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2 hours ago, BaerOxHitman said:

Well I completed the campaign. I have to say, I am disappointed in the ending I came up with. I won't say much. But the replay value is minimal at best. The only quests I have left are for more settlements but I don't want more.

I've been reduced to looking up where to start side quests on the Wikia. I don't have any brotherhood or railroad quests left. I'm thinking about just starting a new character just because there isn't much left to do.

I have about 2 and a half days collectively invested in my game.

I feel like after I finish, I might start another one where I'm just a complete asshole for the fun of it. Choose all the negative responses to every chat.

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I found a weapons vendor named Cricket in the west side of Boston common. She is selling a machine gun called the Spray n Pray for around 1600 caps.

It's the best gun I've found so far. It does 39 damage plus 15 explosive damage for a total of 54 damage per bullet.

It has a 100 round drum mag, which basically means you can take out a group of raiders in one clip. It uses the most common ammo in the game, the .45 round.

I highly recommend buying this gun if you happen to find Cricket.

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I'm not a big fan of spray n pray weapons, so to buy a weapon that is literally called the "Spray n Pray" is a little bit of a turn off, lol. But if it's as good as you say, I'll keep on the lookout.

For some reason that name looks familiar, so I think I may have already run into her without buying anything. Also the most common ammo for me seems to be the .38, which is why I default to a souped up pipe pistol so I don't have to worry about shots taken.

With regards to gun names though, I have always kept the first 10mm gun you leave the vault with me since the beginning of the game. Modded it to specifically be a stealth weapon, so that it would have some function outside of the superior 10mm guns I find. Though to distinguish this first gun from all the others, and make sure I won't mix it up, I gave it a name. Called it "Old Faithful". Found out shortly after that there's actually a unique legendary weapon with that exact name that anyone can buy from Diamond City. Felt like an idiot, lol. 


I will say that my favourite gun I have found at all was something called a "Lucky" 10mm pistol. Don't remember from where I did, but it didn't take long for me to realize how effective it was. I stripped the most effective mods I could from other pistols and attached them to this one thing, to make a maxed out, Frankenstein gun. It's a legendary weapon, and its bonus is pretty amazing. 10mm pistols already give you like 6-7 shots on VATS to start off with. This one accumulates build on the critical meter 15% faster, which means it fills after 4-5 shots. And it's critical damage is doubled. It's almost always, Leg shot X4, head shot, death (on harder opponents that is, lots are dead before then.) I would use it near exclusively if 10mm ammo wasn't a little rarer than others.

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I was really struggling to enjoy this game until I re-rolled and went for pure melee based combat.

I now have nearly infinite caps from selling bullets and my sword doesn't degrade because of Bethesda's relentless removal of game mechanics.

Some of the perks in the agility and strength tree are super good.

Also using Idiot Savant is a really fast way to level up with some luck. You can turn in quests for 1000's of experience points.

I started with 10 strength, 9 agility, and 5 luck (for idiot savant) and I can toss aside Deathclaws like nothing and teleport ridiculous distances using VATS with the blitz perk.

I'm playing on very hard and having a ton of fun ignoring all this games clunky gun play.

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Also, I'm level 24 with only about 12 hours into this game so it appears idiot savant is due for a nerf? I plan on putting a bunch of perk points into intelligence to get the heavy armour upgrades after I'm happy enough with my perk loadout.

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53 minutes ago, g_bassi13 said:

I'm not a big fan of spray n pray weapons, so to buy a weapon that is literally called the "Spray n Pray" is a little bit of a turn off, lol. But if it's as good as you say, I'll keep on the lookout.

For some reason that name looks familiar, so I think I may have already run into her without buying anything. Also the most common ammo for me seems to be the .38, which is why I default to a souped up pipe pistol so I don't have to worry about shots taken.

With regards to gun names though, I have always kept the first 10mm gun you leave the vault with me since the beginning of the game. Modded it to specifically be a stealth weapon, so that it would have some function outside of the superior 10mm guns I find. Though to distinguish this first gun from all the others, and make sure I won't mix it up, I gave it a name. Called it "Old Faithful". Found out shortly after that there's actually a unique legendary weapon with that exact name that anyone can buy from Diamond City. Felt like an idiot, lol. 

