think that players like that fact that we put our trust in them.

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As a fan and former season ticket holder.

Kesler needs to be traded to maximize return and potential growth for this team moving forward

No rumour.



As someone who has been a fan longer than most on here have been alive, I would like to think I know something about 'supporting my team' .

Wanting the team to try to make the playoffs every year in a vain attempt to go nowhere is not supporting your team. Its supporting your own entertainment. Gives you something to do. You dont want to be 'bored' because the Canucks are not playing.

29 teams lose the stanley cup each year. I am certain that I can speak for all Canuck nation when I say we know a thing or two about NOT winning the cup. We have been proficient at it for 43 years. Anyone who says they cheer every year for us to win the cup is in willful denial or is outright lying.

I can name 5 years in our history where I really thought we had a legitimate chance to win the cup. The rest was wishful thinking.

Those of us who want to trade players is not for spite. Not for 'turning' on the team. Not fairweather or bandwagon fans. We are doing it because its the best thing for the player and our franchise. Its a win/win.

The player gets to move to a team priming for a cup run. Happens all the time to very high profile players. We get the assets back for that player while they are still in their prime to help rebuild the franchise.

If you care about your team. Honestly care, you are willing to put up with non winning seasons and still find entertainment and joy with the team. I have no problems 'not winning the cup' as long as we are drafting in the top 5 moving towards a restocked team with high end talent.

'Real Fans' are in this for the long run. We are willing to be patient and make small sacrifices in the short term. :)

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People need to stop worrying about what's out of their control. People always complain about which player we should trade, who we should draft ect. What's the point? It's managements job so just enjoy the product you have. Fans will never be satisfied.

Then what's the point of having a forum? To cheerlead the team only?

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It's called DISCUSSION. What is the point of coming to a forum? It is used to DISCUSS topics. Stop being so arrogant and get that thumb out of your ass. If what people say on a Canuck forum bother you that much... Man I don't even know.


Yes, but don't talk about potential trades, or drafts, or who should play on what line, etc.... :rolleyes:

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Don't mind people wanting to trade Kesler, that's fine, but don't make up rumours that you heard from a friend of the nephew that player X doesn't want to be a Canuck anymore, that kind of crap does get blown out of proportion and if believed by the gullible will cause a rift between said player and fans, people are human beings, and I'd like to think that players like that fact that we put our trust in them.

What could possibly lead you to believe that any player on the team reads what's written on this forum?

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Get a grip,

Now agree, It pisses me off when they call Kesler selfish or washed up. How do you critisize someone for getting hurt too much? The media is guilty of this too.

However we are allowed to have an opinion, wether they should keep him or trade him away is a discussion worth having, it's going to influence the future of this team for possibly the next decade.

And we are allowed to complain as much as we want because this team has not won a cup, only teams with longer droughts are St Louis and Toronto (Who actually have a cup). In 2011 it was right there, up 2-0, then 3-2, then game 7 at home, WTF!! Now we're starting over?!! And St Loius atleast has the Cardinals and Rams with championships!!! Our plight is only felt by our expansion cousins.

Why is is wrong to criticize someone for being consistently injured? Sure it's not his fault but if your always injured at playoff time and often during the season then your ability to help the team is limited. When your talking about weather a player should be moved that's a valid point.

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What could possibly lead you to believe that any player on the team reads what's written on this forum?

They probably don't, maybe they do? One thing I know for sure, it's ignorant to assume they don't have a general inkling as to how the fanbase thinks of them, especially the loud vocal minority.

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What could possibly lead you to believe that any player on the team reads what's written on this forum?

'Coz buddy is an ex-mod...buddy must have some insight about the off-ice activities and interests of the players that the rest of us don't know. You know...he must have had some access to privileged information. Laughable at best.

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How can you say the Canucks franchise is the only franchise in all of sports that criticizes its players. EVERY franchise criticizes its players.

Point me again to where I said I'm against criticizing Kesler's play? If you can quote me on that it would be helpful.

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They probably don't, maybe they do? One thing I know for sure, it's ignorant to assume they don't have a general inkling as to how the fanbase thinks of them, especially the loud vocal minority.

Honestly, if they're that emotionally fragile and intellectually limited that they'd take anything they read on this forum seriously, they're in the wrong business.

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