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Mean Tweets to Female Sportcasters

Spotted Zebra

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2 hours ago, Spotted Zebra said:

I saw the title of this, and assumed that it would be like the Jimmy Kimmel skits, I was wrong. 



i thought exactly that. it even started off that way, but man did that get real, real fast. its true what they say that you need some thick skin to be in the media, but i find people are a lot more harsh towards women in sports media than men. the men get thier share of abuse but the number of men in the field to women isn't really a fair comparison, so it's hard to argue that women have a longer hill to climb being in sports media, even though there are more women in the field now than there were, say 20-30 years ago and earlier, but we're at a stage now where people are a lot more accepting-- but the ones in now are subject to those "x-top sexiest female sports journalists" that all of these media outlets do, so we haven't quite reached that same level of respect

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The reason my user name is gender neutral is because of this very thing. It's one thing to have someone disagree with your opinion, but to be attacked and berated because of your sex is quite another. This type of behaviour is not acceptable and neither is being racist or hateful in any other way.

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1 hour ago, One one two said:

What are you advocating - that these people be quieted? For good reason we don't have laws against meanness. And nothing is going to change by speaking lowly of them.


The burden really is on the sportscasters to not be bothered. These are the personal skills one is supposed to develop in middle school.

Basically, the people who make those sort of comments are nothing but bullies. So yeah, let's just accept the behavior and move on. Uh huh, right. In a time when bullying and it's effects on people is front and centre in the news, I find the comments of 'ignore it', 'accept it', 'move on' to be  rather appalling. Do you not read, watch or pay attention to the news?

Or is bullying just acceptable behavior to you? Either as the perpetrator or the recipient?

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22 minutes ago, Chip Kelly said:

This is more for both genders I feel but female reporters get it much worse especially if they are attractive as it is seen that is the main reason they got the job.

I think Erin Andrews would agree with this..but she at least had the balls to take on a hotel chain and win..

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49 minutes ago, otherwise said:

The reason my user name is gender neutral is because of this very thing. It's one thing to have someone disagree with your opinion, but to be attacked and berated because of your sex is quite another. This type of behaviour is not acceptable and neither is being racist or hateful in any other way.

Oh boy do I know this one first hand. Been there. Got the t-shirt.


My name is gender specific because I refuse to accept such behavior any longer.

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1 hour ago, Cerridwen said:

Basically, the people who make those sort of comments are nothing but bullies. So yeah, let's just accept the behavior and move on. Uh huh, right. In a time when bullying and it's effects on people is front and centre in the news, I find the comments of 'ignore it', 'accept it', 'move on' to be  rather appalling. Do you not read, watch or pay attention to the news?

Or is bullying just acceptable behavior to you? Either as the perpetrator or the recipient?

Bullying is a problem when you are twelve.

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Meh... this is pretty bad... The online environment is an interesting one though... When I'm playing PC games online and one of the players turns out to be a girl (can tell by voice communications, if they speak), all the guys start paying so much more attention to her.... Or stop slinging insults at her that they were slinging when they thought she was a guy... Which is exactly how the losers who wrote these tweets would act if they were face to face with one of these reporters. They'd change their tune so fast, and they'd act just like the guys who are reading these tweets. I feel bad for these reporters as individuals, but honestly the discrimination against men with the current radical feminist movement is worse. In general, I don't feel sorry for women. But please, let's not act like all women are angels and many men are pigs... Sexism can and is going both ways, when individuals don't deserve it, it sucks... But the reality is only women get media coverage portraying them as the victims.


PS: I do not in any way condone sexism... I denounce it. I also feel bad for these particular women, I just recognize it's a two way street.

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14 minutes ago, hatedkid666 said:

pretty sure guys get similar amount of hate

So an example of a guy being told that someone would like to 'hate rape' them, then?  Can't find one? Imagine that.




“We wouldn’t say it to their faces. So let’s not type it,”

Words to live by.

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25 minutes ago, Cerridwen said:

So an example of a guy being told that someone would like to 'hate rape' them, then?  Can't find one? Imagine that.

If you go back, you will notice that it was not 'hate rape'... Not that it makes it any better to be fair. Not the point I want to make, just providing the correction.



Roughly 40% of domestic abuse victims are men. I'm not going to bother to check the gender splits on the conviction rates of domestic abuse, I bet you much more than 60% of convictions are against men though. This is just one example of the way in which society is ignorant of abuse dealt by women. In many of these instances a man will be insulted for being abused, essentially insulted for not beating the crap out of the woman (which most likely he could do in retaliation), and his complaint ignored, or quite likely never even stated for fear of ridicule/insult.


Today's society is heaven for women to cry victim and to call men predators, the opposite is not true. That is not to say that women are not violated in a variety of ways, I'm not arguing that, I'm just highlighting the tendency of society to always believe and empathize with women, and to condemn men. In many cases these condemnations are factually inaccurate, such as the wage gap, supposed 'rape culture' on University/College campuses, the list does go on...


The reality is men also receive a lot of threats of physical harm online, from both men and women, but don't really receive threats of sexual harm, such as rape, because the public perception is that all men would somehow enjoy being raped by a women and that the threat of rape against a man wouldn't be a harming/scary threat. So yes, men don't receive rape threats, but women are far from the only victims of sexism and general online harassment. I am 100% certain that men receive far more online harassment in general than women, it's just less covered because it isn't sexual harassment/threats.


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Ahh grow up. There are a multitude of outs available to anyone who wants them. The block function takes literally two seconds to hit, if that doesn't satisfy your bloodlust report them. If it is "too much to handle" make your accounts private. For christ's sake I thought we were supposed to grow out of tattletaling by the age of five. We got grown adults going to media outlets with the equivalent of "Mommy, mommy, Jimmy called me a doodoohead!". Really though, why does anyone lend any weight to what some anonymous asshole you've never met and will never meet thinks of you or threatens to do to you. Are people really this weak nowadays?


Social media has rotted people's brain to the point where they need "likes" or "favourites" to feel good about themselves and that's why people give a $&!# about what the knob in Kalamazoo thinks of them.

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31 minutes ago, hatedkid666 said:

Im sorry but i find some of those tweets hilarious, and the delivery by the guys made it even funnier

I guess we know what side of the bullying line you're standing on as well, then.


If nothing else, this thread has flushed out the true colours of some of the posters on CDC.


16 minutes ago, Aircool said:

If you go back, you will notice that it was not 'hate rape'... Not that it makes it any better to be fair. Not the point I want to make, just providing the correction.




Oh sorry, silly me.... how could I possibly confuse or equate 'hate f**k with 'hate rape'. I'll skip the emoticon.

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6 minutes ago, jannik freaking hansen said:

Ahh grow up. There are a multitude of outs available to anyone who wants them. The block function takes literally two seconds to hit, if that doesn't satisfy your bloodlust report them. If it is "too much to handle" make your accounts private. For christ's sake I thought we were supposed to grow out of tattletaling by the age of five. We got grown adults going to media outlets with the equivalent of "Mommy, mommy, Jimmy called me a doodoohead!". Really though, why does anyone lend any weight to what some anonymous asshole you've never met and will never meet thinks of you or threatens to do to you. Are people really this weak nowadays?


Social media has rotted people's brain to the point where they need "likes" or "favourites" to feel good about themselves and that's why people give a $&!# about what the knob in Kalamazoo thinks of them.

Missed the whole point of the video as well.

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3 hours ago, Chip Kelly said:

This is more for both genders I feel but female reporters get it much worse especially if they are attractive as it is seen that is the main reason they got the job.

It feels like a vicious cycle

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