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Luongo's best friend

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Done as a request.

Wow. I really wanted a Heritage Classic jacket with the V. Now,...I just think how that Heritage Classic event could have been something... different for everyone....instead of signalling a bitter & disconnected end between so many parties connected with the team.

Instead of an uber-grand celebration of our hockey heritage in VAN..., which very much included Lu,... it just resurrected feelings of the dark-ages & the disrepectful core-busting drama...that we witnessed from another cold-hearted sour-puss named, Mike Keenan. The crowd did its best to right the wrong, too ...no disrespect to Eddy. I know he understood why we Luuued when we saw Lu upon the big-screen,... or as the cameras panned the bench. All the blame was upon Torts,...win or lose. Torts couldnt risk any new-found unity,... when clearly he had his targets well-marked & knew who he was forcing-out...push or pull. Instead of a NO players left behind philosophy,..Torts' MO was the opposite of that. Gillis' complicity in this,...is why the fans really turned on him - too. I wish my memories of the Heritage Classic could be something other,...than this. Rushing Lack into a starter's role...was as ridiculous then, as it apparently is for Benning to contemplate, now.

I dont know if or when we will ever see another (Heritage Classic)...or get the chance at a do-over to erase the spectre of what happened....& that's a shame. :(

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