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Atheist Students Encourage Christians To Exchange Their Bibles For…Pornography


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Not just like - they don't have superstitions. But close enough for my likings. The way I see it, the belief in god has nothing to do with my view of religion. Their primary purpose (in just my opinion) is social control. The atheist groups that I see are all playing that game, albeit with the nominal motive of fighting the religious organisations doing the same thing. But by doing that, they employ some of the same tactics that bother me about the church/other religious groups in the first place. In that way they are like a religious organisation to me.

And one of my concerns is that once they become entrenched and have been around for a while, they will just be another player in the game.

I realise that this might not be a standard view, so I understand why you might disagree.

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Because they are religious.

Atheists are religious people to me, even outside the realm of silly man made religions, coming to a rigid conclusion about the possibility of a creator without any falsifiable evidence one way or another, from my view as an agnostic, makes atheists just as religious to me as religious people. Evidently atheists have trouble not falling into the religious pit of needing an answer even when the evidence, or lack thereof, leads one to logically, and honestly, answer that they don't know and cannot yet come to a conclusion. It also shows a defiant barrier to reason if/when evidence does arise, and does not favour the atheist conclusion.

I don't get why one needs to have such absolute answers to things they obviously don't know, nor do they have the ability to prove. Anyhow, while I know religions and their man-made deities are blatantly false, right now about whether or not there is a creator of all this.. I don't know that. I hope I find out some day, but given all the time that's passed without evidence one way or another I'm sceptical of finding out.

As for the approach to the school issue, I thought highly of those who pointed out the similarity of atheists congregating and a church congregation. I never did, and never would use school to push my agenda about what I think of a possible deity. But then again, even more so than when I graduated, universities these days seem far more oriented on behaviour than giving people the skills to communicate effectively and work. Utter waste of tuition money in most cases.

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Again, atheism has nothing in common beyond the one thing that defines atheism. We don't share the love of Jesus, hatred for homosexuals, and whatever other nonsense different denominations believe in in common. We can't be herded like Christians under a single banner. We're fundamentally not like religious people. The main theme to atheist discussions seem to be logic and critical thinking. You're claiming atheists will do exactly what they're fighting against by using the same tools to destroy as to manipulate. That's nonsensical, and if it was the case, would be extremely counter-productive.

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This is why we have words, and words are fun! Except when we don't use words properly, then we get into silly discussions because people fail to understand the words they are using. Allow me to explain.

There are four relevant words to this discussion, atheist and theist, and gnostic and agnostic. You seem to think they are degrees of the same thing, they are not.


You said you are an agnostic, however you expressed that you don't believe in god, making you also an atheist. Imagine that, you're an agnostic atheist. You are actually supporting my statement that atheists are entirely different aside from lack of belief in god. Some don't even know what "atheist" means. ;)

I, as an atheist, don't deny the possibility that there is a god. That's as far as I personally go, although I don't believe in one. Of course, I categorically deny Christian, Muslim, gods et al. As you can tell, we're not different in our beliefs at all. Funny, when you use proper words, things suddenly seem so simple!

Oh yeah, in regards to this being in school, this is university, not public school. Do you oppose all the other clubs in schools that aren't "math club"? Come on, college is where people learn about the real world, or at least begin to. At least unlike Christians, atheist clubs appeal to and promote reason, logic, etc. These things are invaluable. Unlike faith.

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As soon as they form organisations, they are herding themselves under one banner. WHich is exactly what I have a problem with.

If you think that simply being atheist and considering yourself a free thinker actually makes you one (in the general sense, not you personally), then just look at conspiracy theorists. Generally smart, non religious, and still failing on the critical thinking. As soon as a group gets to any size, it will take in a lot of those types of people. I've seen plenty of non rational atheists, and they loudly claim to be rational. It just takes a vocal minority to upset the balance of a group, as the squeaky wheels get greased. And then you get the opportunists who pander to the squeaky wheels to put themselves in a position of power.

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If it were a real lesson about the real world it would be a test for those with useless liberal arts degrees about getting into debt, if it were an exam, how do you think they did? Just by entering, fail. One doesn't need to go to college to learn about the real world, that's what grade school was for. I didn't get my business degree to learn about the real world, I got it because it was extremely useful learning how to run a business and manage others. Now I had to choose between people who went through college to get some obscure liberal arts degree or those who got a more useful skill set in engineering or accounting. I'd love to get into a long debate about how useless college is in most cases, but I don't want to completely derail the thread. I like the religious discussions, they're entertaining.

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