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Mafia: The Game [I Cuori Spezzati] - Nightfall Sunday at 11 PM PST

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1 hour ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

I don’t think that’s true. I think you are a tricky player, but I think certain players can pick up tendencies or ticks that they notice in your game and act accordingly. If we had a blueprint for everyone’s scum/TP game, mafia would be a lot easier.


For example, I think when you are scum, you like to spin and deflect narratives when players call you out and think they have weak cases against you. Which is why your “fake confidence” comments about me earlier stood out to me because instead of addressing me and my fake confident reads about you or others, you gave it a wave and instead panned to the thread for their opinions on me. Which is fine, and not necessarily a scummy thing to do on the service, but then if I couple it with your aggro response to falcon last night, the lack of scum hunting (which you have self-admitted to), and the emphasis on your time limitations as defense for yourself, and I think there is enough, for at least, me, to give you nice, proper, juicy scum lean.

I concur with this assessment, and will also give MR a certified, nice, proper, juicy scum read. 


Still probably not lynching him tomorrow because I said I wouldn't. We should go for a low poster imo. Too many players are completely coasting and they need to be culled (sorry for harshness). 

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4 minutes ago, Beluga Whale said:

I concur with this assessment, and will also give MR a certified, nice, proper, juicy scum read. 


Still probably not lynching him tomorrow because I said I wouldn't. We should go for a low poster imo. Too many players are completely coasting and they need to be culled (sorry for harshness). 

I am reluctantly inclined to agree with you about not lynching MR for this one round... my blind focus on lynching him last game is probably what cost us the game. 

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I started reading the thread last night and fell asleep midway through lol. I continued this afternoon but got sidetracked a few times. I’m all caught up now.



20 hours ago, J-23 said:

After reading through I got these on my scum list.


 - WW

- BW

- The Jazz


Theres that one post from WW that I didn’t like. Early in the thread.


Don't like that anon response post from BW.


The Jazz has just been meh. Not really helping at all tbh. Just posting.

I don’t like any of these reads. His play after this post was better though 

17 hours ago, Zfetch said:

Welly Wells post slightly hinting at a role gives off major scum vibes.


Like a "don't kill me, I'm gonna be vague and bs a little so you don't"


16 hours ago, Master Radishes said:

Subjective interpretation from past experience:


There's a number of higher-posting vets (BW, BJ, Aladeen, Zfetch, 112) and they can't seem to settle on who among them is cleared. This suggests there is definitely at least one among them who isn't. In games where they (speaking generally, not these specific players) are they tend to figure each other out pretty quickly.

So you think not all of them are TP?

6 hours ago, Beluga Whale said:

Tin-foil that I have to express: 


When I read this post I can't help but suspect that it comes from a wolf POV (with all the information). Idk, maybe this is me not understand town!MR's mindset, but I just find this to be a strange conclusion for an uninformed villager to make.


Someone else give their thoughts on this, please.

I don’t know if it necessarily comes from a scum perspective but it seems like an odd read to make for someone who hadn’t said much else at the time. If someone like you had said it, I wouldn’t really be suspicious of it, but I found it weird that MR decided to focus on that.

5 hours ago, Beluga Whale said:

GEP was way more involved in his last two games (as town). 

he explained why he’s less involved and also I think it’s a bit early to say this kind of stuff because a person’s activity could change drastically throughout the game 

4 hours ago, falcon45ca said:

He was pretty quiet for the first round last game, it took him a bit to get going 

This is true 

4 hours ago, falcon45ca said:

This comes across as special hunting IMO

Why would a TP be special hunting in the thread instead of in the mafia pm?

3 hours ago, J-23 said:

Where is the goat TL, liking posts but not commenting. 



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To the posters ripping on others for there lack of reads: this round of mafia is nearly impossible to “base read” other players due to AV’s posting conditions.


Previous posting habits will likely be affected by the host’s posting requirements and rules not allowing us to discuss those requirements in the thread make ferreting out the genuine from the false incredibly difficult.


Our best bet are the role-claims. I guarantee one or more of the role claims are bs. 112’s claim in my mind is especially strange. My vote stays on her for now.


May Aladeenis save us!

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3 minutes ago, Time Lord said:


he explained why he’s less involved and also I think it’s a bit early to say this kind of stuff because a person’s activity could change drastically throughout the game 



Fair I guess. But I mean, I don't have much to work with other than circumstantial things like that. 



I'm glad other people are seeing what I see with that MR post. That post made me so suspicious despite not being able to fully articulate why. 

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23 minutes ago, Beluga Whale said:

I concur with this assessment, and will also give MR a certified, nice, proper, juicy scum read. 


Still probably not lynching him tomorrow because I said I wouldn't. We should go for a low poster imo. Too many players are completely coasting and they need to be culled (sorry for harshness). 

Jazz, imo, then.

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7 minutes ago, Kryten said:

To the posters ripping on others for there lack of reads: this round of mafia is nearly impossible to “base read” other players due to AV’s posting conditions.


Previous posting habits will likely be affected by the host’s posting requirements and rules not allowing us to discuss those requirements in the thread make ferreting out the genuine from the false incredibly difficult.


Our best bet are the role-claims. I guarantee one or more of the role claims are bs. 112’s claim in my mind is especially strange. My vote stays on her for now.


May Aladeenis save us!

I understand the logic with coming out so as not to kill TP specials and have seen it done in TOS a few times, but the vast majority of the time the Veteran tries to get scum to target them.


That is the power of the role and telling scum that is your role loses all purpose of it.


The fact that she came out with it pretty much instantly is the reason I think she may be telling the truth and just made an error not thinking it through entirely.

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2 minutes ago, Beluga Whale said:

Yeah, he didn't have a great start. 


I would have a nice, proper, juicy lynch pool of:





MR (oh why not)


I think that is a good pool except for otherwise, she always plays like this. I would include lager instead as the hitman still doesn’t sound entirely townie. Not saying we should lynch him just that I can see more logic/info coming from his lynch than otherwise.

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