It's only called that ironically, lol. It's a 2-3 shot kill against most enemies, and comes with a quick eject drum mag which holds 100 bullets.

It's funny cause I named my best sniper rifle Ol Faithful. I didn't know about the real Old Faithful though, lol.

The .38 is also very common which is why I keep a pipe-tier gun with me, though I rarely would use it. I'm currently holding over 2k .45 rounds and about 1.3k .38 rounds. I usually sell my .38 rounds since its a cap a bullet.

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I found the X-01 armour by sheer luck ::D

And I found another near by.

The first one had a head, torso, right arm and left leg, the other had head, torso, no arms but both legs. I moved the right leg from one to the other, but I'm still missing the left arm. I might just look up where to get it, it could have been near by and I just missed it.

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Found a big glitch.

I decided to start a new character. I got right at the end of the long as hell cutscene of when you're frozen, and as soon as I walk out, I can't move. I tried reloading a quick save, nope.

An hour wasted making a character and going through all those cutscenes 3 times for nothing. :l

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Idiot Savant is overpowered, You can level up a couple of times from a single quest. I had to re-roll after 78+ Hours on my first character; He was too weak to fight anything tough; Now, my character is back to being an ungodly sniper.


That f***ing settlement glitch was also reason to reboot, it would appear the only thing that triggers it is stores in settlements, so f*** getting those until its fixed.


My best weapon is easily my Sniper Rifle that fires 2 rounds at once, sneak attacks = GG.

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20 hours ago, BaerOxHitman said:

Found a big glitch.

I decided to start a new character. I got right at the end of the long as hell cutscene of when you're frozen, and as soon as I walk out, I can't move. I tried reloading a quick save, nope.

An hour wasted making a character and going through all those cutscenes 3 times for nothing. :l

Seems the solution to this is to simply power off your console or PC and restart it.

Wonder what does it.

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So I finally found Cricket again and bought the Spray N Pray as per BearOx's suggestion. It's OP as F. I only have one rank sunk into the automatic weapons perk, whereas I have 4 each sunk into pistols and one-shot rifles. And it may still be the most effective weapon I have. It's the best one for conventional combat without VATS, to be sure.

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5 hours ago, g_bassi13 said:

So I finally found Cricket again and bought the Spray N Pray as per BearOx's suggestion. It's OP as F. I only have one rank sunk into the automatic weapons perk, whereas I have 4 each sunk into pistols and one-shot rifles. And it may still be the most effective weapon I have. It's the best one for conventional combat without VATS, to be sure.

I just bought the gun from her an hour ago. So damn good.


I found her while doing the final story mission quest with the brotherhood. After I bought the gun, Liberty Prime blew her up...


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Sorry guys,I don't think the Spray N Pray will ever match my Two Shot Sniper Rifle; 174 Damage a shot, fires 2 bullets at the cost of one, also uses the .45 ammo type.


picked 'er up around level 10... I still haven't found anything that comes even remotely close and I'm now 49.

Maybe an Instigating Sniper Rifle, but other than that...



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13 hours ago, Nail3738 said:

Sorry guys,I don't think the Spray N Pray will ever match my Two Shot Sniper Rifle; 174 Damage a shot, fires 2 bullets at the cost of one, also uses the .45 ammo type.


picked 'er up around level 10... I still haven't found anything that comes even remotely close and I'm now 49.

Maybe an Instigating Sniper Rifle, but other than that...



I have that too. It's great for sneak attacks, but I'm a run n gun type guy. I like automatic weapons.

The Spray n Pray is almost obsolete around level 40

My all time favourite gun I've found is a sniper rifle that does double damage when the opponent has full health. Sneak attacks do 4x damage.

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After logging over 3 days worth of playing time, and getting up to level 39, I have restarted my file.

Played for about 5 hours last night with the idiot savant perk, only completing one mission, and have already gotten to level 11 and basically already have as good of armour as I did last time.

Also have more resources than I know what to do with, despite them being a struggle to find in my last file.

Definitely looking like a good idea so far.

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