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Torts was right.


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I think there are 2 prevailing views, both predicated on how we view the future of the team.

1) Canucks are a good team . Torts came in and ruined the team. He tried to 'Ranger' the Canucks . He played the Sedins too much. He ignored the 4th line . He yelled at Edler too much. Etc etc......

2) He was brought in to win the Cup with the team Gillis gave him. He tried to squeeze blood from a stone. He put the best face on the team and it worked for a while. Injuries, age and lack of talent all converged to collapse the team and they never recovered.

Like most things in life, when you have two prevailing views, they are a combination of them both. In my view its half of both

1) He came in, tried to win a cup with a team not capable of winning a cup. His coaching method to accomplish it worked for a while but in the end made it worse.

He was the wrong coach for the teams personnel.

I don't fit in either of your simplified little boxes.

Torts made a lot of bad to questionable coaching decisions with a team lacking depth due to the three previous management regimes and the players simply ran out of gas or crumbled due to those two things.

Last year was always going to be a crapshoot before he even coached a game. We were either going to get lucky and have our paper thin depth of decent players squeek in to the playoffs and play a round...maybe two if they were REALLY lucky.


Everything including bad coaching and injuries would conspire against that paper thin depth to consume the season in a giant ball of fire and destruction.

We got the latter.

On a positive note, it got us Virtanen, an IMO superior management group, a (hopefully) refocused roster etc, etc. In the long run it may be a blessing in disguise we didn't scrape in to the playoffs only to get bounced in the first or second round with the same management, a low pick etc. The team's likely better off long term despite the initial sting.

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On a positive note, it got us Virtanen, an IMO superior management group, a (hopefully) refocused roster etc, etc. In the long run it may be a blessing in disguise we didn't scrape in to the playoffs only to get bounced in the first or second round with the same management, a low pick etc. The team's likely better off long term despite the initial sting.

Agreed. Another first round bounce would have been far worse for the team as a whole. Not only would change be subdued, but we may have tried (and wasted) another year with Torts.

(Edit - Love the sig, by the way. Foppa is one of my favourite players of all time.)

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I don't fit in either of your simplified little boxes.

Torts made a lot of bad to questionable coaching decisions with a team lacking depth due to the three previous management regimes and the players simply ran out of gas or crumbled due to those two things.

Last year was always going to be a crapshoot before he even coached a game. We were either going to get lucky and have our paper thin depth of decent players squeek in to the playoffs and play a round...maybe two if they were REALLY lucky.


Everything including bad coaching and injuries would conspire against that paper thin depth to consume the season in a giant ball of fire and destruction.

We got the latter.

On a positive note, it got us Virtanen, an IMO superior management group, a (hopefully) refocused roster etc, etc. In the long run it may be a blessing in disguise we didn't scrape in to the playoffs only to get bounced in the first or second round with the same management, a low pick etc. The team's likely better off long term despite the initial sting.

Then you didnt agree with the two prevailing views.

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One thing for sure that the Torts debacle helped this team with is focus. Last season was actually a blessing in disguise. Ever notice how rich people can't relate to poor people? They don't have the same problems, issues to deal with, adversity to overcome etc? It's as if life overall is handed to them on a silver platter and the worst thing that can happen to them on a daily basis is that they can't get into their favorite restaurant to eat. Well, that has been the Canucks for a while now...you win so much you forget the sting of defeat and begin to minimize it. Our 2 first round defeats after getting to within 1 win of the SC prove that we couldn't overcome that adversity. Then last year happened. Suddenly we weren't so "rich" anymore. Now we know what it's like to lose. These men are professional athletes...they know how to dig down deep and overcome adversity, now that we've lived it for an entire season I'm positive they won't want to be back there again. This season will be hard fought with blood and sweat pouring from every player. Thanks Torts, we needed that.

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